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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Friday, February 21, 2025

Garcinia - Health Benefits, Classification, Vernacular Names, Dosage & Ayurvedic Properties


Garcinia is a tropical plant and is native to India and Southeast Asia. It comprises more than 200 species that can be found throughout the world. One of the most common and known is Garcinia Cambogia, i.e. commonly named as malabar tamarind, and it possesses many therapeutic properties. This can be sold as a dietary supplement and is available in the form of powder or pills.

Garcinia, Classification, Vernacular names, Synonyms, Ayurvedic properties, Chemical composition, Benefits, Uses, Part used, Ayurvedic product, Planet Ayurveda product


Garcinia is a group of tropical trees and shrubs native to Asia and Africa. Its most well-known species is "Garcinia cambogia," which produces a small pumpkin-shaped fruit with a sour rind. The rind contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a chemical that has been studied for its appetite-regulating properties. This dietary supplement is marketed specifically to help people lose weight. Because of its tart flavour, the fruit is used as a condiment and food preservative in Asian cuisine.


  • Latin Name: Garcinia cambogia
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Malpighiales
  • Family: Clusiaceae
  • Genus: Garcinia


  • Sanskrit Name: Vrikshamla, Samagnicha
  • Hindi Name: Kokum, Amlaveta, Vishambila
  • English Name: Kokum butter tree, Red mango, Mangosteen oil tree
  • Bengali: Mahada
  • Malayalam: Punampuli
  • Tamil: Murgal, puli
  • Kashmiri Name: Titidika
  • Gujarti Name: Kokam, Birandel


Common Name Scientific Name/Species
Kokum Garcinia indica
Malabar tamarind Garcinia gummi-gutta
Mangosteen Garcinia mangostana
Yellow mangosteen Garcinia xanthochymus


The habitat of the Garcinia cambogia tree grows in tropical and subtropical regions with humid climates. Garcinia cambogia is native to the Western Ghats region of India. They are found in the evergreen forests of north-eastern India and Southeast Asia. These grow best in moist, fertile, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. A fertile loam soil type is preferred that provides nutrients and allows excess water to drain. These can be grown in shade or no shade. The cambogia species can be grown in flooded or water-clogged soil.


  • Garcinia cambogia is a medium-sized, evergreen tropical tree or shrub with distinctive leaves, flowers and fruits.
  • The leaves are dark green, shiny and oppositely arranged. The leaves are elliptic, oblongolate.
  • The flowers are polygamous, with cream sepals and pink petals that are borne in axillary or terminal clusters.
  • The colour of the petals is red or sometimes yellow.
  • The plant is dioecious, with male and female flowers borne separately on different plants.
  • The fruit is so sour and is generally not eaten raw. But the dried rinds of fruit are used in food preparation.


  • Rasa (taste): Amla (sour), and Madhura (sweet).
  • Guna (Physical Properties): Rooksha (Dryness), guru (Heavy to digest)
  • Vipaka (Post digestion effect): Amla (Sour)
  • Veerya (Potency): Ushna (Hot)


Garcinia cambogia contains organic acids, amino acids, benzophenones and xanthones. The primary chemical component of Garcinia is hydroxycitric acid. This is the main ingredient, and it is thought to be responsible for the weight loss and anti-inflammatory effects.

Leaves: Garcinia contains L-leucine, which may help maintain muscle bulk while encouraging weight loss by reducing the muscle damage that occurs during a calorie-restricting diet. All of this is due to the presence of the amino acid leucine, which promotes protein synthesis and muscle development.

Fruit: Garcinol, isogarcinol, and comboginol. These bioactive compounds are found in the fruit and are primarily recognized for their antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. They have the ability to inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis.

Rind: Hydroxycitric acid. This is found in the fruit's thick outer layer. HCA is an active ingredient that has been researched for its impact on appetite and obesity. This is commonly available in markets as an appetite suppressant. This essentially prevents the conversion of citric acid to acetyl-CoA, the first step in the fatty acid synthesis.

Seeds: Neutral lipids and glycolipids. Because of their high triglyceride content, neutral lipids are primarily used for energy storage, whereas glycolipids are important for cell membrane stability and recognition.


1. Promoting Weight Loss

Garcinia cambogia plays an important role in weight loss. It has been widely used as an anti-obesity or as a weight loss supplement since ages. This amazing benefit is due to the presence of an active compound, hydroxycitric acid. This prevents the fatty acid synthesis by blocking the synthesis of enzymes. Numerous studies have shown that HCA can reduce body weight gain, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Garcinia is also available in the market as capsules and powder. So, for those looking to lose weight, this could be the best supplement for them. Garcinia cambogia promotes fat oxidation (the breakdown of fat into energy). As a result, this may help to increase fat burning efficiency, but only when combined with regular exercise. This may reduce fat accumulation in the body, particularly around the stomach area. This can be extremely useful for preventing fat storage after meals, particularly those high in carbohydrates.

2. Cholesterol Levels Improvement

Many studies found that garcinia cambogia helps improve lipid profiles by reducing bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol. This can potentially lower the levels by inhibiting an enzyme called citrate lyase. Overall, this can be beneficial for cardiovascular health, and many people can be free from heart diseases.

3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

Improving insulin sensitivity refers to how efficiently the body's cells respond to insulin. When it is improved, the body can process glucose from the blood into cells for energy while also preventing hyperglycemia. Diabetics can use this to help control or manage their blood sugar levels. Also, restricting or reducing hunger and food cravings might indirectly contribute to more stable blood sugar levels. overeating or consuming foods that are high in sugar and refined carbs can spike the blood sugar. It is preferable to incorporate a healthy diet alongside herbal supplements.

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Garcinia cambogia has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of active components. For example, this may help modulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are proteins that cause inflammation. This works by inhibiting specific inflammatory pathways in the body and also helps to reduce overall inflammation, which may benefit conditions such as arthritis or disorders.

Parts Used

Fruit, seed, tender leaves.

Ayurvedic Product Of Planet Ayurveda

Garcinia, Classification, Vernacular names, Synonyms, Ayurvedic properties, Chemical composition, Benefits, Uses, Part used, Ayurvedic product, Planet Ayurveda product, Garcinia Capsules

Planet Ayurveda Garcinia Capsules

Planet Ayurveda Garcinia capsules are made with the standardised fruit extract of the plant Garcinia cambogia. In Ayurveda, it is termed Vrikshamla, which balances kapha and vata doshas. It has three tastes—sour, pungent, and astringent—that support protein metabolism. These capsules are specially designed to reduce the excess fat from the belly area. And it works wonderfully with dietary precautions.

Dosage: Take 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.


Garcinia is found in tropical areas and in suitable habitats. The fruit contains many bioactive compounds and plays a vital role towards health. Garcinia cambogia comprises several health benefits, as discussed above in the article. This is the best weight loss supplement if taken by obese people. As per the ayurvedic perspective, any herbal formulation only works well for the body if you resist eating habits and modify your lifestyle and dietary conditions. Garcinia can be consumed in the form of capsules or powder as well.

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