Friday, May 24, 2024

Kalmegh / Creat / Andrographis paniculata - Classification, Ayurvedic Properties and Dosage


Since the beginning of time, healing plants have served as a source of regional medication. Throughout the world, people frequently employ Andrographis paniculata, a potential therapeutic plant. The most common uses for this plant include the treatment of vital chilly, free entrails, fever from a few viral sources, jaundice, and as a liver and cardiovascular health tonic. Cytotoxic, anti-protozoan, reliving, antioxidant, immunostimulant, anti-diabetic, anti-infective, and anti-angiogenic effects of the plant's concentrate and pure mixtures have all been examined. Its effects on insecticidal and toxic actions have an impact on hepatic chemical management, hepato-renal defense, and the balance of sexual hormones. Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the diterpene lactone molecule andrographolide that was found in the methanolic portion of the plant A. paniculata was cleaned up. This study presents the current research on A. paniculata in terms of restorative use, phytochemistry, pharmacological activity, harmfulness profile, and beneficial usage in order to overcome any challenges that may necessitate future discovery prospects.


About two-thirds of the general population in several non-modern nations is thought to passionately rely on conventional specialist doctors and restorative plants to meet their specific clinical problem demands. Due to a number of issues with conventional medications, researchers are actively exploring a number of species that are focused on different plant species and their potential as potential drugs. To revive the current state of records, a complete composition of each species is required. Andrographis paniculata has been utilized for many years in Ayurvedic and Oriental medicine. The A. genus, which is part of the Acanthaceae family, has about 40 species. A selected few are well-known for being used in human medicine to treat a range of illnesses. The fragrant annual A. paniculata, sometimes called Kalmegh or King of Bitters.

Kalmegh, Creat, Andrographis paniculata, Classification, Ayurvedic Properties, Dosage, Morphology, Application Of Kalmegh, Benefits Of Kalmegh

Geographical Classification

Similar to peninsular India and Sri Lanka, this species is found in Southeast Asia, China, America, the West Indies, and Christmas Island. It is widely utilized because it fills effectively in a variety of soil types and has a strong restorative ability. The plant's airborne components and underground facilities have long been utilized as standard medication to treat a variety of illnesses in China, India, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Taxonomical Classification

  1. Kingdom - Plantae
  2. Sub-kingdom - Tracheophytes
  3. Division - Angiosperms
  4. Super Division - Spermatophyta
  5. Class - Dicotyledons
  6. Subclass - Gamopetalae
  7. Series - Bicarpellatae
  8. Order - Lamiales
  9. Family - Acanthaceae
  10. Sub-family - Acanthoideae
  11. Tribe - Justiciae
  12. Subtribe - Andrographideae
  13. Genus - Andrographis
  14. Species - paniculata

Synonyms Of Andrographis Paniculata

  • Bhunimba
  • Yavakharaphala
  • Yavatikta: Seeds are very bitter that's why the name is this.

Vernacular Or Regional Names

  • Sanskrit : Bhunimba, Kirata
  • English : King of Bitters or The Creat
  • Hindi : Charayetah, Kiryat, Mahatika
  • Gujarati : Kariyatu, Kiryata, Olikiriyat
  • Kannada : NelaBevu
  • Malayalam : Kiriyattu, Nala veppu
  • Tamil : Nelavembu, Shiratkuchi
  • Telugu : Nilavembu

Rasapanchaka Of The Plant

  • RASA (taste) - Katu (pungent)
  • GUNA (virtue) - Laghu (light), Tikshna (sharp)
  • VIRYA (potency) - Ushna (hot potency)
  • VIPAKA (post digestion) - Katu (pungent)
  • KARMA (action) - Kapha pitta shamak


Erect, feeble, glabrous shrubs or herbs that are 30 to 90 cm tall and have quadrangular stems Oval-lanceolate, acute, sessile or subsessible, 7.5*1.25-2 cm, narrow at both ends, leaves Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes and panicles are distant and rose-colored. The absence of bracteoles and lance-shaped bracts. linear-languid, glandular-pubescent sepals. Corolla with outer hairs; tube with minor enlargement below limb; upper lip with two teeth at apex; lower lop with three lobed grooves. Flattened filaments with hairy upper portions and bearded bases on the anthers Oblong, linear capsules with tapered ends Subquadrate, pitted-rugose seeds.


annual, erect, wild subshrub

Branchlets on the 4-gonous, branching, herbaceous, cylindrical, firm, green stem

Simple, opposite, decussate, linear-obovate, ex-stipulate, delicate, subsessile leaves with an acute apex and unicostate reticulate venation.

Panicle inflorescence with zigzag-shaped panicle branches

Complete, zygomorphic, bisexual flowers with five petals and two stamens that are exerted. The lower middle lobes are crested with purple lines and have a pink tint. The gynoecium is bicarpellary syncarpous with an axile placenta and a superior ovary.

Fruit: Capsules with a hook-like projection on the funicle of the seeds that are essentially beaked, compressed, oblong, and minutely hairy.

Chemical Constituents

The plant contains two crystalline alkaloids, including

  • Kalmeghin
  • Lactone
  • Andrographolide
  • Andrographide
  • Tannin, and
  • Volatile oil in small quantities


It inhabits a range of environments, including plains, hillsides, beaches, and disturbed and cultivated regions like farms and roadside riparian zones. South India and Sri Lanka are home to native populations of A. paniculata, which may serve as the species' nexus of origin and diversity.


The plant thrives best in a sunny area. May and June are the months in which the seeds are planted. The seedlings are 60 cm (24 in) away from one another and 30 cm (12 in) apart.

Identification Of The Plant

In damp, shaded settings, the plant develops into an upright herb that can grow as high as 30-110 cm (12-43 in). The thin stem has a square cross section and angles when wings are present. It has a dark green hue. The blades of the lance-shaped leaves are hairless.

Relation With The Doshas

Beyond immune support, Kalmegh has other advantages. A regular body temperature is maintained by the herb's ability to lower pitta and kapha in the head and chest, as well as to cut through thick phlegm brought on by an increase in kapha. Additionally, it supports the health of the sinuses, throat, and respiratory system. You can use doses even topically to quiet an overactive pitta. Pitta imbalances brought on by high levels of pitta in the blood and stagnant pitta in the liver (ranjaka pitta) are balanced by the bitter and cooling characteristics of kalmegh, which enhance liver function and encourage bile formation. In addition to activating agni, boosting hunger, promoting a healthy digestive tract and also helps in the treatment of digestive disease, kalmegh can burn and expel ama.

Kalmegh Recommended Dose

  1. 1-2 teaspoons of kalmegh juice, or as needed
  2. 1–2 teaspoons of kalmegh paste, or as needed
  3. 1 to 2 teaspoons of kalmegh powder, or as needed
  4. Decoction of kalmegh- 20 to 40 ml

Application Of Kalmegh

  • One is Kalmegh Juice - 2 teaspoons of Kalmegh juice should be taken. Combine it with 1 glass of water and consume it once daily, ideally prior to a meal.
  • Kalmegh Capsule - Take one or two Kalmegh capsules, Take it with water after your two daily meals.
  • Kalmegh Leaves - Take five to ten Kalmegh leaves, Use 3–4 black peppercorns to crush it, Use it to treat dysmenorrhea by taking it once a day for seven days.
  • Kalmegh Kwath - Scoop out half to one teaspoon of Kalmegh powder, Include 2 cups of water and boil until only 1/2 cup remains. It's Kamlegh Kwath here, Using this Kalmegh Kwath, take 3–4 ml.
  • The powder Kalmegh Churna - Take 1/4–1/2 teaspoon of the Kalmegh powder, Blend in 1–2 teaspoons of honey, Consume it once or twice daily after eating.

Home Remedies

  • Malaria: Kalamegha leaf juice and maricha (piper nigrum) powder are given internally to those who suffer from the disease.
  • Inflammation: Kalamegha leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and are used to treat inflammation. The leaves can be squeezed to produce extracts that can be administered internally to reduce mild inflammatory changes brought on by sports injuries. 50 to 100 leaves are needed to create the juice in order to achieve the best results.
  • The leaves are mixed with haridra (curcuma longa) and administered topically when there is a skin allergy.
  • A decoction made from the gathered leaves and stem bark is used to treat fever. Put two fistfuls of leaves in 200 ml of water to make a decoction. Use 100 cc twice daily, one hour before eating, for three days to see results quickly.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus are given 60-100 ml of a kwatha (decoction) produced from the entire plant when they have madhumeha.
  • Liver Disorders: In the event of any form of liver disease, kalamegha leaf decoction is taken orally. 25 leaves can be used to produce a decoction in 100 ml of water. 50 ml of a decoction, given twice a day, an hour before food, for six weeks, may be used to treat liver problems.

Benefits Of Kalmegh

  • Kalamegha, a bitter, febrifuge, stomachic, anthelmintic, bitter tonic, and antihistamine medicine, It is used to treat skin ailments, ascites, heart abnormalities, and allergy illnesses.
  • As a cholagogue and stimulator of liver activities, kalamegha primarily affects the liver. It is a blood purifier that is administered for illnesses brought on by blood impurities. Malaria and chronic fever are treated with a mixture of maricha churna and kalmegh plant powder. The medication is administered when ill, after a fever has subsided.
  • In medicine, kalamegha liquid extract is employed. Due to its bitterness, kalamegha is used in place of kiratatikta as well as being a kiratatikta adulterant.

Pharmacological Potential Of The Plant

1. Hepatoprotector

The traditional Indian medical system makes considerable use of the hepatoprotective and stimulatory properties of Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh). This plant's leaves provide an aqueous extract that has long been used to treat jaundice and a variety of liver conditions. About 26 distinct treatments, including Andrographis paniculata, are utilized in conventional Ayurveda therapy to treat liver diseases. The major ingredient in Andrographis paniculata, andrographolide, was discovered to be successful in reducing liver damage brought on by carbon tetrachloride. Additionally, andrographolide exhibits notable hepatoprotective activity against various forms of liver damage brought on by paracetamol or galactosamine, and it is more effective than the traditional antioxidant silymarin at preventing a drop in bile production brought on by paracetamol.

2. Immunological Potency

Recent studies suggested that Andrographis paniculata extract could potentially interfere with the human immunodeficiency virus's (HIV) ability to reproduce and suggested that Andrographis paniculata could be combined with current AIDS medications. The vital component of Andrographis paniculata, andrographolide, has the ability to disrupt or alter the virus's cellular signal transduction pathway, obstructing critical enzymes and viral multiplication. Two theories put Andrographis paniculata as an effective immune system activator. A nonspecific immune response, in which invaders were scavenged and killed by macrophage cells, followed the antigen-specific response, in which antibodies were produced to combat invading bacteria. Andrographis paniculata may be beneficial for a number of conditions because it triggers both reactions.

3. Anticancer Property

Several anticancer medications stop the growth of cancer cells by triggering apoptosis, necrosis, cell cycle arrest, or cell death. Others may entail immunomodulatory action, which turns on the body's own immune system to attack these cells. As they are more likely to prevent a wider spectrum of malignancies under a wide range of conditions, drugs that inhibit numerous procancer processes are of greater interest. Andrographolide has a good case for becoming a therapeutic anticancer pharmacophore because it has a twofold effect on cancer cells, acting both directly and indirectly.

4. Antimalarial Activity

There are still numerous tropical and subtropical nations where malaria is a common disease. It was discovered that Andrographis paniculata significantly reduced the growth of Plasmodium berghei, one of the parasites that spreads malaria. The reactivation of the essential antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase is thought to be the cause of andrographis' protective effects. Extracts from Andrographis paniculata efficiently kill filarials in dogs that block lymph channels and cause elephantiasis. Recent studies also noted that Andrographis paniculata has antimalarial properties that are effective against Plasmodium falciparum.

5. Cardiovascular Activity

In a rabbit model of atherosclerosis, andrographis increased nitric oxide, cyclic guanosine monophosphate, and the activity of superoxide dimutase while lowering lipid peroxide and endothelin levels. These findings pointed to the antioxidant capacity of Andrographis paniculata to preserve endothelial function, resulting in the preservation of the nitric oxide/endothelin ratio. In a different study, Andrographis paniculata was found to increase blood clotting time. As a result, pre- and post-treatment with Andrographis paniculata extract before angioplasty and after surgery significantly reduced blood vessel constriction, which decreased the risk of restenosis (the subsequent closing of blood vessels) after angioplasty procedures. The plant Andrographis paniculata has also been discovered to lessen the arterial narrowing brought on by damage to the blood vessel's inner lining and high dietary cholesterol.

6. Antivenom Activity

Mice that had been experimentally injected with rattlesnake venom showed a powerful neutralizing effect after receiving plant extracts of Andrographis paniculata and, in particular, purified fractions. In vitro testing showed that the isolated fractions were more successful at reducing rattlesnake venom toxicity than in vivo testing.


From the entire review, it is clear that Andrographis paniculata is a significant medicinal herb. This plant has numerous chemical components that are active and have defined pharmacological effects. The results of the studies make it clear that Andrographis paniculata has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-angiogenesis, anti-malarial, anti-venom, and antibacterial activities. Therefore, Kalmegh / Andrographis paniculata herb has medicinal benefits in conventional medicine.

Herbal Remedies for Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death among men. Like all cancers it can metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). It is Asymptomatic means no symptoms of cancer in prostate gland, part of male reproductive system that produces seminal fluid which protects and carries sperm. It is treatable even at an advanced stage of the Cancer by various therapies, but leaving various side effects behind it. In Ayurvedic, Arbuda (cancer) is treated by balancing Vata and Kapha dosha with herbal plants, without any side effects. PLANET AYURVEDA, leading an Ayurvedic company formulates different kinds of herbal products in PROSTA-CRAB CARE PACK to manage Prostate cancer and strengthen the body.

Prostate Cancer, Types Of Prostate Cancer, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Ayurvedic Management


Cancer is a worldwide health issue that can originate in nearly any organ or tissue when aberrant cells proliferate out of control and spread to other parts of the body. This process is called metastasizing and is the primary cause of cancer-related death. Worldwide, cancer is the second most common cause of death. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer found in men after lung cancer. Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the prostate. Prostate gland is in the male reproductive system. It just lies below the bladder (the organ that collects and empties urine) and in the front of the rectum (the lower part of the intestine). It is about the size of a walnut. The prostate gland makes fluid that is part of the semen.


  1. Adenocarcinoma: Tumor arises from glandular tissue.
  2. Leiomyosarcoma: Malignant tumor of smooth muscle cells of utreus, pelvic.
  3. Rhabdomyosarcoma: Tumor arises from a cell called a "rhabdomyoblast", which is a primitive muscle cell.


The causes of the Prostate cancer are not yet clear, but following factors lead to prostate cancer:

  • Mutations: All of the body's cells have inherited gene mutations that affect certain people. Prostate cancer may rise as a result of certain gene alterations. Prostate cancer may be linked to some inherited gene mutations. Men with Lynch syndrome, BRCA1 or BRCA2, PALB2, CHEK2 etc., may be to blame for raising the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Genetics: Prostate cancer can be genetic. If prostate cancer is in the family generations then chances are more to arise.
  • Age: Men over 65.
  • Racial Background: Natives of Africans and Americans regions have high incidence as compared to other regions.
  • Lifestyle: Smoking, Alcohol consumption, Obesity, lack of exercise.


  • Weak urinary stream
  • Frequent or urgent urination, especially at night
  • Blood in urine and semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Pain or stiffness in lower back, hips or upper thighs
  • Difficulty starting or stopping the urinary stream


  • Direct Rectal Examination (DRE): Rectum examination using lubricated gloved fingers into a lower part of the rectum and feel the prostate for lumps and anything else that feels unusual.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen Testing: A prostate specific antigen (PSA) test measures the PSA level in the blood. Increased levels of PSA in blood indicates prostate cancer.
  • Prostate Cancer Gene 3 (PCA3) RNA Test: PCA3 RNA test in the urine is done after DRE.
  • Imaging Test: MRI, CT scan, Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS), Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Lymph Node Biopsy


  1. Watchful waiting and Active Surveillance treatment used for the older person whose found prostate cancer in a screening test.
  2. Surgery
  3. Surgery Mode of Action Side Effects
    Radical prostatectomy To remove prostate, surrounding tissues, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes.
    • Urinary tract infections
    • Urinary incontinence
    Pelvic lymphadenectomy Remove lymph nodes from pelvic and examine under microscope for tumor cells
    • Deep vein thrombosis
    • Pain in the lower abdomen
    Transurethral resection of the prostate Tissue removed from prostate using resectoscope inserted through the urethra
    • Impotence
    • Inguinal hernia
    • Penis shortening
    Radiation therapy Using high energy X-rays and other radioactive radiations to kill tumor cells
    • High risk of bladder and gastrointestinal cancer
    • Urinary problems
    Hormone therapy Removes hormones or blocks their actions (Androgens, testosterone, Estrogens) and stops cancer cells from growing
    • Hot flashes
    • Impaired sexual functions
    • Weakened bones
    Chemotherapy Drugs entered into the blood stream via mouth, injected into blood or muscle to kill tumor cells
    • Hair loss
    • Risk of Infection
    • Appetite
    Immunotherapy Small molecules drugs and Monoclonal Antibodies used to target particular protein
    • Cancer cells become resistant
    • Fatigue
    • High blood pressure


According to Ayurvedic theory, each individual has a unique combination of bioenergetics principles called Doshas. There are three doshas i.e. tridoshas and each represent distinct physiologic process: vata or air (principle of movement, nervous system), pitta or fire (principle of metabolism, venous system), kapha or water (principle of structure, arterial system). Samprapti (Pathogenesis) in Ayurveda is explained on the basis of Tridosha. Cancer originates due to metabolic crisis i.e. increases in aggravation of vata and decreases in kapha forces, when both interact with one another resulting in proliferation. All used conventional ideas, like the tridosha theory, the sapta dhatu (seven body tissues), and agni (metabolic strength) to frame the pathophysiology of cancer.


Planet Ayurveda is a reliable supplier of Ayurvedic medicines and herbal medicines with a GMP accreditation in India. It is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of Ayurvedic drugs globally. Every product is 100% herbal without adding any harsh chemicals such as preservatives, additives, starch and parabens.Planet Ayurveda formulates a unique and complete herbal solution "Prosta-Crab Care Pack" to treat Prostate cancer without any side effects. There are eight distinct products in Prosta-Crab Care Pack which are very effective in Prostate cancer. These products are 100% pure, herbal with no added preservatives or additives. These Products are very effective in Prostate cancer without leaving any harmful effect on the body.These products are following:


  1. Kanchnaar Guggul
  2. Ashwagandha Capsules
  3. Shilajit Capsules
  4. Boswellia-Curcumin Capsules
  5. Moringa Capsules
  6. Varunadi Vati Tablets
  7. Prostate Support Tablets
  8. Prostat Endza Capsules
Prostate Cancer, Types Of Prostate Cancer, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Ayurvedic Management


1. Kanchnaar Guggul

A poly herbal tablets formulated by 10 herbs such as kanchnaar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Varuna Bark (Crataeva religiosa) and many more. It's composed of four medicinal herbs in a specific concentration to ease out the effects of each other. These tablets are especially designed to manage Arbuda (tumor), Kshyabhna (Anti tubercular property), Pittaghna (pacify Pitta dosha) and Kapha-Pitta dosha. It also reduces the negative effect caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy which are typically used to treat cancer and immunological stimulant properties. Compounds found in these herbal plants reduce the cell's proliferation and show Anticancer and Anti mutagenic properties.

Dosage : 1-2 Tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha capsules are solely formulated from a medicinal herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). This plant contains Withanolides phytochemicals which are cytotoxic to tumor cells and possess immunomodulatory and neuroprotective, anti metastatic, anti proliferative properties. These tablets also help to reduce the proliferation of prostate cancer to downregulate androgen synthesis used as an alternative of hormonal therapy. It balances the vata and kapha doshas.

Dosage : 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

3. Shilajit Capsules

Shilajit capsules are single herbal formulation products using potent herb Shilajit (Asphaltum). Humic acid and Fulvic Acid is the chief compound found in the shilajit that have cured many diseases and to accelerate the process of rejuvenation (Rasayana). It also helps in the destruction of cancerous cells and increases the level of testosterone. These tablets are prescribed to treat genitourinary disorder.

Dosage : 2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water or milk after meals.

4. Boswellia-Curcumin Capsules

Boswellia-Curcumin Capsules have 2 unique herbal combinations of Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (curcuma longa). This is a unique formulation which balances all doshas. These tablets have Anti-inflammatory (Shothahar), Immunomodulatory (activate or suppress immune response), Anti proliferative, Anti-metastatic properties. It also regulates cell damage and cell cycle arrest to reduce the formation of tumors by deactivating or blocking the receptor of the target protein.

Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water.

5. Moringa Capsules

Moringa tablets are composed of only 1 herbal extract of Moringa (Moringa oleifera). These tablets balance the Vata and kapha doshas. These tablets have potential Anticancer cells, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells leads to apoptosis in the prostate gland.

Dosage : 1-2 capsules once or twice daily.

6. Varunadi Vati

A Varunadi vati tablet is a poly herbal Tablets consists of four herbs i.e. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) and Shuddha Guggul (Commiphora mukul). This is a 100% herbal tablet with no added binders, preservative and additives. These tablets are having various phytochemical compounds such as Ursolic acid, Catechin, Beta-sitosterol and many more. These tablets have potential activity of anti cancer, Anti inflammatory (Sothhar), Chemo-preventive agents, Immuno modulatory properties.

Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

7. Prosta Support Tablets

Prosta Support tablets is a poly herbal tablets consists of 5 medicinal herbs i.e. Saralghan (Pinus roxburghii), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegata) and many more. This is a 100% herbal tablet without leaving any side effects on the body. These tablets contain various phytochemicals such as Pinene, Abietic Acid, Quercetin, Resins and many more that act on tumor cells and reduce cell proliferation. These tablets are used as the replacement of the current therapy such as chemotherapy.

Dosage : 1-2 tablets once or twice daily.

8. Prostate Endza Capsules

Prostate Endza Capsules is a Poly herbal capsule consisting of 4 medicinal herbs such as Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Varuna (Crateva religiosa) and many more. This is a 100% herbal formulation for the treatment of Prostate cancer in ayurveda. It balances all doshas. These tablets contain various phytochemical compounds Resins that are used to treat Prostate cancer. These tablets have Anti- Anti-inflammatory (Shothahar), Anti Proliferation, Anti tumor and chemo preventive Agents.

Dosage : 1-2 capsules once or twice daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Prostate Cancer is the second most common type of cancer in males. Although Modern Science faces problems to find the Causative agent of Cancer and their treatment, that leads to other serious problems. But, Ayurveda understands the root problem of the disease and finds the solution naturally by balancing the dosha naturally with the help of medicinal herbs. PLANET AYURVEDA provides a complete Herbal treatment in the form of PROSTA CRAB CARE PACK.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ginger / Zingiber officinale - Nutritive Content, Uses & Health Benefits


One of the oldest spices, with a distinctive invigorating aroma and juicy flavor. India has the highest production of ginger. According to data for 2022, Madhya Pradesh, India, is the largest producer of ginger. Following this, the important growing states are Karnataka, Assam, and Himachal Pradesh. Other ginger-producing countries include Brazil, China, Japan, and the West Indies. Because of its main bioactive compound, GINGEROL, it has numerous taste-enhancing properties. And this is the primary seasoning ingredient for spice material in a typical daily diet. Ginger has traditionally been used as a medicine. Ginger paste, also known as liquid ginger, is commonly used to flavour foods. Cold drinks, soft drinks, alcohol, and some Ayurvedic syrups are also examples of beverages that contain it. Fresh and dried ginger have different applications. Fresh ginger can be used to make tea or "Kadhas" during the winter. Some housewives prepare or preserve raw ginger as ground powder for future use. It is known as "Sonth powder" in Hindi. This also functions as a medicinal spice.


Ginger is from the Zingiberaceae family, which originated in Southeast Asia. This is one of the most important spices in India. This is obtained from underground stems known as rhizomes. It has a stem that is approximately 12 inches long, narrow, and ribbed, with green leaves and yellowish green flowers. Ginger varieties vary in size, fiber, rhizome moisture content, and yield. Ginger thrives in a warm, humid climate. It needs moderate rainfall from spreading to germination.

Ginger, Zingiber officinale, Nutritive Content of Ginger, Health Benefits of Ginger, Uses, Taste of ginger, Properties Of Ginger

Taste Of Ginger

Its powerful, exotic roots enhance the flavour of the fruit. It has a mildly spicy or peppery flavour and a refreshing aroma. Ginger tastes spicy because of the chemical constituents present- gingerol. This is a specific compound that creates a hot sensation. If we talk about the young ginger, it is very juicy and has a melodious kind of flavour. It is said that the growing conditions of ginger can also affect the odour, taste, and flavour; sometimes it is more bitter than others.

Nutritive Content Of Ginger

Ginger is basically known for being the best antioxidant. It generally does not have any protein or crude fibre content. Vitamin C and Beta- carotene are the main sources. At a certain percentage, it consist of carbohydrates, ashes, crude protein and crude fibre content, In dried ginger , a slightly higher moisture content was found


Zinc, manganese, iron, Cu, Ca, and phosphorus are present in good amounts, as some researchers have researched.

Bioactive Constituents

Ginger is composed of a huge amount of active compounds, such as phenolics - major Gimgerols, shogaols, and parasols. terpene compounds include Zingiberene, bisbolene, farnesene, and curcumene.

Components Including Fresh And Dried Ginger Is Shown In The Table Given Below

Fresh Ginger Dried Ginger
Gingerols are highly active in fresh ginger With heat and dry treatment for lomg time storage, gingerols can be transformed into shagaols
Polyphenols present are- 6- gingerol, 8- gingerol and 10- gingerol And is responsible for the taste and flavour of dried ginger
There are so many benefits to eating fresh ginger:
  • Fight with germs, which support our immune system
  • Good breathing also keeps mouth healthy
  • Ease the pain of periods and arthritis
  • It also lowers blood glucose levels
Dried ginger is taken in liquid form mostly as Kadhas, and it can also be taken in powdered form as Churans due to its antioxidant and healing nature. This helps in;
  • Digestion
  • A healthy respiratory system (cold and cough)
  • Joint health

Properties Of Ginger

Ginger is used as a good antioxidant. Due to its bioactive properties, this helps in the removal of toxins from the body through secretions. It stimulates blood circulation and cleanses the colon from diseases like bowel syndrome and some kidney disorders. Ginger is safe to eat daily at a certain quantity of around 3-5 grams.

1. Common Cold & Cough

The rhinovirus, commonly called the common cold, is a disease that is common in society. Although many people suffer from the common cold,. It keeps our body inactive and slows down the activities of our nervous and respiratory functions. Ginger is served as an active ingredient here. It can be consumed in the form of tea, kadha, or honey and lemon during these conditions. This is the cheapest way to cure the disease at home, rather than consult with a doctor. But if your cold is extending from weeks to months, one must discuss this with the doctor. It helps in producing antibodies and fighting against antigens. And keep your inner body warm during the winter. Everyone is used to drinking ginger tea in the winter.

2. Antimicrobial & Antibacterial Infections

The essential oil compounds present in ginger help fight against microbes and bacteria as well. This herb helps in inhibiting the growth of a multidrug- resistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa through biofilm formation. This helps in making the cell wall as well as the cytoplasmic membrane, which is more permeable and induces the loss of membrane integrity in fungi.

The essential oil present in ginger shows antifungal properties against Aspergillus flavus and restricts the expression of some dominant genes. Fresh ginger was found to inhibit plaque formation in the human respiratory system. This was effective in blocking viral attachment and internalisation. This is how ginger has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

3. The best Antioxidant

The higher antioxidant properties of dried and fresh ginger are due to its bioactive compounds, like shogaols, which occur naturally during the drying process. Studies found that this dried ginger is rich in shogaol as compared to fresh ginger. These bioactive molecules help in managing free radicals( compounds that damage cells when their numbers grow too high).

A recent study proved that sun dried ginger is good to consume and has higher levels of antioxidant compounds.

One can use the ginger powder to make pinni during the winter. This pinni is made with "sonth powder" and fine dry fruits, which keep the body warm and prevent cold and Dry ginger can also be consumed with veggies One can make a paste and pour it into the food while making it. Ginger tea, or ginger water, is best used at home. Soak the ginger in water overnight, and in the morning, boil the water. When it cools down, take it with honey on an empty stomach. This can secrete many toxins from the blood and also help in purification. It is a very useful drink after a workout. It can sweat the body and release sweat from the skin. These are some easy and healthy ways to intake ginger. And serve as good antioxidants.

4. Benefits In Digestion

This spice is a popular home remedy for gastric issues such as constipation, bloating, dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcers, and indigestion. Ginger constituents have been reported to stimulate digestion and nutrient absorption, thereby relieving constipation. Ginger stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes like pancreatic lipase and amylase. Ginger contains terpene compounds such as zingiberene and alpha-curcumene, which have been shown to help with nausea and vomiting, IBS, and fatty liver disease.

Many people dislike eating ginger because of its distinct aroma and pungent odour. This results in an odd and unappealing flavour. Gingerol, a naturally occurring component of ginger root, is beneficial for gastrointestinal disorders. Eating raw ginger improves digestion, reducing the amount of time food spends in your gut and relieving nausea. This can help with constipation or an upset stomach. For a healthy and clean stomach, eat a slice of ginger before each meal.

5. Immune System Booster

A case study demonstrates that ginger can be beneficial for smokers. Cigarette smoke is known to contain toxic and carcinogenic compounds that affect nearly all systems in the body, increasing the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Many studies have shown that smokers experience a sudden increase in body cells during inflammation, such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, and others.

There are a lot of herbs. Natural foods, nutrients, and supplements can also help boost the immune system. Thus, ginger, as an aqueous extract, can be consumed naturally and counteracts the negative effects of smoking on the immune system and thyroid hormones. Ginger consumption on a daily basis boosts the immune system and fights chronic diseases such as colds.

Ayurveda clearly explains ginger's role as an immune booster. Ginger is known as Aadrak in Sanskrit. Rasayanas are potent Ayurvedic herbs for immunity building that help strengthen and repair all of the body's dhatus. A long inch of sliced ginger with a pinch of salt (rock) before a meal improves taste and appetite, aids in the elimination of antigens from the body, and activates the immune system.


Adrak/Ginger/Zingiber officinale, a popular spiced herb, can be found in almost every kitchen. This herb has many anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that protect against disease. Its main bioactive constituents made them effective at inhibiting all foreign substances in the body. Ginger can be consumed in a variety of ways, including tea, syrup, and incorporated into food to enhance its flavor. The ultimate ginger paste is both beneficial and easy to consume. Many people refuse to consume it due to its strong aroma. Aside from these applications, ginger is used in therapeutics and the food industry. Tons of ginger are grown in many places, and the rhizome is consumed because of the presence of gingerol. This has numerous effects on smokers as well. These are the main benefits of ginger. Consuming too much ginger can be fatal. This can lead to bleeding, nausea, and stomach upset. Consume 4 grams of ginger per day accordingly. Or it may not be appropriate for some people; that is an exception. Although it is an epic underground stem fruit with quantifiable anti-disease properties.