Women are considered more attached to things than men. One of such things is the great ecological system. Yes, women are directly connected to the ecological system. The ecological system and women share great similarities like giving birth, being tolerant, the process of giving or providing loved ones with whatever they want and being selfless. But mostly the both, the woman and the ecological system are exploited for the similarities they share. But the question is who does that? Who is responsible for this exploitation and why? The true answer to this question is mentioned later in this article. This article is about Ecological feminism or ecofeminism and how it's related to Ayurveda.

Ecological feminism or ecofeminism is a term coined by French feminist Francoise d'Eaubonne in 1974. Ecofeminism uses basic feminist tenets of equality of the genders and also revaluing of non patriarchal or non linear structures. The Ecofeminists examine the effect of gender categories to demonstrate the domination of social norms which are being exerted on women and nature only. The term ecological feminism is given due to the impressive relationship women and nature shares. It's true that women are more close to the ecosystem and value it more than other genders. Environmental changes have different impacts on different genders. Using a gender specific approach for investigating the dynamic relationship between gender equality and environmental changes is the best way to establish complex linkages in a simple way. It also impacts the sustainability and realisation of women's rights and empowerment.
Yes, it's a complex and peculiar thing to understand. But the ideology of this topic is quite deep and needs a detailed understanding. This article will surely help you to establish the correct linkages between feminine gender and ecological system and how with the help of nature provided things the feminine gender can bloom.
The Linkage – Ecological System And Feminism
The linkage bridge of feminism and ecological system starts from the domination both have faced and till now are facing. The patriarchal society and its norms have declared their relation with one another as oppressive. The rules are set: Biology is destiny, superiority of males is natural, a woman must work for one thing that is reproduction not production, a female womb is the site of hysteria, the inferiority in the bodily strength is the sign of mental incapacity as well. Being a woman means being "immanent". On the other hand being a man means "transcendence". This illogical set of differences between men and women is the exact patriarchal society is. Patriarchal societies not only have their dominance on women but also on nature. Women are used by male dominant society for their personal benefits and natural resources are exploited by the same male dominant society for their personal well being. That is the core point from where female and nature gained their connection.
In Ayurveda there are some clear mentions of herbs which are exclusively for women's health. From here we get the idea how even nature adores the relationship between itself and a female.
There are many herbs which are known to ease the problems women face. Even problems like infertility can also be resolved using natural herbs or formulations prepared by these herbs. Some herbs like shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), red rosemary leaf (it's called as woman's herb), brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Ashok (Saraca asoca), Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and many others are exclusively for women health.
Obviously the ecological system and women are connected, that's why they share the common feminine gender. As mentioned before both have responsibility to take care, to give birth, to cherish and this affiliation of women with nature puts important responsibility on the shoulders of women who take care of the planet. As the logic of being dominated is clear both women and nature must be allies in the struggle to resist the dominance by the man dominated societies.
This concept needs much deeper thoughts and understanding, about the connection between women and the ecological system. They both are allies because of the dominance and exploitation they have faced from the patriarchal societies.
Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda For Feminine Health
Planet Ayurveda is a leading herbal products manufacturing company. The company has been in the market for more than 20 years and the products are having a good impact in various conditions. Though healthy people can also take herbal supplements by Planet Ayurveda to maintain their entire health. In the above article you have read about the correlation of a female and ecological system and why the term ecofeminism or Ecological Feminism has been coined. As females have established direct relation with nature thus formulation prepared with natural ingredients are best to maintain their health, hormones, peace of mind and reproductive health as well. So, following are the formulations by Planet ayurveda which can be used in maintenance of women health:
Products List
- Female Health Support
- Shatavari Capsules
- Ashokarisht
- Dashmularisht
Products Description
1. Female Health Support
Female health support are the patent capsules by Planet Ayurveda which are specifically manufactured to protect feminine health. The product has three ingredients ashoka (Saraca asoka), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and lodhra (Symplocos racemosa). The female health support helps in all types of female reproductive health related disorders and also help in enhancement of fertility. These capsules help in the balancing of female hormones and also are totally free from any type of additives, adulterants, fillers, preservatives, flavouring agents etc. The female health support capsules can be given at any age and are beneficial for reproductive females as well as menopausal females.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
2. Shatavari Capsules
Shatavari Capsules are prepared with the standardised extract of shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). The product is having a brilliant effect even with this single constituent. Shatavari is known to have an impressive effect on a woman's body. The formulation helps in the anulomana or pacification of vata dosha and balances thermal energy of the body as well. The shatavari is known to have a nourishing impact on the entire body and also has an impact on various disorders which are related to female reproductive health. Shatavari has antioxidant effects as well. It can be taken by reproductive females, lactating females and by menopausal females as well. Shatavari has an effect on improving the entire immune system.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
3. Ashokarisht
Ashokarisht is an impressive classical formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda. Ashokarisht has ingredients like Ashoka (Saraca asoca), Dhataki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa), Krishan Jeerak (Carum Carvia), Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus), Sonth (Zingiber officinale) and many others. The ashokarisht is known to stabilise the female hormones and also help in eliminating toxins from the body. The arisht are the liquid formulations which are prepared by the process of fermentation. Ashokarisht also helps in pacification of vata dosha and can be taken by any female of any age. The ashokarisht also has an impact on hormones and stabilises them.
Dosage: Two tsp twice a day after meals with equal amounts of lukewarm water.
4. Dashmularisht
Dashmularisht is also a classical formulation which is also prepared by Planet Ayurveda. Dashmula here means roots of ten herbs, which are being used along with other ingredients in the preparation of this formulation. The dashmularisht has ingredients like Bilva (Aegle marmelos), sonapatha (Oroxylum indicum), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), Patola (Stereospemum suaveolens), Agnimanth (Premna integrifolia) and many others. The formulation also has a very positive impact on the female body as well and helps in pacification of vata dosha in the body. Dashmularisht is a general health tonic and is really helpful in relieving flatulence and also has a carminative effect.
Dosage: Two tsp twice a day after meals with equal amounts of lukewarm water.
Ecological feminism or Ecofeminism is a very vast topic and needs a deep understanding of how a gender can be connected with each other. Though when we don't know about things they seem quite odd to us but once in a while we need to think out of the box and accept that there are things which are more meaningful and need more understanding than just being stiff about things. Yes, there are things which need deep connection to understand them completely. That's what the above topic was about a well established connection between female and nature which needs more understanding by the patriarchal society. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com
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