The wellness of the body depends on the wellness of a variety of internal mechanisms. There are a number of internal functions going on round the clock. One such functioning mechanism is that of hormones. There are a variety of hormones secreted by various endocrine glands that regulate different systems of the body. One such endocrine gland is the adrenal glands. The proper functioning of which plays a major role in normal functioning of the body while any abnormality related to it can disturb various bodily mechanisms. This may result in a diseased state. One such abnormal condition is hyperaldosteronism. What is hyperaldosteronism? What is its ayurvedic perspective? Let us learn about this condition in detail along with its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, management, etc. through the following article.

The term hyperaldosteronism refers to the excessive amount of a hormone namely aldosterone. Aldosterone is secreted by Adrenal glands. Adrenal glands are a pair of endocrine glands. Hyperaldosteronism is therefore an endocrine disorder which is a result of abnormality in one or both the adrenal glands thus resulting in the hyper or too much secretion of the aldosterone hormone. Aldosterone plays a vital role in the management of blood pressure and various other essential mechanisms such as electrolyte and water balance, etc. The excess of aldosterone in the blood will result in water retention, high blood pressure, because the body is unable to lose sodium and losses potassium in higher amounts. The causes of this condition will be described as follows.
There can be various causes underlying the condition of hyperaldosteronism. It can be divided into two types - primary and secondary. The causes for these two types are described as follows -
1. Primary Hyperaldosteronism
The cause of primary hyperaldosteronism is considered to be an abnormality in one or both the adrenal glands. This condition is also known as Conn’s syndrome. In many cases, a person is born with overactive adrenal glands. There can be various other conditions also such as-
- An overgrowth or benign tumor in one or both the adrenal glands.
- Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism
- Adrenocortical cancer - cancerous tumor that produces aldosterone.
- Various other defects related to the adrenal glands.
2. Secondary Hyperaldosteronism
The cause of hyperaldosteronism when it lies somewhere outside the adrenal glands is considered to be secondary hyperaldosteronism. This is usually related to reduced flow of blood to kidneys. This can also include blockage in renal artery, chronic liver disease or other heart related conditions.
The main presenting feature of hyperaldosteronism is increased blood pressure. The characteristic feature of the high blood pressure in such cases, is that it does not respond to medication. The symptoms of high blood pressure may include -
- Dizziness with headache
- Problems related to the vision
- Pain in chest
- Breathlessness or shortness of breath
The symptoms vary from patient to patient, other symptoms can be -
- Reduced Potassium levels
- Increased frequency of urine
- Muscle weakness
- Palpitations
- Fatigue and muscular cramps etc.
The diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism will require both, the physical examination and the laboratory diagnosis. The various diagnostic tests will include Abdominal CT scan, ECG (electrocardiogram), Blood renin activity, Blood potassium levels, kidney ultrasound, etc. In some cases, according to the state of the condition, various blood and urine tests may also be advised. These will help to confirm the diagnosis, and the next step will be treatment, this will be described as follows.
The medical management of hyperaldosteronism will include removing the cause and further improving the body’s health status. The primary cases (which present tumors in adrenal glands) of hyperaldosteronism are usually managed with surgery. This may help to control the symptoms. And thus, the dose of medicines can be lowered. Some medications can be included such as the medicinal drugs that block the action of aldosterone and in cases of excessive fluid retention in the body, diuretics can be prescribed. The secondary hyperaldosteronism is usually treated by managing the underlying cause and simultaneously limiting the salt intake. Let us now discuss the ayurvedic perspective of this condition.
Ayurveda presents each health topic in a very unique way. It describes numerous health and medicinal facts in the form of sanskrit shloka. These shloka, when interpreted, convey an enormous amount of information regarding the health of the individual. It never fails to amaze the reader. It correlates the healthy aspect of the body as a result of balance and equilibrium among the three dosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and the vitiation in these will lead to various diseases in the body. The condition of hyperaldosteronism can not be correlated to one particular disease in ayurveda but a result of vitiation of various bodily elements. The main presenting feature of hyperaldosteronism is hypertension and hypokalemia. Hypertension can be considered a result of the vitiation of the vata dosha. The consumption of excessive vata aggravating factors result in the imbalance of the vata dosha. The channels circulating the vata get obstructed and it can be correlated to the concept of avarana, which further results in the imbalance of hormonal secretions. This may also result in atherosclerotic changes in the body. This condition is accompanied with hypokalemia, which can be a result of vitiation of meda dhatu, pitta and kapha dosha. These vitiated elements obstruct the channels or pathway of vata which further result in the imbalance of aldosterone levels. This condition can be managed through ayurvedic formulations aiming at balancing the vitiated dosha back to normal levels. The ayurvedic formulations suitable for hyperaldosteronism will be described as follows.
Planet Ayurveda is preparing various formulations of natural herbs which are prepared through authentic ways and provide great results in improving the condition of hyperaldosteronism. All the herbal products manufactured here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, yeast, additives, colors and fillers. They are 100 percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with deep knowledge of Ayurveda and many years of experience. The formulations that improve the condition of hyperaldosteronism are named as follows.
- Arjun Tea
- Arjuna Capsules
- Brahmi Capsules
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Navkarshik Churna
Herbal Remedies for Hyperaldosteronism and Conn's Syndrome
The details regarding the contents of the above said formulations and the effect they impart on the body will be described as follows.
1. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar Guggul Tablets prepared by planet ayurveda contains a combination of beneficial ayurvedic herbs such as kanchnar (Boerhavia variegata), amla (Embellica officinalis), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), etc. It is useful in subsiding various different types of abnormal outgrowth in the body. Kanchnar guggul is very effective in stabilizing the vitiated dosha back into their natural states. This will help in managing the condition of hyperaldosteronism effectively.
Dosage - Two tablets two times a day, after meals.
2. Navkarshik Churna
Navkarshik Churna is a poly herbal powdered preparation. It contains a variety of effective ayurvedic herbs such as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Vacha (Acorus calamus), etc.This combination of herbs are beneficial in a number of diseases such as eye disorders, good digestion, detoxification, various inflammatory conditions and purification of blood. It will help to manage the various electrolyte levels also and improve the overall health of the one suffering from hyperaldosteronism.
Dose - 1 teaspoon two times a day after meals with warm water.
3. Brahmi Capsules
Brahmi Capsules prepared by planet ayurveda contain natural extracts of a very beneficial ayurvedic component namely Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). The extracts of brahmi are very useful in managing a variety of health concerns. It contains rich antioxidants, improves the texture of nerves, blood vessels, and heart, useful in hypertension, depression, urinary disorders, diabetes and helps in balancing the vata and pitta dosha. Brahmi is one of the medhya rasayana mentioned in the ayurvedic texts. These capsules will therefore improve the overall health of the body.
Dose - 1 capsule two times a day after meals with warm water.
4. Arjuna Capsules
Arjuna Capsules prepared by Planet Ayurveda comprises natural extract of a very beneficial ayurvedic herb namely arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). It helps to improve the blood circulation of the body along with managing various other health conditions. It helps to reduce the chances of abnormalities in the blood vessels along with supporting a healthy circulation. Arjuna capsules are also effective in maintaining the blood pressure in normal levels. Hence, also improving the health of the patient suffering from hyperaldosteronism.
Dose - 2 capsules two times a day after meals with warm water.
5. Arjun Tea
Arjun Tea is prepared by planet Ayurveda. It contains various Ayurvedic herbs such as Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), etc. It helps in improving the overall blood circulation of the body. Arjun tea is very effective in managing hypertension and increasing the health of the heart. Arjun tea helps in maintaining the normal metabolism and electrolyte balance of the body. Hence, it is beneficial in managing the condition of hyperaldosteronism.
Dose - 1 Cup once daily.
Ayurveda being an age-old science, still has not lost its relevance in these modern times. Reason being the excellent principles of treatment described. Ayurveda believes to rectify the disease right from its roots rather than just managing the symptoms. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that hyperaldosteronism can be managed very well by following the principles of ayurveda. The first step of management must always be eliminating the disease causing factors. So, by restricting the causative or aggravating factors and following a healthy diet along with the administration of ayurvedic formulations as described above, the condition can be managed well. The quality of life of the patients suffering from hyperaldosteronism can be improved to a great extent.
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