The world is full of surprises and some surprises are good, but on the other hand some can be unpleasant. The most obvious example of unpleasant surprises are the diseases. Whenever our body responds to some unusual process going on inside and surprisingly out of nowhere you get diagnosed with a condition which you never heard about then that's quite an unpleasant moment. Some people have the mental strength to cope up with all of this but some may not have that stability. In Second case people start getting anxious and stress a lot that results in worsening the situation. This article is also about one such unpleasant condition known as Issac's syndrome. This condition is also known as Neuromyotonia. The condition is very well managed with the help of Ayurvedic formulation which is also explained in this article.

Isaacs syndrome, as mentioned before, is also called neuromyotonia. It is a continuous muscle fibre activity syndrome in which there is a continuous twitching and contraction of muscles. The muscle stiffness due to recurrent twitching and contractions is progressive and results in diminishing of reflexes. The outlook of this condition can vary. The outlook generally depends on the severity of the disorder, the underlying cause, effectiveness of treatment and associated medical condition. But symptoms of isaacs syndrome or neuromyotonia generally worsen with time and significantly result in the restriction of movement. This restriction of movement results in the interference with daily activities. Modern science explains that this condition is not having any cure but many patients have successfully found ways to manage the symptoms in this condition.
That is all modern tells about Isaacs syndrome or neuromyotonia. But Ayurveda has a little different approach towards this condition. Ayurveda suggests that Isaacs syndrome or neuromyotonia is the result of excess vata dosha in the body. Vata dosha, which is responsible for any movement in the body whether voluntary and involuntary, when it gets aggravated gives very drastic effects or symptoms.
- Isaacs syndrome is also called as Neuromyotonia
- It is a autoimmune peripheral nerve disorder
- The hyperexcitability of the muscles happens in this situation which is of recurrent nature
- The condition involves continues twitching and contraction of muscles
- This results in restriction of movement & thus causes hindrance in daily activities
- Delayed muscle relation happens even during sleep. This continues even when the person is under general anaesthesia
- It has two types: Hereditary and Acquired
- Modern science has no cure
- Ayurveda suggests it is the result of vata dosha aggravation
- Vata dosha is known as the kinetic energy of the body
- With Ayurvedic formulation the condition can be well managed
The condition is the result of an autoimmune process going on inside the body. This autoimmune process is targeting the peripheral nervous system. On the other hand, if there is absence of autoimmune process then the cause of Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia is not known by modern science.
On the other hand, as mentioned before Ayurveda suggests that Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia is the result of vata dosha aggravation in which ama production is simultaneously involved. Ama accumulation is the accumulation of endotoxins in the body that result in the blockage of channels hence causing blockage to the pathways of vata dosha or kinetic energy of the body.
- As mentioned in the key points, two main symptoms (twitching and contraction of muscles) of this condition are even present in sleep or under general anaesthesia. Most generally the muscles of arms and legs are affected but the other muscles of the body slowly get involved.
- The symptoms are as following:
- Ataxia which is the trouble coordinating movement
- There is a delay in the muscle relaxation
- Excessive sweating along with changes in the heart rate is also noticed
- Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are most commonly noticed. This results in weakness and progressive worsening of the situation.
- Myokymia, twitching and rippling or quivering of the muscles is also a very common symptom. This is generally explained in a horrifying way: Like having worms under your skin
- One can also suffer from trouble while breathing and speaking if the muscles of the chest region are affected
- Weight loss is also noticed
Now , as ayurveda suggests the involvement of vata dosha in this case. The twitching or loosing control even on the voluntary muscles as well as involuntary muscles depicts that vata dosha is aggravated in this case.
Vata aggravation has symptoms like samkocha which is contraction, sthambahna understood as rigidity, shosha is called as wasting pain, toda is piercing pain and vyatha which is aching pain. All these are the main symptoms in this case. So this justifies that here there is aggravation of vata dosha which can be associated with the accumulation of vata dosha. One typical symptom that correlates increased heart rate is mano vyaharsha (anxiety).
Inherited Issacs Syndrome Or Neuromyotonia
This is passed down in families.
Acquired Issacs Syndrome Or Neuromyotonia
This is an autoimmune type of Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia.
- The diagnosis procedure for this condition includes physical examination along with certain blood tests. Physical examination includes noticing the twitching of muscles especially on the face and hands.
- Nerve conduction studies are done as well to understand working of nerves and electromyograms are also done about the understanding of muscle working inside your body.
- CT scan (Computed tomography scan) along with MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) is also done.
The treatment of Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia includes the following:
- Generally a modern physician will prescribe you with a class of drugs called anticonvulsants. This gives relief in stiffness, muscle spasms and pain which is associated with isaacs syndrome.
- Plasma exchange can also provide short term relief for the individuals who have acquired Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia.
As mentioned before the condition is the result of aggravated vata dosha and aggravated vata dosha is having a very precise and peculiar management in the Ayurvedic science. The vata dosha is well managed by using various taila preparations in Ayurveda.
The taila or oil is used for external massaging and internal intake as well. Even medicated enema using these oils is also administered.
Using ghrita internally also helps in balancing the vata dosha in the body.
But when we discuss a diseased condition then sanskrit ghrit is the best to use.
Sanskarit ghrit like brahmi ghrit, ashwagnadha ghrit are having a very impressive impact in this condition.
Herbs like ashwagnadha, brahmi, jatamansi, tagar, madhuyashti, giloy give very good results in balancing vata dosha and thus improving the situation.
With the intake of herbal formulation taking care of food intake is equally important. A person suffering from Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia must have:
- Hot soups and stews
- Cow’s ghee
- Various nuts as they are rich in oils
- Spices like turmeric (haridra), cinnamon (twak), ginger (adrak), rasona (garlic), cumin (jeera), fenugreek (methika) and others
- Oils like olive oils, mustard oils are to be used for cooking
- Avoid use of heavy pulses like kidney beans, black lentils, lobia, chickpeas
- Green leafy vegetables can be given to the patient and vegetables like eggplants, mustard leaves, radish are to be avoided.
In lifestyle also certain changes are to be done like exercising moderately on a regular basis. One can massage himself or herself with warm oil or mustard oil in a routine. One can also use certain vata pacifier medicated oils like dhanvantari oil, neelibhringadi oil etc for massaging.
Usually a pattern is followed like internal intake of oils or ghrita which is then followed by massaging with medicated oils. Then swedana is done which is general sudation. After this administration of medicated enema is done.
Planet Ayurveda is a herbal product manufacturing company which deals with the production of a very wide range of products. These products are totally herbal and do not have any type of additives, fillers, colours, dyes, preservatives or any other inorganic harmful substances. Planet Ayurveda products are not only available in India but are also exported to various parts of the world. Planet Ayurveda has various certifications which makes our products even more in demand and thus they can be easily exported to various other countries as well. These formulations can be taken by anyone of any age under the strict guidance of your Ayurvedic physician. The products offered by Planet Ayurveda for Issacs syndrome or neuromyotonia are as following:
- Ashwagandhaghan Vati
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
- Rasraj Ras
- Brahmi Ghrit
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Telo-Extension
- Moringa Capsules
- Vikramprash
Herbal Remedies for Isaacs' Syndrome (Neuromyotonia)
1. Ashwagandhaghan Vati
Ashwagnadhaghan Vati is an impressive formulation which has a good quality extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) herb. Ashwagandha Is known to pacify the vata dosha due to its hot potency and also help in providing strength to the nerves of the body. Due to its vata pacification factors it helps in subsiding many types of symptoms in this condition. The ashwagandha is effective for management of fatigue, body pain and has a strengthening effect on all over the body. This also helps in reducing the twitching and provides strength to the bodily muscles. It is known for its bruhaniya effect on the body which means it helps in body nourishment as well.
Dosage: Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
2. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras is a mineral preparation which is being prepared with various types of mineral calx. The ingredients of this formulation are Swarna Bhasma (calx of gold), Rajata Bhasma (calx of silver), Abhrak Bhasma (calx of mica), Loha Bhasma (calx of iron), Pravala Bhasma (calx of coral), Mukta Bhasma (calx of pearl) and Suta Bhasma (calx of a compound of purified mercury and sulphur). These all ingredients help in the pacification of aggravated vata and also have their impact in opening the blocked channels thus providing room for free movement of vata dosha in its prakrit gatti. This also supports working of the peripheral nervous system.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day. Chew the tablet with warm milk after meals.
3. Rasraj Ras
Rasraj Ras is a famous classical preparation. This is a combination of herbs and various mineral calx and thus helps in strengthening the body, opening blocked channels and pacification of vata dosha. This formulation has ingredients like Parada (purified mercury), Abhraka (Purified Silica), Swarna (Calx of gold), Loha bhasma (Calx of iron), Vajgandha (Withania somnifera) and many others. This preparation gives results at a low dosage as well due to its strong and impressive ingredients. As it's a herbo mineral preparation this has its result in inherited isaacs syndrome as well. This makes this formulation more special to be used in this case.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
4. Brahmi Ghrit
Brahmi Ghrit is a ghrita preparation which is being mentioned in classics too. The preparation is manufactured by sanskar of various herbs in ghrita. The ingredients of this formulation are brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), bach (Acorus calamus), kuth (Saussurea pluricaulis) and shankhpushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis). As the preparation is prepared using ancient methods explained in classics, thus giving effective and impressive results. It helps in pacification of vata dosha and has rasayanic effect as well. The formulation works as an antioxidant as well. It's easy to consume and gives great results in conditions like isaacs syndrome or neuromyotonia.
Dosage: One tsp twice a day with warm water after meals.
5. Boswellia Curcumin
Boswellia Curcumin is a patent formulation of Planet Ayurveda. The formulation has ingredients like shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (Curcuma longa). This formulation is generally used in conditions which involve pain especially due to vata dosha aggravation. As it has haridra, it helps in the improvement of digestion as well. Both of these herbs work by their antioxidant effect and hence help in the elimination of toxins from the body. This formulation also helps in fighting various types of infections as well. Boswellia curcumin are in the form of capsules that are easy to consume as well as digest.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
6. Telo-Extension
Telo Extension is an impressive preparation of Planet Ayurveda. This is a patent product which has ingredients like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Grapeseed (Vitis vinifera), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Moringa (Moringa oleifera), Pine Bark (Pinus longifolia), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) and Rose Hip (Rosa indica). All these ingredients have their deep effect up to the level of cellular nucleus thus can be used in both types of isaacs syndrome. In addition many ingredients in this formulation are known to support the functioning of the brain. These capsules also help in improving blood circulation and have regenerative effects as well.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
7. Moringa Capsules
Moringa Capsules have only moringa (Moringa oleifera) as their ingredient. The moringa is an ingredient of many south indian recipes but it does not have its importance limited to the kitchen. The herb is very famous in Ayurvedic texts and has its impact even in carcinomas. The moringa capsules are prepared with standardised extract of moringa and also behave as a cell rejuvenator. These capsules have their impact till the levels of cellular nucleus and also help in cell regeneration. Moringa is also known to enhance the body's immunity and thus makes the body strong enough to fight anything which is not usual.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
8. Vikramprash
Vikramprash is also one of the patent products of Planet Ayurveda. The initial purpose of this formulation is to enhance immunity of an individual. The ingredients of this formulation are haritaki (Terminalia chebula), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata), punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and many others. All of the ingredients benefit the body in a magical and impressive way. The formulation supports normal and good functioning of the entire body. It also has giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) as its ingredient which is universally known to enhance one's immunity. It can also be used in the inherited type of isaacs syndrome.
Dosage: One Tsp twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214040
The world is now full of people and people are full of various types of diseases. It's up to us now how we are going to protect ourselves. That's why a lot of the population is shifting towards Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a natural way of healing your body as well as your soul. So. Let's make a good choice and make a better future for us and our children as well. In case of any queries kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com
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