Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of biology which mainly focuses on the structure, friction and editing of genomes. It is a set of DNA which has three structural configurations. DNA is a group of molecules which is responsible for carrying and transmitting genetic materials. DNA is known as Deoxyribonucleic acid which is an organic compound which has a unique molecular structure, found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It was first recognised and identified by Swiss Biologist Johannes Friedrich Miescher in 1869 while researching white blood cells. DNA comprises a sugar-phosphate backbone and the nucleotide base. It is a twisted ladder, has nucleic acid and all nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides each nucleotide has sugar, a phosphate group and nitrogen bases. The genomic DNA sequence has chromosomes which are found in each cell of the organism. Genes are the direct production of a protein with the assistance of enzymes and messenger molecules. In this topic, we are going to discuss the correlations of genomics with Prakriti.

Genomics is the study of human genes and chromosomes. The genome typically consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes and 24,000 genes. Genes are transcription units which are capable of producing ribonucleic acid (RNA) transcript which can be translated into molecules of protein. Every organism has a basic set of chromosomes with a unique set of genes and DNA between them. It involves the sequence and analysis of genomes which uses high DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to obtain and analyze the function and structure of genomes. Organism Genome has cloned fragments which are amplified and replicated inside the living bacterial cell which reproduces quickly and generates many bacterial clones. A gene code is a polypeptide molecule with 3 nitrogenous base sequences for one amino acid.
Types Of Genomics
- STRUCTURAL GENOMICS - It is the structure of every protein which is encoded by the genome.
- FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS - It is to collect and use the data by describing gene and protein functions.
- COMPARATIVE GENOMICS - To compare the genomics between different species.
- MUTATION GENOMICS - It occurs in terms of mutation which occurs in a person's DNA and Genome.
Genomics And Its Correlation With Prakriti
Ayurveda is based on three fundamental things-
- Nature of a person's constitution
- Nature of the imbalance
- Nature of the medicine
Prakriti in Sanskrit prefix means 'pra' means original and 'Kruti' means creation. It is the inherent balance of three doshas which are the physiological forces of the body. The basic concept of Ayurveda is - 5 elements (panchabhuta) which constitute the physical universe including the human body, three doshas or constitutional types of the human body. Prakriti is a discrete phenotype which is determined on the basis of physical, psychological and behavioral traits. Prakriti and Genomics were hypothesized over a decade ago to be associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms in HLA-DRB1, CYP2C19, EGLN1 and Inflammatory and oxidative stress genes.
It is a concept in Ayurveda such as Prakriti with modern genetics research. It usually correlates with a combination of three doshas, with an expression of specific genes and their physiological characteristics. The tridosha theory explains the three fundamental principles which govern the physiology of the individual. Vata doshas govern the transportation in the body to nerve impulses. Pitta doshas govern the process of digestion and metabolic pathway inside each cell formed from fire and water. Kapha dosha governs structure and cohesion in the body. Prakriti is the inherent constitution which is mainly established at the time of conception. It regulates the specific physiological processes, which is the constitutional phenotype which has a relation with genotype.
Genetic Basis Of Prakriti
- In early 2005 study evaluated Prakriti and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DRB1 type. It is found that HLA DRB1 is an allele in Vata Type and HLA DRB 1 (13) in the Kapha type.
- In 2008, there is a correlation between biochemical and genome as in Pitta type there is overexpression of genes in the pathway of the immune system. In Vata males, there is overexpression in the regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity and enzyme activity. In Kapha, there is a regulation which involves fibrinolysis and upregulation of genes which involve ATP.
- Kapha type has a higher level of triglycerides, total cholesterol and High LDL, Low HDL. In Pitta Type, there is a high amount of hemoglobin and red blood count. Prolactin is found higher in the Vata type.
- In 2003, Kapha Prakriti had a higher level of Digoxin level which increases free radical production and increases tryptophan catabolites.
- In 2014 research found that there is a correlation between Body mass index and Prakriti type. Kapha Prakriti has a higher BMI than Vata prakriti. The Vata-Kapha Prakriti has a higher risk of Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia.
- In 2015, Studies shown patient with Irritable bowel syndrome is mostly seen in-
- IBS-C (Mainly seen in Vata type of patient)
- IBS-D (Mainly seen in Pitta dominant type of patient)
Epigenetics In Ayurveda
Epigenetics is a key component of Ayurveda which unites genotype and phenotypic variation. It describes the various factors (behavior, lifestyle, stress and diet, digestion) which usually influence the Deha (body) and Prakriti (psychological and physiological composition) related to phenotype, along with the genotype which is Janma (birth) Prakriti. Epigenetics is a critical component in Ayurveda and various changes such as Nutritional deficiencies, and environmental toxins produce epigenetic changes and result in illness.
- According to Ayurveda, the concept of good and medicine are crucial for human self-preservation and for the management of disease and mitigation. The study of Prakriti and its association with diseases is defined in Vedic Times. Ayurveda Pharmacogenomics is Prakriti-based medicine. The CYP2C19 is studied and then discovered there is a strong link between the gene and Phenotype Prakriti. And the research reveals there is overexpression of genes in the immune response pathway in Pitta doshas dominant. Prothrombin Time is an indicator of blood coagulation which is low in Kapha males, whereas an increased level of Haemoglobin is found in Pitta doshas. Ayurgenomics is a tailored methodology which encapsulates the research which is caused by the differences in genetics. Ayurveda provides three main pillars of Prakriti-based healthcare-
- Aushadhi (medications)
- Vihara (lifestyle)
- Ahara (diet)
It creates a fangled link between Ayurvedic and modern medications. It depends upon Prakriti and Tridoshas which mainly defines the physiological and psychological traits of an individual. Prakriti has tridoshas which have a set of tendencies which has distinct properties and functions in all living organisms. Vata, Pitta and Kapha Prakriti have unique metabolic activities as Kapha is slow, Pitta is fast and Vata is considered to have variable metabolism.
DNA is known as Deoxyribonucleic acid which is an organic compound which has a unique molecular structure. It was first recognised and identified by Swiss Biologist Johannes Friedrich Miescher in 1869 while researching white blood cells. It involves the sequence and analysis of genomes which uses high DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to obtain and analyse the function and structure of genomes. Prakriti in Sanskrit prefix means 'pra' means original and 'Kruti' means creation. It is the inherent balance of three doshas which are the physiological forces of the body. Epigenetics is a key component of Ayurveda which unites genotype and phenotypic variation.
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