Humans mostly care about their heart and brain and fight for their illnesses but they don’t show any care about their liver. Fatty liver is one of the most common diseases that is caused due to our sedentary lifestyle. High intake of spicy food, refined flour, increased alcohol intake is the main reason behind the damage of liver cells, there are various other reasons behind the depletion of liver health. We should always try to keep our liver healthy and for its proper functioning we should follow a proper diet regimen, a good and healthy lifestyle, and some basic herbs that help to give strength to the liver and spleen. In this article we are going to discuss liver diseases and how Ayurveda can help to keep it healthy without undergoing any surgery.

Liver plays a major role in fat metabolism, protein synthesis, digestion, and having various types of other health functions in the body. Hindrance in these functions can lead to several health ailments in the form of liver diseases. Some of the major liver diseases are liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, portal hypertension, Alcoholic liver diseases, fatty liver these diseases give irreversible damage to the liver. When these conditions reach that point from where no scope is found to recover the damaged liver then modern medications rely on transplanting the liver. Liver transplantation is done at the end stage of liver diseases. But , transplantation is not the permanent solution to cure these diseases. An ailing liver can be treatable or recovered through Ayurveda. Many patients have recovered from the Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda helps to regulate the liver functioning like regulation of chemical levels in blood and bile secretions, this criteria helps the patient to carry out the waste products of the liver into the intestine and from its further process excrete out from the body.
- Bile production, and fat breakdown in intestines during digestion process.
- Protein regulation in blood.
- Glucose and glycogen conversion for energy.
- Amino acid regulations and protein synthesis
- Liver stores the iron, and converts it into haemoglobin.
- Protein metabolism and urea production.
- Regulate the anti-coagulation process.
- Bilirubin clearance from the body.
- Enhances the immunity and helps to improve the diseases resisting power in the body.
When these functions are hindered it results in various harmful conditions, this not only affects the liver but may show harmful symptoms in intestines or kidneys from where its secretions are passed. For example bile juice enters into the intestines, and leaves the body in the form of faeces and the blood that consists of liver products enter into the kidneys and get filtered there or leaves the body in the form of urine.
In Ayurveda, these all diseases are related to Mandagni (low/poor appetite) leads to liver ailments, vitiation of Vata, Pitta, Kapha leads to slowing down the agni or digestive fire and make obstruction in ras vaha srotas, sweda vaha srotas and start accumulated in digestive system in the form of Ama dosha that results in disturbance of liver functions and develop yakrit roga.
Ayurveda can help by managing the root cause of yakrit rog with the help of various herbs that helps to stop the disease and may help to regenerate the liver cells, and excrete out the accumulated toxins from the body. These herbs help to balance the aggravated dosha and improvise the liver functions. With the help of Ayurvedic herbs we can improve and may disappear the complications of liver diseases like ascites, portal hypertension, liver fibrosis etc.
- Avoid canned vegetables, or packed vegetables with extra spices, these are very harmful for our liver and difficult to digest.
- Avoid sour fruits, and pitta vardhak fruits that can interfere with the functioning of the liver.
- Avoid non-vegetarian foods like red meat, smoked and canned fishes.
- Avoid Alcohol, mayonnaise, pastries, pastas or refined flour products that are very difficult to digest and leads to various health discomforts in the body.
- Daily walking for 30-45 minutes is necessary.
- Whole fruit should be preferred in place of fruit juices.
- If the patient is in an acidic condition the water intake should be limited according to the diseases.
- Skipping meals should be avoided strictly.
- Try to do yoga and meditation daily in the early morning for 15-20 minutes.
1. Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri)
this herb is widely used as a proper management for liver disorders, it is hepato-protective in nature, antioxidant and anti-viral in nature, helps to pacify the pitta dosha, and do detoxification of the liver along with it is rasaynik in properties so is helps in regeneration of the liver cells.
2. Makoy (Solanum indicum)
Famous with kakamachi, that helps to balance all the doshas, and is anti-inflammatory in nature, is diuretic in nature, reduces the chances of liver cancer, with aphrodisiac properties. It helps in relieving the fluid accumulation, and is a great pain reliever. This herb can also reduce the chances of liver cancer and also reduces the hepatomegaly and splenomegaly conditions.
3. Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
It is a widely used hepatoprotective herb and has great healing properties, helps in cleansing the blood and recommended to take in metabolic disorders, enhances the digestive fire, helpful in maintaining the liver enzymes.
4. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
It is said to be the best herb for treating the various ailments of the liver, it is great herb for blood purification, acts as diuretic, given in jaundice, liver cirrhosis or fatty liver, and various kidney related disorders also. It also helps the liver enzymes to work properly and as the name indicates this herb helps the new cells formation and gives rejuvenating effects in the liver.
5. Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
It is used to treat liver diseases like fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, toxins from the body, without showing any adverse effects. Moreover, this herb brought the liver function test to normal levels with regular use for some time. This herb is very helpful in protecting and stimulating the liver enzymes.
Liver diseases can be managed with various herbs that give several health benefits. Ayurvedic principles said that imbalance of dosha is the main reason behind all the liver diseases. Proper balance between the tridoshas will help you to stay away from many health issues. Ayurvedic management cures the root cause of the problem and helps to recover the patient in an efficient manner. In short we can say that with appropriate use of ayurvedic herbs liver diseases or any other ongoing diseases can be treated well without undergoing any type of surgery or transplantation.
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