In this era of rising competition in every field, the organizations desire to hire the best suitable employee for the assigned task or job. This requires analyzing the applicant’s skills in various perspectives. When a bunch of talented applicants approach the management, it is very essential to choose the most appropriate candidate for the job profile, to contribute better to the company’s growth. So how can one analyze the personality of an applicant within a short span of time and choose the best candidate? To solve this purpose, psychometric tests are the new trend. What are Psychometric tests? Why are they done? and how can Ayurveda help in it? Let us learn the answer to these above mentioned questions through the following article.

Psychometric tests are a type of scientific and standard method to judge the capabilities in regard to the mental and behavioral style of an individual. These kinds of tests aim to judge the applicant’s personality and skills, thus analyzing the suitability for the job profile. The hiring manager tries to identify the applicant’s abilities and personality traits and comprehend the suitability of the applicant’s abilities to justify the type of job profile. Psychometric tests help the hiring team to collect the information regarding the employee’s hidden traits and different angles of the personality which is quite difficult to judge through a few minutes of face- to- face interview.
The psychometric tests are designed to analyze the applicant’s personality, mental and behavioral style. These are statistical examinations and aim to be objective and unbiased results. The main goal of performing these psychometric tests is to identify the candidates who are not suitable for the job in the early stages itself, this will save time for both the hiring team as well as the candidate. This will help the organization to choose the best and the most appropriate candidate as per the job requirements. However, some hiring agents and employees believe that psychometric tests are not a suitable way to assess the abilities, personality traits and suitability of an applicant for the applied job. There are always contrasting views on any trend going on in the market. Psychometric tests being statistical and unbiased, however, can be considered a reliable method of judgment for hiring the suitable candidate. As, in most of the cases it provides accurate results regarding the personality type. After learning about the psychometric tests, let us now know about the similar ayurvedic perspective of personality analysis through the following article.
Ayurveda is an age old science with enormous medicinal gems. Even owing its origin to so many years back, it has not lost its relevance even a bit. This is a result of the vast medicinal theories, facts and remedies described in the ayurvedic literature. Ayurveda presents a very unique explanation regarding each health topic. The basic principles of Ayurveda is responsible for its very unique perspective on the various health related issues.
According to the ayurvedic principles before beginning the treatment of any individual, it is necessary to analyze the patient’s body type and personality. The three dosha constituting the body are vata, pitta, kapha. These three dosha are considered to be the fundamentals of a healthy body. Similarly the satva, raja and tama, these three elements are considered to be the fundamentals of a healthy mind.The vata, pitta and kapha influence the bodily traits of a person along with a slight influence on the behavior. The mind and the three mind elements (satva, raja and tama) are mostly responsible for the person’s personality traits and behavior style. So the assessment or analysis of the prakriti will require the judgment of the tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and triguna (satva, raja and tama). This will help to analyze the personality of the person more accurately.
Every individual is unique and is composed of a unique combination of bodily elements. The prakriti of the individual is decided as soon as the shukra (father’s element) meets the aartava (mother’s element). There are various components that influence the prakriti such as the ongoing season, mother’s attributes, father’s prakriti and state of health, etc. So, with the influence of all these and numerous other factors, infinite types of prakriti are formed. The Ayurvedic texts classify the prakriti into two types, the sharirik prakriti and the mansik prakriti. There are seven types of sharirik prakriti -
- Three prakriti are ek doshaj prakriti i.e, vata prakriti, pitta prakriti, kapha prakriti;
- Three prakriti are do doshaj prakriti i.e. vata pittaj prakriti, pitta kaphaj prakriti, vata kaphaj prakriti;
- One prakriti is sannipataj prakriti i.e. Vata pitta kaphaj prakriti.
There are majorly three mansik prakriti -
- Sattavik prakriti
- Rajsik prakriti
- Tamasik prakriti
These mansik prakriti are further divided into various different types such as -
1. Sattva Prakriti
Sattva prakriti is further divided into seven types, which are as follows:
- Brahma Sattva
- Mahendra Sattva
- Varuna Sattva
- Kubera Sattva
- Gandharva Sattva
- Yama Sattva
- Rishi Sattva
2. Rajas Sattva
Rajas Sattva are further divided into six types, which are as follows:
- Asura Sattva
- Rakshasa Sattva
- Paisaca Sattva
- Sarpa Sattva
- Praita Sattva
- Sakuna Sattva
3. Tamas Sattva
Tamas Sattva are further divided into three types, which are as follows:
- Pasava Sattva
- Matsya Sattva
- Vanaspatya Sattva
The three mind elements namely satva, raja and tama, as already mentioned, majorly influence the mind patterns and various personality traits of the individual. The dominance of satva is considered to be more of a positive side, the person will have patience, more understanding and a calm and relaxed state of mind. With the dominance of the raja element, the person tends to be of more aggressive behavior, greedy , very competitive in nature and makes decisions very quickly. The individuals with a dominance of the tama element are considered to be of shady nature, with slow movements. These kinds of individuals are low on energy and usually inclined towards negative thought processes. However, the combinations of the tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and triguna (satva, raja, tama) are very unique in every individual, thus the combination will present unique traits in each personality type. To judge or analyze the prakriti type of an individual and to identify the hidden personality traits, one must behold good knowledge regarding the prakriti types and description. This will help to solve the purpose of finding the most appropriate candidate for the vacant job opening.
In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the psychometric tests, although being statistical may, at times, fail to judge the candidate’s personality traits accurately. Here, ayurvedic principles come to the rescue. The analysis of prakriti is a very reliable technique to analyze the candidate’s personality type and thus the resulting mental and behavioral capabilities. This knowledge of prakriti pariksha or examination can be used to more accurately judge the patient’s personality patterns. This will help to choose the most appropriate applicant as suitable for the requirements of the job.
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