Sciatica is the pain which travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica itself is a symptom not a disease which is related to sciatic nerve. Sciatic is the largest nerve present in the body. The sciatic nerve is formed in lower spine by both ie. motor and sensory fibers from spinal nerves L4-S3 and these spines are also known as lumbosacral plexus. Basically, sciatic nerves starts outside the base of the spine ie. lumbar and sacral spine and also runs through top of gluteus muscle and down back to the thighs and legs. Sciatica is related to Gradhrasi in Ayurveda and the Dosha mainly involved in Gridhrasi is Vata Dosha (Neurological disorders). In this disease the main characteristics involved are; pricking sensation, stiffness, initially at hip and towards waist back, thigh, knees along with frequent pulsation.Two types of gridhrasi involved ie.vataja, vatakaphja.

Now let’s discuss in detail below;
Sciatica is the term which mainly describes symptoms like- pain, irritation, stiffness etc. Sciatica itself is not a disease but is a symptom of a disease. It is also characterized as the pain starts in the lower back and goes down to the leg. This pain actually describes as a shock, shooting like, travels rapidly with the affected nerves. Sciatica pain is mainly associated with neurological dysfunction, like weakness and numbness. The formation of sciatic nerve is by L4 - S2 nerve roots. Sciatic nerve is also the largest nerve present in the body and is 2 cm in diameter. The pain of sciatica gets worse in movements like, flexion of lumbar spine, sneezing, bending, coughing and twisting. This occurs because the sciatic nerve plays an important role in strength, sensation which can affect foot muscles, calf muscles and also lower back. Sciatica may be acute as well as chronic. Sciatic nerve also provides direct motor function to hamstrings and indirect motor function to calf, anterior lower leg muscles and also indirectly by terminal branches. Sciatic nerve also provides sensation to posterior and lateral lower leg and also to the plantar aspect of foot. In sciatica the most results from an inflammatory condition leads to irritation of the sciatic nerve.
- Sciatic nerve is the longest, thickest and widest nerve of the body.
- Lower back pain is very much common in sciatica.
- Chronic sciatica may lead to permanent neurological damage.
- Sciatic nerve damage includes numbness, tingling and weakness in knees or legs.
- Chronic sciatica may also lead to paralysis.
- Sciatica is not any injury or disease, it is only a symptom.
- Sciatica typically only affects the side of the body.
- Ruka (pain), toda (pricking sensation), stambha (stiffness)and muhu spandana (twitching)
- Loss of bowel and bladder control.
- Burning sensation and numbness or weakness in legs, toes and feet.
- Pain worsens with movement.
- Sciatica is mainly caused by irritation, inflammation, pinching, compression of nerves in the lower back.
- Most common cause of sciatica is slipped (herniated ) disc.
- Lumbar spinal stenosis i.e (narrowing of spinal canal in lower back)
- Spondylolisthesis (the condition in which one vertebrae slips over another)
- Degenerative disk disease (the breakdown of disk which acts as cushion between vertebrae)
- Overweight and pregnancy are also the causes of sciatica.
- Wearing high heels.
If your doctor thinks you have sciatica, then you’ll get a physical exam by which they can check your reflexes and see how strong your muscles are. And there are certain activities which are useful to check sciatic pain, like walking on your heels or toes, to see what’s causing your pain.
If the pain is severe, then the doctor might order imaging tests to check for bone spurs and herniated disks. The tests mainly include:
- X-RAY which makes pictures of the inside of the body, to check for bone spurs.
- CT-Scan it basically combines a series of X-rays to get a better look at the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
- MRI which uses radio waves and magnets to create pictures of insides to get a detailed look at your back and spine.
- EMG which measures how fast nerve signals travel through your muscles. This is usually used to check if a herniated disk is damaging nerves that control muscle.
In Ayurveda, Sciatica is related to (gridhrasi) and is considered as one of the important Vata Vyadhi (neurological disorders). This disease is characterized by stiffness, pain and pricking sensation initially at the hip and gradually radiating towards waist, back, thigh, knee and calf region along with frequent pulsation at these sites. Two types of Gridhrasi have been described which are Vataja and Vatajakaphja. In both the main vitiated dosha is Vata dosha. In Gradharsi there is presence of inflammation of nerves. Sciatica mainly occurs because of the imbalance of Vata Dosha.
Panchakarma Therapy
In Panchakarma there are Ayurvedic therapies which are very- very effective. The therapy mainly includes- Abhyanga swedana, Sarvangadhara (Pizhichil), Dhanyamla, Kati, Vasti etc. These all therapies are very useful in sciatica, providing relief from inflammation. These also provide relief from spasm and nerve compressions in affected areas and also provide nourishment to the spine and supporting tissues. The treatment period is 4-5 weeks according to the disease.
Ayurvedic herbs: Some of the important herbs and medicines for the management of Sciatica are:
- Yogaraj Guggul vatika
- Trayodashang guggulu
- Ashwagandhadi churna
- Balarishtam
- Dasamoolarishtam
- Balaswagandhadi Thailam
- Dhanwantharam Thailam
- Ksheerabala Thaila
Planet ayurveda offers best combination of effective remedies such sciatica care pack. These herbal remedies are prepared using the best quality herbs. It helps in pacification of dosha, reduces oxidative stress, stops accumulation of endotoxins and provides balanced health. The product is 100% natural and is formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors and free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, blinders, fillers. All herbs have a distinct explanation in ancient Ayurvedic literature.
- Hakam Churna
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Yograj Guggul
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
- Dhanwantharam Tailam
Sciatica Care Pack
1. Hakam Churna
Hakam Churna is a good formulation which is very effective in different types of metabolic disorders and also provides relief in anulomana of Vata dosha. This churna is mainly works to digest Ama dosha and also the endotoxins present because of that sroto sanga of microchannel blockage is relieved. This churna is also helps in improvement of the metabolism.This hakam churana also helps in pacification of the Dosha which are aggravated,and also helps in relieving pain. Hakam churan also acts as antispasmodic in stomach problems and improves weak digestion.This churna is very very effective on sciatica due to its ana dosha.This churna has a great impact in obesity. There are various ingredients which occurs in hakam churna are; Chandershoor (Lepidium sativam), Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Kalonji (Nigella sativam).
Dosage - 1 tsp twice daily with warm water, after meals.
2. Boswellia Curcumin
Boswellia-Curcumin acts as anti- inflammatory because of its various effective ingredients i.e. Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma longa). These important ingredients work very effectively to reduce pain, inflammation and also improves circulation. The formulation of this product is totally pure and is free from all types of side effects.
Dosage - 2 capsules twice daily with warm water, after meals.
3. Yograj Guggul
Yograj Guggul is a very effective Ayurvedic formulation, prepared with potent herbs. In Yograj guggul the important ingredients is guggul (Commiphora mukul) along with other potent ingredients i.e. pippali (Piper longum), vidang (Embelia ribes), ajwain (Carum copticum) etc. These all herbs are very effective in balancing dosha. In sciatica this formulation provides relief from pain and stiffness and helps in symptoms like numbness of toe and muscle twitching. This formulation also helps in indigestion,constipation, and bloating and is effectively managed. This formulation works on joints (provides strength) and slow degeneration process.This formulation also has rejuvenating effects.
Dosage - 2 tablets twice daily with warm water, after a meal.
4. Ashwagandha Capsules
Ashwandha Capsules are formed by using the extract, which is formed by Ashwandha (Withania somnifera). The uses by containing this herb are, it is used in improvement of the capacity of body, and also maintains the efforts physically by strengthening the nerves.This medication is also very effective in managing fatigue and also helpful in body pain. Ashwandha capsules also are much effective in management of Tridosha especially in Vata Dosha.This product also nourishes the body.
Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily with warm water, after a meal.
5. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
This formulation is the classical preparation in which different ingredients are involved which are; Suta Bhasma (calx of compound of purified mercury and sulfur), Rajata Bhasma (calx of silver), Mukta Bhasma (calx of pearl),Abhrak Bhasma (calx of mica),Pravala Bhasma (calx of coral),Swarana Bhasma (calx of gold), Loha Bhasma (calx of iron).These all ingredients are very useful in improvement of sciatica.This formulation is very effective in balancing Vata Dosha and improves the motor and sensory functioning.
Dosage - 1 Tablet Twice, daily with warm water, after meal.
6. Dhanwantharam Tailam
Dhanwantharam Tailam is very effective and is pure ayurvedic preparation which gives relief of all symptoms related to sciatica.This product is very effective on joints, provides strenght to bones and also reduces the inflammation. In muscle cramps this formulation is very effective.The tailam is very helpful in the management of muscle cramps as well. This formulation helps in rebuilding of myelin sheath over the nerves and reduces the pain sensation, traction and irritation. It also helps in balancing the Vata Dosha.
Dosage - Massage externally after warming it up through a water bath method.
In a nutshell, we have concluded that Sciatica is not a disease or problem, but is a symptom. In ayurveda sciatica means gridharsi and the scientific name Sciatic neuritis. Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The pain is usually a pricking sensation like stillness and there is difficulty in walking. For relief from pain we introduce our sciatica care pack.We learnt about causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Besides all these, we also learnt with the diagnostic techniques as per ayurveda. Planet ayurveda offers the best combination of effective herbal remedies for sciatica. These herbal remedies are prepared using the best quality herbs. For more queries stay connected to herbalremedies123@yahoo.com
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