Molar pregnancy is also termed as a hydatidiform mole that is actually a complication of the pregnancy. In molar pregnancy the cells which normally grow into the placenta, i.e. trophoblast , grow abnormally. Molar pregnancy can be of two types either partial molar pregnancy or complete molar pregnancy. In partial molar pregnancy there can be normal tissues of placenta along with abnormal placental tissues and also here the embryo is also abnormal along with placenta. While in complete molar pregnancy, the whole placental tissue is abnormal, which is swollen and forms a fluid-filled cyst. In molar pregnancy there can also be formation of a fetus which unfortunately does not survive and is miscarried in a few early months of pregnancy. This article contains all the information about Molar pregnancy and its herbal management and treatment.

Usually the news of a positive pregnancy brings joy of the birth of a newborn baby 9 months later. But in certain unfortunate conditions the pregnancy ends with a loss and molar pregnancy is one of those conditions. In healthy pregnancy, placenta grows inside the uterus which works to nourish the baby during the pregnancy through umbilical cord. However in case of Molar pregnancy these tissues which should grow into placenta instead grow into an abnormal mass or tumor. Two types of Molar pregnancy, i.e. Complete and Partial Molar pregnancy are already discussed above.
Abnormalities in the pregnancies like molar pregnancy are caused due to beej dushti, i.e. abnormalities in the embryo. Also the imbalance of three vital doshas, i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha result in many ailments during pregnancy.
Certain signs and symptoms of Molar pregnancy are:
- Vaginal bleeding in the initial first 3 months of pregnancy
- Watery discharge which is brown in color
- Cluster of grapes like looking sacs passes out of vagina
- Too severe or frequent nausea and vomiting as compared to normal pregnancy
- Too much pain or pressure on pelvis
An abnormal fertilization of the egg causes molar pregnancy. Normally the cell in humans consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes where one chromosome is from the father in each pair and the other is from the mother. But in case of complete molar pregnancy the egg is empty and does not contain genetic material and here the genetic material comes only from the father through the sperm which fertilizes the egg. Due to this, duplication occurs only for the father's chromosomes. While in case of partial molar pregnancy, the chromosomes from the mother side are present but the two sets of chromosomes are provided from the father's side. This results in the formation of embryos with 69 chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes. This condition is caused usually when an egg is fertilized by two sperm causing formation of an extra copy of genetic material of the father.
The clinical history taken by your doctor will make your doctor suspicious of the molar pregnancy will he/she will confirm through various blood tests like HCG, i.e. human chorionic gonadotropin which is a pregnancy hormone present in the blood and ultrasound. When ultrasound is done in complete molar pregnancy, the following findings are seen:
- No fetus or embryo
- Absence of amniotic fluid
- Ovarian cysts
- Uterus almost filled with thick cystic placenta
While in partial molar pregnancy findings are:
- Les amniotic fluid as compared to normal
- Unexpectedly small fetus for the present gestational age
- Abnormal appearing placenta
It is necessary to remove the abnormal placenta as the molar pregnancy cannot be continued as the normal pregnancy and hence can cause complications if not removed in a timely. Treatment includes invasive procedures like D&C (Dilation and curettage) in which the abnormal placental tissue is removed, while in rare cases hysterectomy is required.
As the beej dushti causes abnormalities in the pregnancy, hence the treatment is based on correction of this dushti. There are certain herbal remedies which help in balancing the tridosha. It can also be used as a supportive treatment along with other conventional measures.
Planet Ayurveda's herbal remedies are authentic and prepared from pure herbs. All of the herbal remedies prepared at Planet Ayurveda are free from chemicals, additives, colors, yeast, preservatives and fillers which make them safe and more effective. Planet Ayurveda is a very well known herbal pharmaceutical company. For Molar pregnancy, Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies.
- Female Health Support
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Pradrantak Churna
- Graviola Capsule
- Pushyanug Churna
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Pitta Balance
Herbal Remedies for Molar Pregnancy
1. Female Health Support
It is the combination of three amazing medicinal herbs, i.e. Ashok (Saraca indica), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). As the name implies, Female health support capsules help in supporting and enhancing the overall reproductive health of a woman. These herbal capsules increase libido and prevent any kind of reproductive issues.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
2. Kanchnaar Guggul
These herbal tablets help in scraping off the tumor and its additional blood supply. Kanchnaar guggul is known to treat the abnormal growths and inflammation. It is prepared from herbs like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Varuna (Crataeva religiosa) and Black pepper (Piper nigrum). Kanchnaar guggul also detoxifies the system, balancing the tridosha in the body.
Dosage - Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Pradrantak Churna
This herbal formulation is prepared using herbs like Ashok (Saraca indica), Udumbur (Ficus glomerata), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). Pradrantak churna helps in treating the ovarian cyst in case of molar pregnancy.
Dosage - Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with warm water after meals.
4. Graviola Capsules
Graviola Capsule is prepared from single herb Graviola (Annona muricata) which possesses multiple therapeutic properties like anti tumor, anti cancer, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. These therapeutic herbal capsules help in treating various types of tumors in the body.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
5. Pushyanug Churna
This herbal churna helps in treating the discharge from the vagina and any kind of bleeding in pregnancy. Pushyanug churna also balances the tridosha. Herbs like Rasanjana (Berberis aristata), Patha (Cyclea peltata), Samanga (Mimosa pudica), Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica), Kumkuma (Crocus sativus) etc.
Dosage - Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with decanted rice water after meals.
6. Chandraprabha Vati
Chandraprabha Vati relieves lower back pain, weakness, urinary complaints like burning and increased frequency of urination. Chandraprabha vati is prepared using Shilajit (Asphaltum), Hairdra (Curcuma longa), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Kapur (Cinnamomum camphora), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Chavya (Piper chaba), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus) etc.
Dosage - Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
7. Pitta Balance
These capsules help in pacifying the vitiated Pitta dosha which is the main cause behind such ailments as Ayurveda Ayurveda. Pitta balance capsules are prepared from Praval pishti (Coral calcium), Mukta pishti (Pear calcium), Akik pishti (Agate calcium), etc.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
These herbal remedies mentioned can help in treating this condition without the invasive method in certain cases. Also these herbs can be used as preventive in cases where there is history of previous abnormal pregnancies.
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