Nature is full of surprises and the human race is facing these surprises day after day, month after month and year after year. Everyday we listen about some new challenges which are being faced by the human race. Some challenges are killable enough and some make it sure that a person facing a challenge should suffer either for life or for death. Right now being a reader you might be curious what challenge this article has to tell about. This article is about monkeypox and whether it can be the next pandemic or not. In the last of the article we will discuss in detail about the Ayurvedic formulations that can help the person who is suffering from monkeypox.

Monkeypox is a serious illness which is caused by the monkey virus. It is a viral zoonotic infection. Here, the zoonotic infections means the ones which can spread from animals to humans. Monkeypox has the capability to spread from person to person. The monkeypox virus is a member of the orthopoxvirus genus in the family poxviridae. The symptoms of monkeypox resemble smallpox but monkeypox is less severe than smallpox. With the eradication of smallpox in 1980 and subsequent cessation of smallpox vaccination, now monkeypox has emerged as the most important orthopoxvirus for public health. Primarily, monkeypox occurred in central and west africa, often in the proximity to the tropical rain forests but now increasingly appearing in urban areas. Animal hosts include a range of rodents and non-human primates like apes, monkeys etc.
- Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic infection.
- The first outbreak in the human race was in 1970 in democratic republic of congo.
- The outbreak outside Africa was in the United states in 2003.
- The hosts are either rodents or non- human primates.
- Animal to human transmission is called zoonotic. This transmission can occur from direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids or cutaneous or mucosal lesions of infected animals.
- Human to human transmission can occur from close contact with respiratory secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or from recently contaminated objects.
- Eating inadequately cooked meat and other animal products from infected animals is a possible risk factor.
- There is a decline in immunity due to cessation of smallpox vaccination.
- Monkeypox virus can cross the blood placenta barrier and cause congenital monkeypox. It can also spread from the close contact with mother at the time of birth.
The incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) of monkeypox is between 6 to 13 days but it can also vary between 5 to 21 days. The infection can be divided into two periods:
- The invasion period
- The skin eruptions
1. The Invasion Period
The invasion period lasts between 0-5 days. This is characterised by the presence of fever, intense headache, lymphadenopathy that is swelling of the lymph nodes, back pain, myalgia or muscle aches and intense asthenia which is lack of energy. In this case swelling of lymph nodes is the distinctive feature of monkeypox. Lymphadenopathy also behaves as a differential characteristic to differentiate monkeypox from similar looking chicken pox, measles and smallpox.
2. The Skin Eruptions
- This stage usually begins within 1-3 days after the appearance of fever. The rashes tend to be more concentrated on the face and extremities rather than on the trunk. These skin eruptions usually affect the face in 95% cases, palms and hands along with soles of feet in 75% cases, mucus membranes in 70% of the cases, genitalia in 30% of the cases and conjunctiva in 20% of the cases along with cornea.
- The rashes evolve slowly from macules which are the lesions with flat base to papules which are slightly raised firm lesions. These papules convert into vesicles which are lesions filled with fluid and then pustules. Pustules are the lesions which are filled with yellowish fluid. Then crusts form which dry up and fall off.
- The number of lesions varies from a few to a range of several thousand. In severe cases these lesions can coalesce until the large secretions of skin slough off.
The monkey pox is a self limited condition usually but can spread to the ones who are more close to the patient. The symptoms last from 2-4 weeks. underlying immune deficiencies can lead to worse outcomes. Earlier as mentioned before smallpox vaccination had protected the population from monkeypox but cessation of smallpox vaccination now has abstained from that protective sheath. Now people younger than 50 years of age are at risk of getting infected by monkeypox virus. The complications of monkeypox can also cause secondary infections, bronchopneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis and infections of cornea leading to loss of vision.
It all depends on the severity of the condition in a person. Aforementioned monkeypox can cause severe damage in the body in case of immune deficiencies. In the past also 1%-10% of the individuals have died due to monkeypox. One more factor to note is that the death rate may vary according to region and other factors like access to health care services.
- They can be well diagnosed as per the symptoms. Swelling of lymph nodes is the peculiar sign for monkeypox.
- Sample from the secretions if any are collected and transported to the laboratory for testing so as proper diagnosis can be done.
According to the symptoms, the patient is prescribed medication. Patients should be offered with fluids and food to maintain required nutritional status.
Antiviral agent called as tecovirimat was developed for smallpox but is licensed to be used in monkeypox as well. Vaccination for smallpox was an option in the mid 90’s but now the vaccination has ceased.
Monkeypox can be prevented in the same way other conditions are prevented and that is by raising awareness. People should be taught about the risk factors and prevention measures as well. One more thing people should be told about is how they can help others without getting infected.
So, after going through all this information what we have collected is:
- Monkeypox is definitely not the next pandemic
- It's a small brother of smallpox
- Severity depends on ones immunity
- It can spread from a house pet to owner and to from that to other members of family
- In upcoming time, one may hear about the new vaccination developed for Monkeypox
- In 2022, the monkeypox cases will be noticed in many parts of the world, even in Delhi India as well.
Possible modes of transmission have to be investigated so as to safeguard public health.
- The theory according to Ayurveda starts from the low vayadhishamatva that is immunity. The deficiencies in the immune system are the result of lifestyle mistakes we generally make.
- If asked how many of you eat to build a strong immunity then only one out of 10 will answer “I do”. The maximum population eats to fulfil their cravings and fill their empty stomach.
- Low immunity or vayadhishamatva makes your body prone to be attacked by the viruses or bacterias or fungi etc. In ayurveda all of these microorganisms are called as agantuja karana for onset of any disease.
- When these agantuka karan enter the body they cause dosha vitiation especially of pitta dosha or of thermal energy in case of monkeypox. This aggravated pitta results in the various symptoms observed in this condition. That is the basic pathology followed, according to Ayurveda and based on this theory treatment of the condition is decided.
- As a line of treatment many formulations prepared with effective herbs are guided to the patients. The herbs like haldi, daruhaldi, sonth, pippali, Giloy, murva, nagarmotha, pitta papada etc. has great effect in pacification of pitta dosha and enhances immunity simultaneously.
Planet Ayurveda is an ISO certified company which is also having certification of HALAL, KOSHER, FDA and others. The herbal preparations manufactured by Planet Ayurveda are in the form of tablets (vati), capsules, syrups, decoctions (kwath), jams (avaleha) and others. The products prepared by Planet Ayurveda are totally herbal and do not contain any type of adulterants, fillers, dyes, flavour enhancing agents, binders etc. The herbal preparations manufactured or prepared by Planet Ayurveda are potent and are used in various types of conditions. The formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for Monkeypox includes the following:
- Curcumin Capsules
- Septrin Tablets
- Maha Sudarshan Kwath
- Gandhak Rasayan
Herbal Remedies for Monkeypox
1. Curcumin Capsules
Curcumin Capsules are manufactured by Planet ayurveda with the potent and effective chemical constituent of Haridra (Curcuma longa). This chemical constituent is popularly known by the name curcumin. The capsules play a very great role in subsiding any type of inflammation ongoing in the body and also helps in healing after formation of crust. They also help in clearing out the toxins from the system and pacify pitta dosha as well. Haridra or haldi is quite famous in the Ayurvedic text for its immune strengthening specification as well.
Dosage - One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
2. Septrin Tablets
Septrin Tablets are one of the most effective formulations of Planet ayurveda. The tablets are prepared with herbs such as Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum) and Pippali (Piper longum). The ingredients make a perfect combination and help in the strengthening of the entire immune system and thus makes the body capable enough of fighting the virus on its own. In addition septrin tablets remove the deposited endotoxins accumulated in the microchannels and thus help in proper flow of bodily fluids and doshas.
Dosage - Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
3. Maha Sudarshan Kwath
Maha Sudarshan Kwath is a classical formulation which is prepared using potent herbs. The kwath is prepared using ancient methods of kwath preparation. The formulation is prepared with herbs like Badi Harad (Terminalia chebula), Bahera (Terminalia belerica), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Daruhaldi (Berberis aristata) and many others. Maha sudarshan kwath is a very effective formulation which helps in combating fever and protects against harmful microorganisms as well. The formulation aids in management of fever in this case and also eliminates endotoxins accumulated in the body. In addition the kwath has great results in debility, cough and breathing difficulties as well.
Dosage - Two tsp twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
4. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak Rasayan is also a classic mentioned formulation which is known to give best results in skin disorders. But apart from that the formulation has many other great effects as well. Gandhak rasayan is prepared using shuddha gandhak that is purified form of Sulphur alone. It is also very well known to boost immunity and enhances the body’s power to fight against diseases. In addition, gandhak is known to give deeper effects and hence has its effect on dhatu as well. Gandhak rasayan is a very great formulation and helps in body detoxification also.
Dosage - Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
The diseases like monkeypox can outbreak any time and you can only be able to protect yourself from such infections by just one way: By keeping your defence system strong. This is only possible if you start living a life of discipline and do look after what you eat and how you live. Observing things going on with your body can bring a lot of positive changes. As mentioned before monkeypox can spread from one person to another and even from your pet to you. So such infections can be prevented best by keeping your immunity strong so that you can’t be the culprit of these infections and neither be the supplier of such infections. The herbal formulations mentioned above are totally natural and are free from any type of additives or adulterants. They give the best rest in enhancing your immunity and even make your condition better if you are suffering from monkeypox.
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