Do you suffer from skin irritations and often inflammation? Or do you get hives the moment you step out??
It might sound very unpretentious and might be an ordinary problem for many, Something common to everyone in this weather condition. But it is not something to be omitted and forgotten out of sight. It is something that requires medical innervation. For how long should you suffer from these snags?
Ayurveda with its rich insightful perspective in ordinary skin problems, can help you with a wide variety of ayurvedic tools that are available to pamper your skin both internally as well as externally. While invoking your eternal radiance is also a necessity to obtain optimal flawless skin.
Arisht and Asava are classical formulations prepared by the fermentation method lasting almost a month. These preparations are abundantly used in Ayurveda for its extensive range of action in the systemic level and its endowed ability to be able to cross the blood brain barrier.
Ayurveda mentions that mere topical applications are not sufficient to clarify your skin, but a detox mechanism from within is necessary to dash off the excess biogenesis. Khadirarisht is one such classical poly herbal formulation that helps to mitigate skin lesions, especially those that are Vata and Kapha predominant in nature. The main ingredient in this formulation is Acacia catechu or Khadir, renowned as the Agre aushada or ideal herb for skin diseases as stated in Ayurvedic classics.

The blend constitutes 14 ingredients in total, all of which have extraordinary goodness right from the dosha state.
The ingredients used for the formulation may be broadly divided into five categories for our convenience. The drugs for primary liquid preparation or decoction drugs, the sweetening agents, the additional drugs and the fermentation initiators. They are the under-mentioned herbs.
- Khadira - Acacia catechu, is the main crude drug used for the formulation as the drug for decoction. It has an astringent flavour with cooling effect, thereby promoting haemostatic action. Kushtagna or ability to alleviate skin disorders is the special effect or Prabhava offered by it.
- Devadaru - Cedrus deodara, This natural febrifuge helps to eliminate the itch sensations associated with skin lesions by lowering the Kapha dosha with its unctuous property.
- Babchi - Psoralea corlifolia, the seeds of this plant have the potential to eliminate leucoderma and other skin irritations including hives. It has a sweet flavour with cold potency thus lowering the Pitta entity.
- Triphala - This mystic combination of three fruits is called triphala. It includes Terminalia bellerica (Vibhitaki), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) and Amla or Emblica officinalis. This combo is a complete rejuvenator and cleanses the body from head to toe.
- Daruharidra : Berberis aristata, Commonly called tree turmeric and it has the same properties and potential as that of turmeric (Curcuma longa). It lowers the elevated levels of Vata and promotes effective regeneration of affected areas of skin under lesion.
- Pippali - Piper longum, This unique spice has a hot potency with an astringent taste. Despite these properties, it is widely used in ayurvedic formulation for its capacity to control Vata without affecting the pitta equilibrium.
- Laung - Syzygium aromaticum, Most common cloves are digestive and carmlative in action. It helps to lower the escalated levels of Kapha dosha responsible for the skin lesion.
- Kankol - Piper cubeba, often called the tail pepper. It has a pungent taste with hot potency. It helps to eliminate fungal infections while enhancing optimal digestive fire.
- Nagkesar - Mesua ferrea, a well-known ayurvedic herb that helps to check fever and headache. It has Vishahara property that helps to attenuate allergic reactions by diminishing Kapha and Pitta involvement.
- Elaichi - Elatora cardamomum, this emerald of spices, the Cardamom is cramilative and helps to normalise the optimal flow of Vata in the downward direction, thereby clearing the digestive fire.
- Dalchini - Cinnamomum zeylanica, the amber of spice Cinnamon is used across ayurvedic formulations for its carminative property. It helps in skin lesions by reducing purities with its hot potency.
- Tejpatta - Cinnamomum tamala, Bay leaves are used extensively in all cuisines for its aroma. In Ayurveda they are used for its amplitude to relieve inflammation in skin lesions by alleviating Kapha. On the contrary it escalates Pitta creating burning sensations on its excess use.
- Dhataki - Woodfordia fruticosa, the flowers of this plant have been used authentically as the fermenting agent instead of modern day yeast.
- Madhu - Honey is the best form of natural sweeter without hampering the optimal function of the body. Honey also helps to lower the levels of Vata and Kapha while offering more palatability.
- Misri - Crystallized sugar clumps are another commonly used form of sugar. It has cold potency with Sweet metabolic end effect that retards the growth of aggravated Pitta and Vata entities.
- Water - Normal soft water is used for the preparation of the decoction.
This traditional asset is most commonly used for all skin lesions that are Vata and Kapha predominant irrespective of age groups. This formulation is addressed as Sarva Kushtha Nivaran i.e. It eliminates all skin disturbances. As mentioned by the scholars of Ayurveda it may also be used in conditions of other systemic ailments like urinary calculi, to relieve flatulence and as a cardiac tonic.
It is advised to consume 3 tsp. twice daily with equal quantity of lukewarm water, or as directed by your ayurvedic physician.
Asava and Arishta preparations are self-preserved with alcohol to check putifaction, and may be used for a long time. But it is ideal to use within 1 year of purchase.
While channelling your aggravated biogenesis outside the body, Ayurveda also emphasises on the necessity of maintaining the right digestive fire, for it is responsible for the wholesome functioning of the body including creating a healthy skin. Every individual will have different skin and different needs with varied causes of worries. It's all about turning to your unique needs to support inner healing by understanding your entails to enhance your skin as your kin.