White vaginal discharge is not a rare but very common among females. Majority of females experience white vaginal discharge after its menarche (the first occurs of menstruation) it can vary in amount and color in individual due to diet and lifestyle. But after menopause amount of white vaginal discharge is very little.
Normally white vaginal discharge occurs before periods if it happens every time and in large amount with foul smell and with color variation than it is symptom of some disease. Here are some important and useful information about white vaginal discharge with some effective home and herbal remedies.

White vaginal discharge is very common in females. Vaginal discharge is a fluid released by glands in the vaginal wall and cervix that come out from the opening of the vagina. Fluids carry dead cells and bacteria out of the body, Vaginal discharge helps in cleaning and preventing infection of the Vagina. The amount and appearance of normal vaginal discharge varies throughout the menstrual cycle- it changes cyclically with hormones in appearance, consistency, and volume, vaginal fluid also changes during or after pregnancy.
The amount of vaginal discharge increases, an abnormal odor or consistency of the fluid, or pain that accompanies vaginal discharge can all be signs of an infection or STI or rare cervical cancer.
Ayurveda is a traditional and ancient form of medicine. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a healthy person's health and to alleviate disorders of the diseased. Ayurveda believes in maintaining a balance between mind, body, and soul. This balance can be maintained by the balance between Dosh, Dhatu, and Agni. Dosha is of three types Vata (Air), Pitta (fire), Kapha (water). Balance between these three dosha is known as a healthy state of body but the imbalance between this Dosha causes various problems.
According to, Ayurveda white vaginal discharge is known as "Swetapradara". White vaginal discharge is a symptom, not a disease, however, sometimes this symptom is so severe that it overshadows symptoms of actual disease and women come for treatment of only these symptoms. White vaginal discharge may also be noticed without any evident disease. However, on the basis of clinical features, it appears to be a disease of vitiation of Kapha, thus its etiopathogenesis may be considered in the following way-
Kapha, aggravated due to its own vitiaring factors, influences or vitiates rasadhatu of reproductive system, already influenced by excessive coitus, abortions, improper mode of life and dietetics during menstruation and rtukala along with non-cleanliness and then produces white and painless vaginal discharges due to dominance of its liquid property.
Vaginal discharge may vary in amount and appearance due to hormonal changes, bacterial and yeast infection. Different types of vaginal discharge according to color are:
- Clear discharge: Clear vaginal discharge is normal. The Amount may vary during the monthly menstrual cycle.
- Thick, white vaginal discharge: if thick white vaginal discharge with symptoms likes itching, burning, and irritation, it is due to yeast infection.
- Brown vaginal discharge: it is due to the irregular period cycle. If the brown discharge continues even after the menstrual cycle it can be a sign of uterine cancer.
- Yellow vaginal discharge: it is due to bacterial infection and sexually transmitted disease (STDs) it may be associated with odor.
- Green vaginal discharge: this can be a sign of bacterial and STDs such as trichomoniasis.
- Pink vaginal discharge: discharge can be much deeper pink it contains little amount of blood. It is most common before a period.
Different types of vaginal discharge according to amount:
- Heavy amount of discharge: the most common cause of the heavy discharge is due to birth control pills and IUDs. Or sometimes due to allergic reactions to some chemicals.
- Lighter amount of vaginal discharge: it is known as perimenopause signals. It lighter in volume, the discharge may be thin, watery or uncomfortable.
- Time in relation to the menstrual cycle: hormones that are responsible for the menstrual cycle also make the cervix produce mucus- the soft and sticky stuff on the cervix that is drained by the vagina as discharge.
- Contraceptive pills- contraceptive pills are a combination of the hormones (the estrogen and progesterone) thicken cervical fluid is responsible because of hormone they contain.
- Pregnancy- during pregnancy an increase in estrogen levels causes increase blood flow to the pelvic area. An Increase in blood flow stimulates the body's mucous membranes, lead to increase in vaginal discharge.
- Antibiotic, prolonged use over 10 days- antibiotic is taken for longer period disrupt the bacteria balance in your vagina, which can lead to yeast infection, which an increases vaginal discharge
- Stress- Stress changes because it can disturb hormones which lead to vaginal discharge.
- Diabetes- vaginal discharge with diabetes due to vaginal yeast infection.
- Trichomoniasis- is caused by an organism called Trichomonas vaginalis.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - there is no symptoms at first but when infection increases it can cause heavy vaginal discharge with foul odor.
- Douches, scented soaps or lotions – it increases some infections like bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, etc. which causes vaginal discharge
- Menarche, menopause – an imbalance in hormones during the menstrual cycle causes vaginal discharge, closer to menopause the body produces less vaginal discharge.
- Hormones imbalance- estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the menstrual cycle. Imbalance in hormones causes the vaginal discharge.
- Diet- high intake of refined carbohydrates, include white rice, white bread, etc. increase the risk for yeast infection.
- Yeast infection- the common symptoms of yeast infection is caused by yeast infections.
- STDs- Gonorrhea, HIV, trichomoniasis are some STDs that can cause vaginal discharge.
- Bacterial infection- the most common cause of the vaginal discharge.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)- mostly all cervical cancer caused by HPV infection while there is no early sign but later it shows some symptoms like increased discharge, which may be pale, brown, bloody or foul smell.
There are some common symptoms of vaginal discharge:
- Heavy discharge
- Discomfort
- Brown, yellow, or gray discharge
- Foamy or clumpy discharge
- Intense itching
- Strong odor
- Pain and itching when urinating
- Most apparent after periods
- Itching or burning
- Slight redness and swelling of the vagina
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Pelvic pain
Vaginal discharge is a symptom, not a disease; however, sometimes this symptom is so severe that it overshadows symptoms of the actual disease:
- Cervical cancer: increased which may be pale, brown, bloody vaginal discharge.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - there is no symptoms at first but when infection increases it can cause heavy vaginal discharge with a foul odor.
- STDs- Gonorrhea, HIV, trichomoniasis are some STDs that can cause vaginal discharge.
Some useful herbs for vaginal discharge which help the patient to get relief from its symptoms and also boost functions of uterus and helps in regulating hormones. Three main herbs are Arjuna, Lodhra, and Patha.
- Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - From ancient times Arjuna is used in Ayurvedic preparation for its versatile medicinal use. The Bark of this plant is used in the preparation of medicine. It helps in balancing pitta and kapha dosha which is useful in regulating vaginal discharge because vaginal discharge is caused by aggravated Kapha dosha. It also boosts uterine functioning and helps in urinary infection (UTI).
- Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) - Lodhra is mentioned as divya aushadhi in Ayurveda. This is the best herb for all female health issues. It is very effective in vaginal discharge. It helps in balancing the pH level of the body. It also helps in balancing Dosha which causes various health problems. It also promotes women's health.
- Patha (Cissampelos pareira) - Patha is a slender climbing shrub. This herb is used for female reproductive disorders. Kapaha dosha is responsible for vaginal discharge. It is helpful in balancing kapha dosha. It also promotes women's health.
Planet Ayurveda treats people according to the ayurvedic principle. These herbal remedies are prepared with natural herbs. These are prepared according to the ayurvedic principle. These remedies work on the basis of aggravated dosha. These remedies not only treat the disease but also provide nourishment to the body. These are 100% safe and effective. These remedies are free from chemical and preservative and have no side effects on the body. Planet Ayurveda provides various herbal remedies for vaginal discharge:
- Pradrantak Churna
- Female Health Support
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Pitta Balance
- Chanderprabha Vati
Herbal Remedies to Vaginal Discharge

1. Pradrantak Churna
This herbal remedy contains lodhra, arjuna, etc. which help in women's health problems. It helps to get rid of yellowish-white discharge. This powder helps in balancing Kapha Dosha associated with Vata and Pitta. Also, helps in excreting toxins from the body.
Dosage - 1-2 teaspoon twice daily, with water or juice after meals.
2. Female Health Support
It is a blend of various herbs like Ashok, lodra, etc. which helps in regulating and balance female health. It is very helpful in vaginal discharge. It also helps in improving the reproductive system.
Dosage - 1 Capsule twice daily with water after meals.
3. Gandhak Rasayan
It is useful in boosting the immune system; it is really good for all skin problems and helps in blood purification which helps the body to remove toxins that contain various bacteria that cause vaginal discharge.
Dosage - 2 tablets twice or thrice with plain water after meals.
4. Pitta Balance
It is a blend of various herbs which are soothing in nature like Praval pisti, Akik pisti, etc. intake of pitta balance helps in regulating pitta which helps in various conditions like a burning feeling.
Dosage - 1 capsule once daily with plain water after meals.
5. Chanderprabha Vati
This herb having beautiful meaning chander means moon and prabha means glow. It is a blend of 23 herbs which helps in calming whole body. It is very helpful in female and male reproductive parts. It is very useful in vaginal discharge. It helps in balancing Kapaha and Vata dosh which is responsible for vaginal discharge.
Dosage - 2-3 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.
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There are number of home remedies for vaginal discharge:
- Pomegranate - Pomegranate is very useful in treating vaginal discharge one can consume it raw with its seed or extract the juice. Even leaves works great in treating vaginal discharge to make a paste of leaves combined with water and consume it every morning.
- Rice starch - This is very useful in treating white discharge problem. Boil the rice and filter the water and consume it lukewarm. The starch present in that water helps in treating white discharge problem.
- Ginger - Make a powder of dry ginger. Add 1 teaspoon of ginger powder in water bring it to boil and continue boiling till it left half. Drink it regularly.
- Guava leaves - Take some guava leaves to boil it in water strain it and drink it. It will help in vaginal problems.
- Basil - Prepare juice from basil leaves add some honey in the juice and drink it. It will help in vaginal discharge problems.
- Fenugreek seed - Boil the fenugreek seed in 1-liter water till 30 mints then drain it and consume it.
- Amla - Slice amla and dry it in sunlight and grind it make a powder out of it. Take 2 teaspoons of powder mix it with honey and consume it twice daily. It is very effective in vaginal discharge.
Dietary and lifestyle modification helps in getting relief from vaginal discharge.
Foods To Be Taken
- Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and salads.
- Increase liquids in the diet such as water, juice and milk. These will help in flushing out toxins
- Healthy fruits and vegetables like bananas, oranges, brown rice, yogurt, lemons, black plums.
- Eating betel nuts after meals will be helpful.
Foods To Avoid
- Tea, coffee, alcohol, and non-vegetarian food should be avoided.
- Avoid heavy, fried, spicy, and oily foods.
- Sugar must be avoided.
- Some of the foods that should be eliminated from healthy leucorrhoea like; eggs, meat, mushrooms, bread,and other fermented foods.
- Alcohol must be avoided.
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Take a bath daily and clean genital properly.
- Avoid wearing tight outfits which can cause itching or irritation
- Wear breathable clothes.
- Prefer wearing cotton underwear's
- Use protection while having sexual intercourse.
- Avoid douches like perfumed sprays, or tampons
- Change pad and tampons regularly.
Vaginal discharge is common in females but sometimes it's varying in amount and color. but with some diet, lifestyle modification and with some herbal remedies one can cure this easily.
Q1. Is a white discharge a sign of period coming?
Ans. Yes, white discharge is a sign of coming periods.
Q2. Is a white discharge a sign of pregnancy?
Ans. No, white discharge is not associated with pregnancy but many women secrete white discharge during first trimester.
Q3. What is the reason for white discharge?
Ans. It is caused by yeast infection but unhealthy diet and lifestyle can trigger it.
Q4. Is white discharge is normal?
Ans. Yes, white discharge is normal but it can be vary with amount and color of discharge.
Q5. Why white discharge happens?
Ans. It can occur throughout menstrual cycle… during ovulation, the discharge or mucus my become very thick and drain out from vagina.
Q6. How to reduce white discharge?
Ans. White discharge can be reduce by diet and lifestyle modification and with the help of herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda.
Q7. How to cure white discharge?
Ans. By using Herbal remedies from Planet Ayurveda with some diet and lifestyle modification.
Q8. Does white discharge occur during pregnancy?
Ans. Yes, white discharge is very common in pregnancy.
Q9. How to avoid white discharge?
Ans. Keeping some diet and lifestyle modification.
Q10. Why white discharge before periods?
Ans. Increase in progesterone hormone, a hormone involved in menstrual cycle.
Q11. Is white discharge harmful?
Ans. Mostly, vaginal discharge is completely normal. The amount, color and odor can vary.
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