Monday, September 7, 2020

Ayurvedic Management for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

Autosomal polycystic kidney disease or ADPKD as name suggests is a genetic disorder which is transferred from parents to the child and is manifested as number of cysts growing the kidneys. It is an inherited disorder where the numerous small cystic sacs develop filled with cysts in the kidneys. Children who are born with these cysts do not tend to have any signs or symptoms until the cysts become large enough to hamper the functions of the kidneys. Severity of complaints may vary from person to person, however the onset of signs and symptoms occur between the age of 30-40 years. It is known to be the most commonly inherited disorder of kidneys.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is an inherited progressive disorder whose signs and symptoms become worse over the period of time with the growth of the cysts. ADPKD is usually presented by pain in lower back region, sides of the back and frequent headaches. Other complications which might follow the cysts in kidneys are pancreatic and liver cysts, abnormality in the valves of the heart, urinary tract infection, hypertension, stones in kidneys and aneurysms in brain. Certain mutations in the PKD1 and PKD2 genes results in Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. As it is clear from the name that this disease is inherited in a dominant inheritance pattern. Treatment aims at managing the symptoms of the disease, preventing complications and slowing down the progression of the disease. ADPKD in worse scenario can even result in kidney failure. In some cases it is seen complete absence of the signs and symptoms and the disorder is diagnosed accidently while going for the tests for any other disease condition.


  • Abdominal pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Cysts in liver and pancreas
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Abnormality in the valves of the heart
  • Presence of blood in urine
  • Stones in kidneys
  • Aneurysm in brain


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is usually a result of mutations in the PKD1 and PKD2 and rarely sometimes due to the changes in the DNAJB11 and GANAB genes. These genetic mutations hamper the normal growth of some kidney cells that eventually forms cysts. The most severe cases are known to be of that occurring due to the mutation in the PKD1 gene. One of the parent having one of these defected genes causes their child to have manifesting the Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. The person who is affected from ADPKD can also pass the disease to his/her children just like the one inherited from its parent.


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is diagnosed in a person based upon clinical examination, history, family history and diagnostic tests including kidneys. Ultrasound is the most common form of imaging studies done for diagnosing ADPKD. However, the CT scan or MRI can also be used to confirm the presence of the disorder. The final confirmation of its genetic involvement is confirmed by genetic testing.


Aim of the treatment in Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is to treat the signs and symptoms, prevent complications and slow down the progress of the disease. In case the kidney functions have started to deteriorate, the treatment is aimed to slow down its worsening of the kidneys functions. In case of Kidney failure the kidney transplant is often advised in modern practice.

In this case Ayurveda can help in managing the condition naturally with the help of natural herbs and therapies. In Ayurveda, various herbs having amazing medicinal properties are used to treat the diseases naturally and safely.


Planet Ayurveda is a herbal pharmaceutical company that offers amazing herbal supplements which helps in managing and treating different disease conditions. The herbal medicines are prepared from best and finest quality of herbs without adding any kind of chemicals, additives, colors, dyes, fillers or preservatives. This purity increases the safety and efficacy of the treatment. All the herbal formulations are prepared under the strict supervision of MD Ayurveda doctors following authentic Ayurvedic principles. For Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease also Planet Ayurveda offers a set of herbal formulations that help in managing the condition naturally and safely.

1. Mutrakrichantak Churna

This churna is prepared from widely-known herbs which can manage kidney disorders. The herbal components of the churna include Punarnava, Varun, Gokshur, Kaasni etc. The use of this churna hrlps in treating kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, elevated urea and creatinine levels in the body, and treat kidney stones.

DOSAGE: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Punarnava Mandur

These tablets are prepared from a combination of Punarnava herb and Mandoor Bhasma together with some other herbs like Amalaki, Haritaki, Shunti, Pippali etc. These tablets have the ability to increase blood count, improve the quality of blood, treat anaemia, control cholesterol, decrease urea and creatinine levels, remove toxins from the body, and manage a number of other health conditions.

DOSAGE: Take 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Reno Plan Syrup

This herbal syrup is prepared by using several essential herbs which work in a synergistic manner to treat kidney disorders. The herbal ingredients include Punarnava, Bhumi amla, Gokshura, Kaasni, Varuna, Saral, Gorakhmundi, and Tripanchmool ghan etc. Reno plan syrup helps in strengthening the kidneys, boost immunity, disintegrate kidney stones, manage urinary tract problems, and treat cysts present in kidneys.

DOSAGE: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Kachnaar Guggul

These herbal tablets are prepared by using some beneficial herbs that can manage a different health problem. The major ingredients of these tablets include Kanchnaar, Amalaki and Guggul raisin. These tablets are helpful in treating polycystic kidney disease, fistula, manage liver cysts, and treat a various skin problems.

DOSAGE: Take 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Phyllanthus Niruri

The capsules contain standardized extract of bhumiamlaki which mainly possesses potent and therapeutic action on kidneys, liver and gall bladder. Owing to its pitta balancing property it manages high blood pressure in the body and thus maintains homeostasis. These herbal capsules are beneficial to use in case of kidney failure, polynephritis, congestive cardiac failure, hepatomegaly, ascites, jaundice, hepatitis, inflammatory disorders, etc.

DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

6. Nephralka Capsules

Nephralka capsules are prepared from standardized extracts of moolisatva, revandchini, Bhumiamla, Kalmegh, and Punarnava. These herbal capsules are excellent in maintaining the healthy functioning of the kidneys. Moreover, it treats the kidney diseases.

DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

7. Loknath Ras

These are the classical Ayurvedic preparation in the form of tablets. These amazing therapeutic tablets are prepared from Suddha parade, shuddh gandhak, abhraka bhasma, loh bhasma etc. Loknath ras tablets helps in treating various inflammatory conditions involving kidneys and liver.

DOSAGE: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.

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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the inherited disease which is complex and chronic disorder. Ayurveda can prove here to be a helping hand in treating this condition naturally and safely. Signs and symptoms of this disorder can be managed by the help of herbal formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda.

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