Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Treatment of Afibrinogenemia in Ayurveda with Herbal Remedies


It is a genetically inherited blood fibrinogen disorder in which the blood does not clot normally due to a lack of fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a blood protein that is necessary for coagulation. It is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. The hemorrhagic conditions sometimes can be life-threatening. It occurs in approximately 1 in 1 million people. Abolghasemi and Shahverdi (2015) mention that there have been about 250 cases is reported in the world literature.

We have discussed important points like Ayurvedic aspects, symptoms, causes, risk factors, the complication with some effective home and herbal remedies.

Introduction of Afibrinogenemia

Afibrinogenemia is also known as congenital afibrinogenemia. Afibrogenemia is a rare bleeding disorder in which the absence of fibrinogen in the blood that is a protein that is essential for blood clotting. People suffering from this disease may have severe bleeding episodes, specifically during infancy or childhood. Bleeding may occur anywhere in the body including nose, skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, liver, muscles, genitals, and urinary tract. This disorder is an autosomal recessive that means two unaffected parents can have a child with this disorder.

Afibrinogenemia, Herbal Remedies

The lack of fibrinogen can be seen with excessive and sometimes uncontrollable bleeding. Diagnosis can often be made at the time of birth because affected infants have severe bleeding in the umbilical cord. Early diagnosis of congenital afibrinogenemia will help in the treatment and also helps in preventing an individual from having severe bleeding or particularly bleeding inside the skull which can lead to death.

Ayurvedic aspect for Afibrinogenemia

Ayurveda is a traditional and ancient form of medicine. It is a holistic approach to health. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a healthy person's health and to alleviate disorders of the diseased. Ayurveda believes in maintaining health by balancing the mind, body, and soul. This balance can be maintained by the balance between Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala. Dosha is of three types each having its dominating factors like Vata has Air dominating factor, Pitta has Fire dominating factors and Kapha has water dominating factors. The balance between these Dosha is known as a healthy state of body and imbalance of these Dosha can cause various health problems.

According to Ayurveda, afibrinogenemia is a type of Sehajvikar (congenital) due to deficiency of the components of Raktadhatu which interfere with Raktastambhak action of Raktadhatu. People with this disease can have a higher risk of hemorrhage (severe bleeding) specifically in babies or young children. Newborns may have excessive bleeding from the umbilical cord. Pancha Mahadhutas plays an important role in the growth of a fertilized ovum and the formation and development of fetus organs.

Symptoms of Afibrinogenemia

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Nosebleed
  • Gum bleeding
  • Bleeding into the space of joints
  • Easily bruising
  • Prolonged menstrual periods
  • Bleeding in the mucous membrane
  • Very rare bleeding inside the skull
  • Repeated miscarriages during pregnancy
  • Excessive bleeding from the minor injury
  • Central nervous system hemorrhaging
  • Spontaneous rupture of the spleen

Causes of Afibrinogenemia

1. Mutation

Each of these genes provides instruction for making one part of a protein called fibrinogen. This protein plays an important role in clotting blood. The absence of fibrinogen in the blood is caused by a mutation in one of three genes which are known as fibrinogen alpha chain FGA, beta-chain FGB, and gamma-chain FGG genes. Mutation in FGA, FGB, and FGG can affect blood levels of fibrinogen in several ways.

2. Hereditary

Congenital afibrinogenemia is caused by a complete absence of fibrinogen protein. If the child inherits only one copy of the mutated gene, he/she becomes a carrier, and will not develop afibrinogenemia. In such cases, they will only have half of the normal levels of fibrinogen. Milder disease forms as seen if the child inherits only one gene from the parent. These patients may have abnormal bleeding only during major trauma or high-risk surgical procedures.

3. Autosomal recessive

Autosomal recessive conditions are disorders that occur when two copies of an abnormal gene have been inherited on a non-sex chromosome. If both parents have an autosomal recessive condition, there is a 100% chance of passing on the mutated genes to their children. If however, only one mutant copy of the gene is inherited, the individual will carrier of the condition, but will not be present with any symptoms. Children, born to two carriers, have a 25% chance of being homozygous dominant (unaffected), a 50% chance of being heterozygous (carrier), and a 25% chance of being homozygous recessive (affected).

Risk Factors of Afibrinogenemia

The only risk factor for this condition if both parents of a child carry the recessive linked to the disorder.

Complications of Afibrinogenemia

  • A bleeding disorder is particularly disturbed the reproductive-aged women.
  • Postoperative excessive bleeding.
  • Bleeding disorders (digestive or urinary tract).
  • Bleeding in the brain it can also lead to death.
  • Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding can lead to serious complications.
  • If afibrinogenemia women become pregnant the pre and postnatal care for women and her baby should be given.

Diagnosis of Afibrinogenemia

When a problem of fibrinogen is suspected then a test which can be performed are:

  • PTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)
  • Fibrinogen level in the blood
  • Thrombin time
  • Reptilase time
  • PT (prothrombin time)

Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda for Afibrinogenemia

Planet Ayurveda believes in treating people according to Ayurveda. Herbal remedies are derived from natural herbs. These herbal remedies are prepared according to the Ayurvedic principle. These herbal remedies not only provide relief from the symptoms but also work on the root cause of the disease. These herbal remedies are 100% safe and do not cause any side effects on health. These herbal remedies are free from chemicals and preservatives. For Afibrinogenemia disease Planet Ayurveda provides various herbal remedies like:

Products List

  1. Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukt
  2. Amalaki Rasayan
  3. Amla Saar
  4. Kaharva Pishti
  5. Shonit Stambhak Vati
  6. Giloyghan Vati
Afibrinogenemia, Herbal Remedies For Afibrinogenemia

1. Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukt

Kamdudha Ras (Moti yukt)-Kamdudha ras is a blend of various herbs like Amrita satva (Tinospora cordifolia), Abhrak Bhasma (calx of mica), Praval pishti (calx of coral), Kapardika bhasma (calx of cowries), mukta bhasma (calx of pearl) etc. This will have cooling effects on the body thus helping in balancing the Pitta Dosha in the body. It also aids in health conditions like afibrinogenemia. It also assists in managing gastrointestinal bleeding, burning sensation and spontaneous rupture of spleen.

Dosage: 1 tab twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Amalaki Rasayan

Amalaki Rasayan is a capsule preparation made using standardized extract of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). As its name indicates that it is a rasaynik preparation which aids in balancing all the three doshas and sustains the strength to the body and supports the immune system. Amalaki rasayan also helps in anemic conditions occurring due to Gum bleeding, Bleeding into the space of joints, Easily bruising, Prolonged menstrual periods, Bleeding in the mucous membrane.

Dosage: 1 cap twice daily with plain water.

3. Amla Saar

Amla saar is a liquid syrup preparation prepared using Amla (Phyllanthus emblica). Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry and has dry and astringent properties thus helps in clotting blood. Along with pitta dosha it also helps in balancing Vata and Pitta Dosha and does detoxification of the body. This formulation is a wonderful antioxidant and removes all the endotoxins from the body.

Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily.

4. Kaharva Pishti

Kaharwa pishti is a cooling mineral preparation which prevents too much bleeding in blood dysentery, from wounds or uterine bleeding. It is made from natural extracts that have antibacterial and coagulation properties. It prevents excessive blood loss as it has astringent properties. This formulation also balances pitta dosha in the body thus manages afibrinogenemia.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Shonit Stambhak Vati

Shonit stambhak vati is a classical ayurvedic preparation made using ingredients like Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), Mochrasa (Bombax malabaricum), Shuddha Laksha (Laccifer lacca) and many others. In Afibrinogenemia shonit stambhak vati helps in reducing the bleeding tendency and aids in relieving the symptoms like the Gastrointestinal bleeding, Nosebleed, Gum bleeding, Bleeding into the space of joints, Easily bruising and spontaneous rupture of spleen.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

6. Giloyghan Vati

Giloy ghan vati is prepared using herb giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Giloy is also known as Amrita as it has properties like nectar. Giloy ghan vati helps in managing the whole body functions due to its immunity boosting, antioxidant, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties. Giloy helps in pacifying all the three doshas thus coping with overall weakness occurring in afibrinogenemia.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030

Home Remedies for Afibrinogenemia

Mothers can take this juice during pregnancy:-

  1. Green Juice: Coriander, Mint, Spinach, Basil, wheatgrass, long grass juice, Sheesham leaves, green grapes add all these ingredients in a blending jar and blend it then pour the juice in a glass without straining and drink it every day.
  2. Red Juice: Beetroot, Apple, Pomegranate, Marigold flower petals, Rose petals, and Black or Red grapes add all these ingredients in a blending jar and blend it then pour this juice in the glass without straining and drink it every day.


It is a genetically inherited blood fibrinogen disorder in which the blood does not clot normally due to a lack of fibrinogen. By using herbal remedies one can heal this disease.



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