Friday, August 23, 2019

Treatment of Psoriasis in Ayurveda

Psoriasis, a skin disease which is inflammatory and autoimmune, characterized by skin lesions that give an ugly look to our personality. This is a disease which is not limited or confined to our integumentary system. It shows its effects on various other systems like – respiratory, locomotory, etc. Overall psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease which is represented with well- defined erythematous plaques with large, adherent and silvery scales. The basic reason for psoriasis is our unhealthy diet, lifestyle and overactive immune system.

Treatment of Psoriasis in Ayurveda

Still the present medical sciences are struggling to rule out the etiology and treatment of psoriasis. But Ayurveda an age-old system of medicine has the potential to cure this disease by means of natural ways.


The exact cause is not known but there are some factors that are responsible for its causation.

Aaharaj Karana (Dietary Factors)

Excessive consumption of spicy, sour, pungent, hot, oily foodstuffs, baked, fermented and packaged food items, non- vegetarian diet etc. are responsible for this condition. Some wrong and improper combinations like - fish and milk, salt and milk, citrus foods and milk, vegetables and milk are considered as 'Virudha ahara". If an individual who is taking these food items together then the person would definitely be going to end up with the skin problems.

Viharaj Karana (Lifestyle)

Excessively indulging in some activities like – exposure to sunlight, hot wind, sleeping in day time, awakening at night time, and leading a sedentary lifestyle can cause vitiation in our vital energies i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Mansik karana (Mental status)

Excessive stress and strains can cause hormonal imbalance in our body. As hormones are responsible for all the functions in our body, any variation in them can lead to skin diseases.

Vanshaj Karana (Hereditary Factors)

Psoriasis is also one among the hereditary problems which run in generations.

Vyadhikshamatva (Immune System)

Mostly the weak immune system is the cause of diseases but in case of psoriasis our immune system due to some wrong signals is unable to recognize the healthy tissues and destructs them.

Anya Karana (Some Other Factors)

  • Occupational hazards – Those who are working in an area where they have to expose to some chemicals, certain gases, radiations etc. are prone to develop skin problems
  • Medications – Long term use of steroids affects our immune system.
  • Certain habits like drinking and smoking are also the causative factors.
  • Chemicals in cosmetics can react in such a manner that they erode the skin, further they develop infections.


The common signs and symptoms of psoriasis are –

  • Discoloration of skin
  • Flake formation
  • Scaly lesions
  • Reduced sensation on the affected part.
  • Associated with itching, pain, dryness, burning sensation and swelling.
  • As other systems are also involved in this disease so a person may develop cough, joint pains etc.


As per Ayurveda psoriasis is one among Kushtha roga which is a "Pitta pradhana tridoshaj vyadhi". Our scholars stated that our unwholesome diet, lifestyle, genetic factors and behavior are the reasons for the development of this disease.

Especially the unwholesome diet that is mentioned in our classics which if taken in excess definitely going to develop the skin diseases. The quotation goes as -

ancient reference

Reference – Charaka samhita / Chikitsa sthana / Kushtha chikitsa / Chapter no. 7 / Shloka no. 7

The meaning of this shloka goes as - excessive consumption of newly harvested grains, curd, fish, salt, black gram, radish, fermented foods, jaggery, milk, sesame, etc are the foods that make an individual prone to develop skin disorder like psoriasis.

Another reason for psoriasis is wrong utilization of Panchakarma therapies (branch of Ayurveda) which can make the body susceptible to kushtha.

The pathogenesis of kustha goes as –

ancient reference

Reference – Charaka samhita / Chikitsa sthana / Kushtha chikitsa / Chapter no. 7 / Shloka no. 9

Meaning: The vitiated tridoshas get localized and vitiate our twak (skin), rakta (blood), lasika (lymph), mamsa (muscles) and reflect the response in form of discolored lesions on the skin which is kushtha (Psoriasis). Moreover, these 7 factors are responsible for the production of skin lesions in our body.


All the Skin and Autoimmune diseases can be effectively managed by Ayurvedic remedies. The treatment protocol involves detoxification of the body, rejuvenating the dead and discolored skin, blood purification and maintaining the immunity level.

"Planet Ayurveda" the emerging hope in case of chronic, autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders brings "Psora Care Pack" for the treatment of Psoriasis. The preparations in this pack are highly effective in treating psoriasis naturally. Moreover all these formulations contain pure herbal extracts and are free from additives, fillers and have no side effects.

Psora Care Pack

psoriasis, care, pack, psora, herbal, remedies, ayurveda, medicines, treatment

1. Navakarshik Churna

This herbal blend is a combination of herbs like - amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitiki (Terminalia bellirica), daruharidra (Berberis aristata), vacha (Acorus calamus), manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), and guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). All these herbs help to eliminate toxins from the body, purify blood, and improve the functions of liver as liver is the organ which is responsible for detoxification. Thus, it won't allow the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula

This is an effective medicine of “Planet Ayurveda” which contains Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Pit papad (Fumaria officinalis), Chirayata (Swertia chiretta) and Ghrit kumari (Aloe barbadensis). This medicine directly acts on affected area and peels off the scaly lesions, restores and rejuvenates the healthy tissues and color of the skin.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals

3. Neem Capsules

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a well-known herb for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and blood purification properties. If infection is the cause of psoriasis then it eradicates the flora of bacteria and viruses and also protects the tissues against infections.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Manjishtha Capsules

As pitta vitiation is the prime cause of psoriasis, manjishtha is an herb of choice that counteracts the action of highly aggravated and vitiated pitta dosha. It acts as a blood purifier and as an anti-oxidant that helps to regain the normal color and enhances the complexion.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Pitta Balance

It is a wonderful product that contains akik pishti, praval pishti, jaharmohra pishti, kamdudha ras, mukta pishti and giloy satva. All these medicines are helpful to restore healthy functions of body and maintain strong immune system by enhancing immunity. As the name suggests this medicine is potent enough to balance pitta dosha in our body.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

6. Jatyadi Oil

This is a classical formulation which is composed of haridra, jati, nimba, patola, manjishtha, katu rohini, tutha, etc herbs and some metallic contents, they have penetrating property hence heals the deep-seated wounds or non- healing wounds. This oil is very beneficial in chronic psoriatic conditions. It also restores the normal color and reduced sensation of the affected area.

7. Recumin Gel

Recumin gel is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda which has shown tremendous results in case of skin disorders. It promotes early healing of wounds, restores the normal color and texture of the skin by removing the scaly de-pigmented patches from the body. Recumin gel contains Azadirachta indica, Jasmine officinalis, Commiphora mukul, Celastrus paniculatus, Sesame indicum, Cocus nucifera, etc. Basically, the herbs in this gel have anti-bacterial action and improve skin complexion.

Usage: For external use only, this Jatyadi oil and Recumin gel can be mixed together and apply twice daily on the affected area after cleaning the area.

In the absence of Recumin gel or Jatyadi oil you can also use Lippu oil and Psorolin ointment. Which are also equally effective in this condition.

Lippu Oil

This oil is composed of karanja (Pongamia glabra) herb and coconut oil. Karanja is an effective anti-bacterial medicine and coconut helps to manage proper skin tone. This oil helps to remove dryness and flakes and also accelerates the healing process.

Dosage: Apply locally on lesions after bath and expose to sunlight for about 5 min.

Psorolin Ointment

This ointment is formed by using the extracts of Wrightia tinctoria oil and cynodon dactylon oil which reduce scaling, inflammation and itching. 

Dosage: Apply locally on lesions at night.

"In all the skin problems it is strictly advised to avoid sour foods, fermented foods, milk and milk products".

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