Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Ayurvedic Treatment of Sebaceous Cyst

Sebaceous glands are the exocrine glands that secrete the sebum beneath the skin. In Latin, sebum is called as fat or tallow which is a waxy substance that contains triglycerides, waxy esters, metabolites, etc.It helps to lubricate the skin and hair. These glands are abundantly present over the face and scalp but also on other parts except soles and palms.Moreover, there are two types of sebaceous glands, one that is directly connected to the base of hair follicles and the other that exists independently. Meibomian glands (eye glands) and areolar glands (surrounded the nipples) are also the types of sebaceous glands. When the path of the secretion of glands get obstructed or clogged, the sebum starts to deposit over there and forms an elevated swelling beneath the skin that is nothing but a sebaceous cyst. The collected material inside the cysts contains sebum and a few debris.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Sebaceous Cyst, epidermoid cyst


Master Sushruta "The Father Of Surgery" stated that the vitiated tridoshas get localized in dhatus especially, in the mamsa and medadhatuthat in turn obstruct the channels and give rise to an elevated swelling or growth which is termed as a cyst or 'granthi'. If this cyst occurs in the sebaceous glands and in its path, is called as a sebaceous cyst.

Reference – Sushrutasamhita / nidaanstahana/ chapter no. 11/ shloka no.3

Basically, the sebaceous cyst is Kapha Pradhan.


  • Color – As that of skin color
  • Odor – Exudate has foul smell
  • Surface – Usually has a smooth surface
  • Shape – Varies in shape and structure
  • Size – Varies in size
  • Location – Profusely on the face, neck and torso.


  • Obstructionor blocked channels (ducts) is the main cause of sebaceous cysts.
  • Overactive sebaceous glands.
  • Sometimes these cysts are inherited
  • Weak immune system.
  • Trauma or injury on the skin
  • A diet that obstructs the channels is a major culprit for this cyst.
  • Environmental and climatic changes like excessive exposure to dust and mists can obstruct the hair follicles and may develop a sebaceous cyst.
  • Unhygienic conditions can give rise to a sebaceous cyst


  • A protrusion or a lump under the skin.
  • Usually,lumps are painless but sometimes due to the inflammation they become tender.
  • Surrounded skin will be red and warm on touch.
  • The discharge of the cyst appears greyish–white in color which resembles like – cheese.
  • Usually, the cysts are mobile.
  • Mostly, they grow slowly.


On the clinical basis we can diagnose the sebaceous cyst but just to avoid risk, we can go for some investigations to rule out the growth. Some investigations that are helpful, they are -

  • Computed tomography.
  • Biopsy.
  • Nuclear imaging.


  1. Avoiding the root cause.
  2. Detoxification of the body.
  3. Measures to restrict the growth by means of Shaman chikitsa.
  4. Enhancing immunity.
  5. Diet and lifestyle modifications.


These cysts can be effectively managed by the use of natural herbo-mineral combinations. Planet Ayurveda offers various formulations that can resolve the growth of cysts, maintain the sebum production and cleanse the blocked ducts. Planet Ayurveda's medicines are completely pure, free from chemicals, additives and fillers, moreover they are prepared from the standard extracts of herbs. The medicines that are helpful in this condition are –

1. Kanchnaar Guggul

It is an effective classical formulation of Ayurveda which is composed of herbs like – Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Varuna (Crataeva religosa), etc. that are really effective to cut down the extra growths, cysts or tumors. It helps to seep out the extra sebum from the glands. These tablets also avoid the remission of the disease.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water, after meals.

2. Arogyavardhani Vati

These tablets are composed of pure extracts of herbs and metals. It contains Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shudh gandhak (Purified sulphur), Loha bhasma (Purified iron), Abharaka bhasma (Mica), Tamra bhasma (Copper purified), etc. All these medicines help to stimulate the immune system, maintain equilibrium in all the doshas, maintain hormonal balance, improve liver functions and removeundesirable fats from the body.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water, after meals.

3. Navkarshik Churna

An amazing herbal powder which is a blend of Neem (Azadirachta indica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Vacha (Acorus calamus), etc. herbs. They have antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. They eliminate the toxins and debris from the accumulated sacs. Moreover, it helps to cleanse out the ducts and channels of the entire body and also prevents formation and deposition of ama (free radicals or toxins) in the body.

Dosage: ½ to 1 teaspoon with plain or lukewarm water twice daily, after meals.

4. Eranda Oil

It is an effective formulation which is prepared from the roots of ricinus communis plant. This oil is kshaar (alkaline) in nature and has the potency to cut down the extra growths in the body. It can be applied externally as a form of akshaar karma (for cauterization).

Mode of use: External application.


Sometimes surgical incision and drainage of the cysts are required. But there is a probable chance of its reoccurrence.


If not treated on time cyst may end up with the condition - Sebaceous Horn. Gradually, the content of the cyst gets dried and forms a successive layer on the skin and termed as a "sebaceous horn" and another complication that may occur is ulceration of the cyst.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030

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