Friday, July 5, 2019

Phyllanthus Niruri – A Wonder Herb That Cures Many Ailments

Phyllanthus niruri is an herb that grows throughout India. It is a well-known herb for its potential action over the liver. It is an herb that grows up to 30 to 70 cm in height. Fruit of this herb resembles amla fruit but they are small in size. It has been cited in Guduchiadi varga, which helps to increase appetite and liver functions. It reduces cough, debility and splenomegaly.

phyllanthus niruri, bhumi amla, bhumiamla, bhumyamalaki


ancient reference, synonyms, bhumi amla, phyllanthus niruri

Reference – Bhava prakasha nighantu / Guduchiadi varga / Shloka no. 277

Bhumyaamliki – 'Bhuvi amlaki iti' – which is very small, grows at ground level and resembles amlaki plant (Indian gooseberry). Dhatri is a synonym of amlaki hence named bhudhatri

  • Shiva – Auspicious one
  • Tamlaki - Similar to amalaki (Indian gooseberry),
  • Bahupatra – Has numerous leaves
  • Bahuphala – Has numerous fruits
  • Bahuvirya – Very potent herb,
  • Ajata etc.


There are some other varieties available by name Phyllanthus urinaria. It has bigger fruits and leaves as compared to Phyllanthus niruri. But for the medicinal purpose we are using the former one.

Kingdom - Plantae

Family – Phyllanthaceae

Species – Phyllanthus neruri

Varga –

  • Charaka – Kasahara, shwashara
  • Bhavaprakasha – Guduchiadi varga
  • Dhanwantari Nighantu – Chandanadi varga


Reference – Bhava prakasha / Guduchiadi varga / Shaloka no. 278

  • Guna (Quality) – Laghu (Light) and ruksha (Dry)
  • Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter), kashaya (Astringent) and madhura (Sweet).
  • Virya (Potency) – Sheet (Cold)
  • Vipaka (End result of digestion) – Madhura (end result after digestion is sweet)
  • Dosha karma – Subsides Pitta – Kapha dosha in our body.
  • Alleviate thirst, cough, itching and debility.


It contains active principles like glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids and phyllanthin etc. It has a chemical named – phyllanthin that mainly acts on the liver.


Hepatic disorders - It helps to alleviate jaundice, hepatomegaly, hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis, Hepatitis, hepatotoxicity etc. It has as an anti-inflammatory action thus helps to reduce swelling of hepatocytes.

  • It acts as a liver detoxifier. Eliminates the toxins which are accumulated in the liver. Thus helpful in the treatment of hepatotoxicity, hepatomegaly etc.
  • As stated earlier it has Kapha pacifying property, thus helps to reduce cancerous growths.
  • Beneficial in jaundice because it manages the extra production of bile and eliminates that extra bile from the body.
  • Being a rejuvenator – Helps to rejuvenate the hepatocytes (liver cells) thus improves the function of the liver and helpful in cirrhosis.
  • It prevents the growth of gall stones and maintains the uric acid level.
phyllanthus niruri, bhumi amla, capsules, bhumyamalaki


  1. Jaundice – Grind root of bhumiamla in milk and consume this twice daily in a quantity of 30-35 ml.
  2. Malaria – Decoction made up of fruits of bhumiamalaki is beneficial in malaria, as spleen is the affected site, it will reduce the swelling of the spleen.
  3. Urinary Tract Infection – It increases the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney by that it will increase the urine quantity and flushes out the toxins of the urinary tract. It has diuretic properties so it can be taken in all kidney problems.
  4. Wounds and Ulcers – In case of infected wounds and ulcers you can apply the paste made up of shashtika shali (special rice) and bhumiamla powder locally.
  5. Skin Infections – Paste of bumiamla leaves along with a pinch of saindhava lavana is helpful in skin problems. Even you can wash the infected area locally with the decoction of these leaves.
  6. Diabetes – Bhumiamla fruits are helpful if taken along with other anti diabetic medicines.
  7. Fractures – You can apply the paste locally over the fractured bones.
  8. In Hyperacidity – It acts as an antacid. Hence, beneficial in bloating, chest pain due to acidity, nausea, if decoction is taken before food twice daily.
  9. Eye Diseases – Juice can be instilled in nostrils in the form of nasya is helpful. You can instill 2 drops of fresh amlaki fruit juice in each nostril, twice daily.
  10. You can consume decoction of phyllanthus niruri in Gastro-intestinal problems – like loss of appetite, vomiting etc.
  11. Constipation – It also has laxative properties hence can be used to relieve constipation, bhumiamalaki kadha (decoction), preferably at bed time.
  12. Tackles problems of the female reproductive system – It has the potency to subside all Pitta problems in our body. So, it will be helpful if used in the case of menorrhagia, leucorrhea, metrorrhagia etc. conditions.
  13. Swelling – It has diuretic properties, so it will reduce body swelling. It also has anti - spasmodic property, hence relieves the tenderness and pains during inflammations.
  14. Toxic Conditions – You can consume in powder form to eliminate toxins from the body.
  15. Thirst – It alleviates thirst as it is cold in potency and pacify the Pitta dosha in the body.
  16. Asthma – Bhumialaki’s fresh juice can be used along with sugar in dyspnea or asthmatic conditions.
  17. General Debility (Kshat Sheena) – It is helpful to take in the form of leha. It is also an active ingredient of chaywanprash rasayana. It protects the body from degenerative changes. It also acts as an anti – aging herb because it is rich in antioxidants.
  18. Rakta Vikara - In bleeding disorders we can utilize the decoctions and teas prepared from the leaves and fruits of this plant.
  19. Side Effects of Alcohol – If due to alcohol, the liver is damaged, you can add bhumi amlaki in your diet, preferably in the form decoction or fresh juices. It will remove toxins from the liver and also rejuvenate the damaged cells.
  20. High Cholesterol – It can be useful in lowering high level lipoproteins as it has lipid lowering properties. It is beneficial in artherosclerosis and cardio vascular disorder.
  21. High Blood Pressure – Because of diuretic property it is useful in reducing blood pressure levels.
  22. Immunity – Enhances immunity hence fights against all the viral infections, thus useful in viral fevers, viral hepatitis etc.


Panchanga (a whole plant that includes leave, fruit, root, stem and flowers)


If used in the form:-

  1. Fresh Juice – 10-20 ml
  2. Decoction – 30 to 50 ml
  3. Capsules - 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.
  4. Powder – 3-6 grams

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