Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bhumi Amalaki (Phyllanthus Niruri) - One Wonder Herb, Twelve Actions

Bhumi amlaki, commonly called as "gale of the wind" is a medicine of choice in various diseases not only in the practice of Ayurveda but also broadly used in other systems of medicines like Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. This herb merely not treats diseases but also restores the functions of the organs thus, revives life. But the potential and the main action of this herb is defined on the Liver by our ancient Scholars of Ayurveda. We, at "Planet Ayurveda" are also extensively using this herb in our regular practice in the treatment of various disorders related to Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, Pancreas, Joints, etc. We are using the standardized extract of the herb that potentially alleviates the disease and is 100% pure, free-from chemicals and is safe to use in all the age groups.

Usually we are utilizing Bhumi amlaki in the form of capsules by the name of "Phyllanthus niruri capsules" and in the form of "Bhumi amla powder."

Bhumi amalaki, Phyllanthus niruri


  • Rasa (Taste) – Amla (Sour), madhura (sweet), tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Qualities) – Ruksha (dryness)
  • Veerya – Sheeta (Cold) in potency
  • Vipaka - The end product of digestion is madhura (sweet)

Let us see the action of Phyllanthus niruri in various diseases.

Liver Disorders (Yakrit Vikara)

As per Ayurveda the main reason of all the disorders are "Mandagani" the weak digestive fire, just to define that the reference quotes as "सर्वे रोग: अपि मन्दाग्नौ". Liver is the prime site of Agni that is responsible for pachana (digestion) of various things such as food, toxins, medicines, etc. This herb helps to stimulate the Agni, acts as an appetizer, digests the toxins, increases the bile secretion and restores the functions of hepatocytes. This herb shows tremendous results in the treatment of diseases such as Jaundice, Hepatitis, Liver cirrhosis, Fatty infiltration of the liver, Gall stones, Hepatomegaly, etc. Even can reverse the certain disease conditions.

Kidney Disorders (Vrikka Roga)

This herb has renal protective properties hence protects the kidney from necrosis, strengthens the nephrons, maintains the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate), improves the kidney functions, eliminates the toxins from the body, and purifies the blood. This medicine is really effective in curing disorders like – Nephrosis, Renal stones, Reversible renal insufficiency, Glomerulo- nephritis, Pyelonephritis, Nephrotic syndrome. So, this herb can be used in all the patients of renal failure.

Auto Immune Disorders (Aamvisha Janya Roga)

Bhumiamlaki has antioxidant and immune-modulator properties that eliminate the free radicals from the body and modulates the immune cells to protect the body from autoimmune disorders. Thus this herb is widely used in the treatment of various autoimmune disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ankylosing spondylitis, Multiple sclerosis, Psoriasis, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Diabetes mellitus, Grave's disease, etc.

Viral Infections (Vishanuj Sankraman Janya Roga)

This herb is loaded with antiviral properties hence can be useful to reduce the viral loads in various systemic infections. For example, Viral Hepatitis A / B / C, HSV - 1, HSV – 2, HIV, Viral fevers etc.

Hypertension (Uchha Raktachaap)

This herb has the potency to cure the Vata problems, as hypertension occurs due to vitiation of Vayana Vata dosha. This dosha is responsible for normal functioning of renin- angiotensin process, hence this herb corrects the renin- angiotensin system. On the other hand, it also acts as a diuretic hence eliminates the extra water from the circulatory system via urine, reduces the pressure on the blood vessels and treats high blood pressure. It also dilates the vessels due to vasodilatation properties.

Gout (Vatarakta) Or Raised Uric Acid Level

It has anti-inflammatory properties thus reduces the swelling of the joints. As bhumiamlaki has diuretic action hence reduces the accumulation of toxins in the joints and eliminates extra uric acid from the body and even because of its Rasayana property it modifies the surrounding area of the joint and avert the deposition of uric acid. This herb effectively treats inflammatory problems in the body. It is also used as a substitute for other anti-inflammatory herbs.

Diabetes Mellitus (Madhumeha)

This herb has rejuvenating properties. In case of diabetes the Islets of Langerhans of pancreas gets affected. This herb directly acts on these cells and improves the insulin production to meet the normal level of glucose in the blood by using up the extra glucose from the bloodstream. Moreover as per Ayurveda, toxins are accumulated in the pancreas which blocks the production of insulin thus this herb is helpful in the elimination of those toxins.

Moreover maintains the ojas in the body and increases the tissue sensitivity to insulin.

Dyslipidemias (Medo Dushti)

Bhumi amalaki is used in various kind of problems related to adipose tissues in the body such as LDL, Triglycerides, etc. Even helpful in thyroid problems, metabolic disorders, etc.

Bacterial Infections

It is helpful in fighting against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It perishes the flora of bacterial multiplication and growth.

Tumours (Arbuda)

Bhumiamlaki delays the degenerative changes and normalizes cell size and growth. Even inhibits the mitotic division of the carcinomatous cells hence prevents the tumour growth.

Malaria (Visham Jwara)

In visham jwara spleen and liver are involved, Bhumi amlaki helps in improving the function of both the organs hence beneficial in malaria.

Swelling (Shotha)

In all kind of inflammations phyllanthus is used. It reduces the accumulation of fluid in the cells.

Planet Ayurveda a renowned Ayurvedic clinic is widely using this herb in treating all the liver, kidney and systemic infections and inflammations in the body. This herb is used in the form of capsules and powder.


  • Capsules – 1 to 2 capsules twice daily, with plain water after meals.
  • Powder – 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meals.

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