Saturday, May 18, 2019

Oil Pulling With Nirgundi Oil In Tinnitus

Our sense organs play an important role to perceive the external stimuli. One among them is our ears. The ear is an organ that helps in hearing along with that it also balances the body.

Tinnitus is a condition that pertains to ears. Tinnitus is not a disease it is merely a condition or a symptom, in which a person experiences ringing, buzzing sound in the ear when there is no external sound. The person may perceive musical sounds but these sounds are usually soft and are of low pitched. Tinnitus can affect one or both ears. Tinnitus usually affects the old age people. The affected index ratio is higher in males than in females. Tinnitus may be constant or intermittent.

According to Ayurveda tinnitus is related to "Karna Naada' a condition explained under 'Karna rogas'. Hearing is the attribution of "Akash mahabhuta" in our body and it is the prime function of Vata dosha. Hence, the vitiation of Vata dosha leads to tinnitus.


The most common causes of tinnitus are:-

  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Swimming in polluted water
  • Excessive consumption of dry and cold food items.
  • Malnutrition
  • Health ailments like high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, other ENT problems, etc.
  • Tumors or cysts in the sensory pathway of ear
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Nerves weakness
  • History of ear infection
  • Damage to cochlea
  • Reduced blood flow and muscle spasm


  • Old age
  • Habits of alcohol consumption, smoking, etc
  • Excessive use of earphones
  • Medicines like aspirin
  • Excessive ear wax accumulation
  • Cold climate


  • Hearing different sounds like ringing, buzzing, humming and some musical nodes. This is the prime symptom of tinnitus. It may or may not be associated with other symptoms like -
  • Insomnia (because of this low pitched sound)
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Nausea
  • Reduced hearing
  • Dizziness
  • Occasionally a person may experience pain
  • Depression
  • In extreme conditions, may leads to vertigo.


  1. On a clinical basis with interrogation and examination (with the help of otoscope)
  2. Hearing tests - Audiogram is helpful to evaluate the intensity of tinnitus.
  3. CT scan or MRI


There is no cure in modern medicine but there are some herbs in Ayurveda that can manage this condition.

According to Ayurveda, any derangement in the equilibrium of tridoshas leads to improper functioning of the organs and causes disease. In this condition among tridoshas the prime vitiated dosha is ‘Vata’. Here, Vata vridhi takes place hence, we need to take measures to pacify this aggravated Vata.

Management includes - Palliative care (Shaman) and Purificatory measures (Shodhana).

  • Palliative care helps to subside Vata with the help of rejuvenating and vatahar herbs.
  • Shodhana (Purificatory methods) – Gandusha (oil pulling), Karna purna (instillation of oil in the ears) and Nasya (instillation of oil in the nasal cavity), Shirodhara, etc are beneficial.


Oil pulling (Gandusha) is one of the Panchakarma procedures. Gandusha or oil pulling means retaining the fluids inside the oral cavity for a stipulated period of time, that helps to eliminate the toxins and pacifies Vata and Kapha dosha in the head and neck region. Let us discuss the benefits that are mentioned in our classics -

ancient reference, classical reference, oil pulling, gandusha, benefits of oil pulling

Reference:- Ashtanga hrudyam / Sutrasthanam / Chapter no. 22 / Shloka no. 12

As per our Classics, benefits of gandusha are as follows -

  • Manya – Treat diseases of the neck
  • Shira – Treats all the neurological disorders
  • Karna – Manage all the problems related to ears.
  • Mukha – Beneficial in oral disorders
  • Akshi – Good for eye ailments
  • Kantha – Deals with all throat ailments
  • Praseka – Helpful in excessive salivation
  • Vaktrashosha – And also manage the dryness of the oral cavity.


Sinduwar (Nirgundi) is the main ingredient of 'Nirgundi oil'. It is a Vata shamaka and rasayan (rejuvenating) herb that helps to pacify the pain, swelling and Vata, it eliminates toxins from the body, beneficial for eyes, ears and promotes the hair growth. This oil can be used externally in various neurological conditions, ulcers, piles, wounds, etc. In tinnitus, it can be used in Gandusha, Karnapurna and Nasya procedure.


  • As we know, Vata is the main vitiated dosha. For subsiding that Vata snehan karma (Oleation) is the best way, that too with oils. Thus, gandusha with oil is helpful in this condition.
  • Gandusha helps to relieve Vata from the oral cavity. As we know, the middle ear is connected to the oral cavity or nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube. This tube helps to relieve the pressure of the air inside the ear. Air is nothing just Vata, thus gandusha helps to pacify it directly from the middle ear, hence it is beneficial.
  • This procedure is helpful in managing neurological disorders. Tinnitus may also occur due to the damage of the vestibulocochlear nerve hence, effective in tinnitus.
Oil pulling with nirgundi oil in tinnitus treatment


  • Initially, brush your teeth.
  • Lukewarm the oil but avoid direct heat to the oil.
  • Fill the mouth with nirgundi oil.
  • Hold the oil until tears appear in your eyes. Then spit it out.
  • Repeat this procedure for 2-3 times.
  • Afterward, you can wash the oral cavity with lukewarm water.

Time – Prefer in the early morning.

Duration of Gandusha – It varies from person to person but approx 2 to 5 minutes (It depends upon the individual's retaining capacity)


  • Avoid oil pulling in bleeding disorders and in poisoning conditions.
  • The patient is advised to avoid direct exposure to cold wind and weather.
  • Avoid intake of heavy, spicy, sour and cold foodstuffs.
  • Oil should not be hot.
  • Do not swallow the medicated oil.

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