Thursday, July 5, 2018

Herbal Remedies for Pompholyx - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment



Pompholyx is basically a skin infection / eczema. It happens to occur in our hands and feet. It feels like inflamed blisters, vesicles or bullae on the dermis. It is like vesicular dermatitis. It is also known as vesicular endogenous eczema and characterized with the same condition as dyshidrotic eczema. If it occurs in hands it is known as cheiropompholyx and pedopompholyx if in feet.

Pompholyx mostly affects young adults but more common in women. It is reported as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis among many people.


Pompholyx look like repeated deep inflamed blisters on palms and soles. It leads to itching which is too intense along with an irritating burning sensation. Once the inflamed blisters peel off, the skin becomes and looks red, very dry along with painful fissures (cracks).

It might also result in swelling of nail fold (paronychia) and nail dystrophy characterized with rough, uneven pitting and ridges.


It might occur due to excessive sweating because flares mostly happen in hot and humid weather. Another reason is a disturbed mind and emotional upset & Genetics

  • Body or skin contact with irritants like water, detergents, solvents and linen.
  • Allergy to some allergens or heavy metals.
  • History of infections like inflammatory dermatophyte (tinea) infections.
  • Contradiction or side effects to drugs.
  • Immunoglobin therapy


  • In case of a fungal infection like (tinea pedis), samples of affected and infected area can be given for mycology.
  • In case if the problem is chronic or atypical, Patch testing is recommended. 
  • It is not always advised to go for skin biopsy first. It shows spongiotic eczema.

In order to avoid Pompholyx from getting more complicated and aggravate more, one must avoid contact with irritants such as water, detergents and solvents. In case of unavoidable contact one must make use of protective personal equipment. It is advised to wear Protective gloves.

People with pompholyx and allergic to nickel must avoid touching nickel accessories.


Pompholyx is very difficult to treat. It is difficult to treat it alone with Topical therapy because of the thick and rough horny layer of skin of handy and soles.


  • One can use wet dressings for drying blisters.
  • Use of Topical ointments like dilute potassium permanganate, aluminium acetate or acetic acid.
  • Cold packs.
  • Lotions and creams to give soothing effect to skin. 
  • Antiperspirants for palms and soles during night.
  • Use of Protective gloves while doing wet and dirty work.
  • Use of footwear, with socks for absorbing sweat and reducing skin friction.


  • For hyperhidrosis, probanthine or oxybutynin.
  • Immune modulating medicines like methotrexate, mycophenolate, azathioprine and ciclosporin.
  • Alitretinoin
  • Ultrapotent topical corticosteroid creams.
  • Systemic corticosteroids, eg. prednisone or prednisolone
  • Oral anti-staphylococcal antibiotics
  • Topical and oral antifungal agents
  • Superficial radiotherapy
  • Botulinum toxin injections 
  • phototherapy and photo-chemotherapy (PUVA) therapy

Herbal Treatment for Pompholyx

Dr. Vikram Chauhan, Planet Ayurveda has formulated some herbal medicines to treat the pompholyx. These medicines are safe and natural. They are prepared from pure herbs or herbal extracts. The formulations are free from all types of chemicals, preservatives, fillers etc. These products are manufactured under the guidance of MD Ayurveda doctors. All the medicines are tested for their efficacy and quality before packing.

The combination of medicines which are prescribed for the treatment of Pompholyx are mentioned below.


  1. Radiant Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
  2. Kishore Guggul
  3. Manjistha Capsules
  4. Echinacea Capsules
  5. Radiant Skin, Hair, Nails, Lotion

Herbal Remedies for Pompholyx


1. Radiant Skin, Hair, Nails Formula

This herbal supplement is quite good to nourish the skin. This herbal supplement helps in the detoxification of body and aids in retaining healthy skin. It has amazing results to treat skin infections.

Ingredients Benefits:-

  • Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia): This herb amazing properties to purify blood. It has salicylates and triterpenoids which altogether helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. Moreover it boosts up the immune system and also rejuvenates the skin.
  • Pitta papda (Fumaria officinalis): Pitta papda is very effective to provide relief from annoying itchy blisters, dry and scaly skin.
  • Chirata (Swetia chiretta): This herb has effective and great medicinal importance to cure annoying skin disorders. This herb has Blood purification and anti-inflammatory properties which helps to manage the symptoms of dyshidrosis. This herb works in a very good way to treat this disease.
  • Ghrit Kumari (Aloe vera) (Aloe barbadensis): Ghrit Kumari imposes a very cooling effect on the skin and thereby treating the skin disorders. Anti-oxidant properties of Ghrit Kumari helps to get rid of toxins from the body. Also it is very rich in vitamins C and E which helps to recover and protect the skin from damage.

Dosage:- 1-2 capsules twice a day, with plain water to be taken after meals.

2. Kaishore Guggul

Kaishore guggul is again an amazing ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of dyshidrosis. This formulation is prepared from herbs listed below:


  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis),
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica),
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula),
  • Guggul (Commniphora mukul),
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia),
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale),
  • Black pepper (Piper nigrum),
  • Long pepper (Piper longum),
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes),
  • Red Physic nut (Baliospermum montanum)
  • Indian jalap (Ipomoea turpethum)


Herbs cited above are quite good to treat dyshidrosis. These herbs are very effective to pacify pitta dosha. Moreover, these herbs help to boost up immune system and enhances the body's ability to fight against infections.

Dosage:- 1-2 tablets twice or thrice in a day after meals.

3. Manjistha Capsules

Pure extract of herb manjistha "Rubia cordifolia" is used for capsule preparation. Manjistha Capsules are made by processing 'Manjistha' herb (Rubia cordifolia), which has amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial as well as astringent properties. The capsule pacifies pitta and kapha dosha in body. These properties balance all the symptoms associated with Klebsiella infections. Manjistha capsule stops the growth of harmful bacteria in body. Manjistha capsules are very beneficial in treating skin problems, improving skin complexion, pacifying Pitta dosha and eliminating toxins from the body.

Dosage:- One to Two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Echinacea Capsules

Echinacea works like a topical disinfectant on such infections. It creates an analgesic effect on irritated and infected skin. Echinacea shows greater effect on people suffering with psoriasis and eczema as well. It reduces the inflammation and redness of the skin, thereby alleviating the discomfort.

Dosage:- 1 capsule two times a day.

5. Radiant Skin, Hair, Nails Lotion

This herbal product is very good for topical application in skin problems. It is completely a safe product and free from any side effects.

How to Use:- Massage gently on affected areas.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - or call at +91-172-5214030

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