Thursday, June 7, 2018

Rajat Bhasma (Raupya Bhasma)- Ingredients, Properties, Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects


rajat bhasma

Rajat (silver) is a noble and famous metal, hence attracted attention of ancient acharyas. In Ayurveda it is classified under Dhatu varga. Synonyms like Taara, Shubhra, Ruchira, Chandra, Roupya, Rupyaka, Chandraloha, Saudha etc. are mentioned in the classic books.

Rajat bhasma is also known as Raupya bhasam, chandi bhasam or calcined silver ash. It is widely used as single drug or in various herbo-mineral formulation with different anupans (adjuvants). It is mainly used in eye diseases, anal fissure, jaundice, anemia, frequent urination, enlargement of spleen, fatty liver, hysteria, epilepsy, neurological disorders etc.


Rajat bhasma contains calcined silver (Argentum) particles. As Silver metal cannot be directly indicated for consumption. So it needs to undergo various classical procedures like sodhana (Purification of metal) and marana (inceneration) to make it fit for internal use.

Rajat bhasam is obtained after sodhana (which are mentioned for dhatu varga in Ayurveda) and marana (bhasmikarna) procedures where it get processed with organic matter, followed by the Puta samskara (quantum of heat). This helps to reduce the metal thereby decreasing the toxic effects and make it therapeutically potent.


The guna (properties) of Rajat bhasma are:-

  1. Rasa (Taste):- Kashaya, amla& madhur (Astringent, sour & sweet)
  2. Guna (Main quality):- Snigdha, Lekhana (smooth)
  3. Virya (Potency):- Sheeta (cool in potency)
  4. Vipak (Resultant of metabolism):- Madhur (sweet in resultant of metabolism)
  5. Prabhav (Dominant impact):- Balya (strengthening action)
  6. Guna karma:- Vatapittahara (pacifies vata humor and pitta humor).


Various karma (actions) mentioned are:-

  1. Balya (Provides strength)
  2. Rasayana (rejuvenator)
  3. Medhya (brain tonic)
  4. Daahahara (relieve burning sensation)
  5. Ayushya (giving long life)
  6. Ojo Vardhaka (enhances immunity)
  7. Vayah sthapaka (anti-aging) 
  8. Pramehahara (fights against diabetes)
  9. Shoshahara (debility removal)


Generally, Rajat bhasma is used since medieval times in Ayurvedic medicines for treating many diseases. Rajat bhasma possess following properties:-

  • Anti-bacterial / anti-viral:- It is very effective in bacterial and viral infections, eyes diseases, anal diseases especially anal fissure.
  • General tonic:- Rajat Bhasma is also beneficial in impotency, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, problems have symptom of frequent urination, muscular pains, fibromyalgia, atherosclerosis and occlusion of blood vessels.
  • Skin enhancer:- It also increases glow of skin and face, gives strength to the nerves and muscles and protects blood vessels from deposition of cholesterol plaque.
  • Nervine tonic:- Rajat bhasma provides strengthening the nerves and improves blood circulation, hence acts as ‘Balya’ and is used in chronic paralysis.
  • Anti-inflammatory:- Rajat Bhasma is a good anti-inflammatory agent, that’s why cures the inflammation of arterial walls. It is found useful in Atherosclerosis and dry cough, it can reduce swelling, speed healing and boosts recovery.
  • Liver tonic:- Rajat bhasma helps to improve liver functioning and reduce the toxin accumulation. It increases the liver metabolism hence helps in prevention of fatty liver.
  • Brain booster/ tonic:- It is used to relieve mental fatigue, caused by working on computer, insomnia, excessive talks, migraine, headache, memory loss etc. causes vata accumulation in body. Which finally leads to loss of mental power and strength. Rajat bhasma is a very good brain tonic and pacifies vata humor, so having strengthening action. Therefore, it works well in neurological diseases such as Wallenberg’s Syndrome, atrophy of brain, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, hysteria, epilepsy, schizophrenia, insomnia, depression.
  • Anti-biotic:- It is useful in vision loss occurred because of optical nerve injury, excessive strain on eyes and excessive heat etc. then Rajat bhasma is the best remedy to cure. Rajat bhasma has shown excellent results in conjunctivitis and cough with yellow sputum too as it possess anti-biotic properties.
  • Anti-microbial:- It prevents decaying of skin tissue and helps in healing the Gangrenous tissue due to its anti-microbial effects.
  • Relieves burning sensation:- it is best used to relieves gastritis, acidity, abdominal pain etc. caused due to amlapitta. As it is a natural coolant, it relieves all paitik disorders.


  • Children under 5 years:- 1mg per kg body weight, but should not exceed 30 mg in single dose and 60 mg per day.
  • Children above 5 years:- 30 to 65 mg
  • Adults:- 65 to 125 mg

The maximum possible dose should not exceed 250 mg per day, that too in divided doses. It can be taken twice a day after meals with various anupans (adjuvants) depending on the type of disease prevailing.


There are no side effects of Rajat bhasma, if taken as per guidance of doctor. It is well tolerable formulation. However there is a rare disorder known as 'Argyria' (when people turn blue) which occurs due to over dose of poor quality of colloidal silver (reduced silver nano-particles, which is entirely different from Rajat bhasma. It has been observed that Rajat bhasma works well in low doses.

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