Friday, June 22, 2018

Herbal Remedies for Filariasis - Classification, Signs, Symptoms, Complications & Ayurvedic Treatment



Filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by round worms of Filarioidea type and spread by black flies and mosquitoes (blood feeding). Filariasis is grouped under helminthiasis group of diseases.

Based on the niche they occupy in the body, Filariasis can be classified as:

  • Lymphatic Filariasis – Caused by wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi & brugia timori. These worms occupy the lymphatic system of the body including lymph nodes. The chronic condition of this type of Filariasis shows the symptoms of elephantiasis.
  • Subcutaneous Filariasis – Caused by loa-loa, onchocerca volvulus etc. these occupy the subcutaneous layer of skin, in the fat layer.
  • Serous Cavity Filariasis – Caused by mansonella perstans and is seen in the serous cavity of the abdomen.

The adult worms staying in a tissue, release microfilariae (early larval forms) to the victim's blood stream. The arthropod vector feeding on this blood catches up this larva. These larvae then grow to infective form inside these vectors. These can be transmitted to a new host alarming an infection.


Lymphatic Filariasis

The most visible symptom of lymphatic Filariasis is elephantiasis. The round worms restrict and block the circulation in lymphatic system. This causes swelling in the body which may be metaphorical to elephant. Hence this condition is referred as elephantiasis. There will be edema with thickening of the skin and underlying tissues. Lower extremities are usually affected, but can appear in any part of the body. Wuchereria bancrofti usually affects arms, legs, vulva, breast and scrotum (hydrocele formation). Genitals are rarely affected by brugia timori.

Subcutaneous Filariasis

This type of Filariasis is presented with rashes, hypo pigmentation and hyper pigmentation macules, urticarial papules and arthritis. Onchocerca volvulus causes river blindness.

Serous Cavity Filariasis

abdominal pain is the main symptom. Symptoms of Subcutaneous Filariasis can also see, as these worms also dwell in deep tissues.


  • High fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Excess sweating


  1. Swelling of limbs and genitals
  2. Kidney failure
  3. Sexual disability


In Ayurveda, acharyas mentions about a condition called shlipada, which may be related to Filariasis. Here 'shli' means elephant and 'pada' means leg. This metaphor explains the elephant like appearance of the leg as in chronic lymphatic Filariasis. When infective agents enter in the body, it causes the imbalance of tridosha (predominantly kapha). The vitiated tridosha restricts and blocks the lasika (lymph) causing the symptoms.

Ayurveda offers a wide variety of herbs that can heal this condition. The drugs like guduci, haridra, shallaki etc are given prime importance.


Planet Ayurveda offers an excellent herbal pack for Filariasis. Treatment for Filariasis will take time, as time is required to wash out all the microfilariae from the blood stream. These medicinal formulations will definitely help you to reach this goal. It is guaranteed that you will recover completely from Filariasis without any side effects, as these formulations are 100% natural without any chemicals and additives.


  1. Giloy Capsules
  2. Punarnava Capsules
  3. Water Ex Tab.
  4. Cap. Boswellia Curcumin
  5. Gandhak Rasayan Tab.

Herbal Remedies for Filariasis

herbal remedies for filariasis, ayurvedic treatment for filariasis


1. Giloy Capsules

Giloy capsules are prepared out of guduci (Tinospora cordifolia). It is considered to be as elixir and do posses rejuvenating properties. It also posses anti allergic, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti viral properties. It boosts the immune system and acts as immune modulator. It is a natural anti oxidant and helps in the detoxification of the body. Giloy capsule is a natural blood purifier.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.

2. Punarnava Capsules (Boerhavia diffusa)

Punarnava capsule is very effective for pain relief. It is very well known for its anti inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is widely used for revitalizing the lives and also helps in cleansing the blood. This is also good for kidney health.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.

3. Water-EX Tablets

These tablets are highly recommended in fluid retention as in Filariasis. These tablets contain root extracts of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), bark extracts of varuna (Crataeva nurvala) and fruit extracts of gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). As already mentioned Punarnava is high with anti inflammatory and diuretic properties. It can balance the vitiated kapha dosha. Varuna is also an excellent diuretic and helps to flush out the toxins from the kidney and body. Gokshura is very effective in reducing the edema. Gokshura is an effective rasayana, rejuvenating health.

Dosage – 2 tablets twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.

4. Boswellia-Curcumin Capsules

Boswellia-Curcumin capsule is a combination of two drugs shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). They are potent anti inflammatory drugs. They help to boost the immune system and also to modulate. They are mainly indicated to enhance the circulation in the body. Curcumin is a potent anti-oxidant. Curcumin is very popular for its antibacterial action, which is made use in Filariasis patients. It helps to relieve the pain and inflammation in Filariasis.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.

5. Gandhak Rasayana

It is a potent anti inflammatory drug prepared out of shudh gandhak. It also has anti oxidant and Adaptogenic properties. It helps to relieve any itching or burning sensation due to any underlying pathology. It helps to improve the skin health. It rejuvenates the body and helps in prophylaxis. It also has anti bacterial property.

Dosage – 2 tablets twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.


As we all know 'Prevention is always better than cure'. Necessary actions should be taken wisely to avoid Filariasis infection.

  • It is better to avoid visiting the infected patients and infected areas
  • Sleep under mosquito nets or use mosquito repellants on exposed skin
  • Exercise on inflamed area to improve the lymphatic flow
  • Keep the hygiene of the infected area by washing carefully with soap and water
  • Infected persons should avoid fatty foods.

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