In today's world, over-exposure to toxins such as alcohol, use of recreational drugs lead to the damage to the liver cells.
Advanced Chronic Liver Disease (ACLD) is defined as a persistent inflammatory condition of the liver where biochemical and histopathological abnormalities are present over a long period of time. Patients suffering from chronic liver disease may suffer from specific complications of cirrhosis. The progressive scarring of the tissue in the liver leads to the altered hepatic flow and increased resistance to the portal blood flow causing portal hypertension and the loss of hepatic function.
The two major causes of chronic liver disease are obesity and heavy alcohol consumption.
Other causes of Chronic Liver Disease are:
- Fatty liver
- Auto-immune hepatitis
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Alcohol related liver disease
- Wilson’s disease
The most common symptom of chronic liver disease is jaundice, yellowing of the skin as well as eyes.
Other symptoms are:
- Chronic fatigue
- Hair loss
- Itchy skin
- Dark urine
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Weakness and muscle loss
- Nausea or vomiting
- Abdominal pain as well as swelling
- Spider-like veins
- Pale, bloody and tar-coloured stool.
Serologic as well as blood tests comprise the initial evaluation. Certain liver function tests can help in diagnosing for genetic conditions or viral hepatitis. Liver biopsy is also recommended where a long needle is inserted into the skin to remove a tissue sample of the liver for further study.
According to modern medicine, if the signs and symptoms of chronic liver disease are found in the early stages, the modern treatment can only minimise the liver damage. Long term medicines are prescribed that do not serve as a cure.
Treatment of Advanced Chronic Liver Disease by Planet Ayurveda
Ayurveda mentions liver as a fiery and hot organ. Thus, there is a close relationship between the liver and agni (pitta dosha).
According to Ayurveda, without question, the liver is a vital organ of the body. It has wide variety of functions therefore the physical or functional damage to the liver can cause significant hindrance to the related body functions of different systems.
It endlessly filters and detoxifies the blood and thus plays a significant role in digestion as well as metabolism. It also synthesises the protein and produces critically important enzymes and hormones, breaks down and recycles the tired blood cells.
Planet Ayurveda offers Liver Care Pack for the treatment of Advanced Chronic Liver Disease (ACLD).
Herbal Remedies offered by Planet Ayurveda are carminatives, digestives, laxatives as well as cholegogues in nature which are suitable for the patients suffering from the advanced chronic liver disease.
- Yakritplihantak Churna
- Phyllanthus niruri Capsules
- Echinacea Capsules
- Liver Detox Capsules
Liver Care Pack
1. Yakritplihantak Churna
Yakritplihantak Churna of Planet Ayurveda is a unique and herbal combination of various herbs that are known to improve the liver function. It regenerates the liver cells and therefore helps in liver failure. It is considered as a useful remedy for liver damage due to alcohol, toxins and infection.
Ingredients of Yakritplihantak Churna are:
Sr. No. |
Herb Used |
English Name |
Botanical Name |
Quantity |
1. |
Bhumi Amla |
Feather foll |
Phyllanthus niruri |
60 gm |
2. |
Katuki |
Picrorhiza |
Picrorhiza kurrao |
20 gm |
3. |
Makoy |
Black night shade |
Solanum indicum |
20 gm |
4. |
Punarnava |
Hogweed |
Boerrhavia diffusa |
20 gm |
5. |
Kalmegh |
King of bitters |
Andrographis paniculata |
20 gm |
6. |
Kaasni |
Chicory |
Cichorium intybus |
20 gm |
7. |
Sharpunkha |
Purple tephrosia |
Tephrosia purpurea |
20 gm |
8. |
Bhringraj |
Eclipta |
Eclipta alba |
20 gm |
Dose: You can boil the powder 1 teaspoonful in 400 ml water, keep it boiling until it remains 50 ml. Strain it and drink the water. Leave the residue. Do it twice daily. Make fresh every time.
2. Phyllanthus Niruri Capsules
Nature has gifted various herbs for treating human ailments naturally. These capsules are prepared from the herb 'Bhumyamalki'. It is a wonderful hepatoprotective herb that heals the damaged liver. Its root, leaves, fruits as well as whole plant is used as an herbal supplement. This herb reduces vitiated kapha and pitta doshas. This herb is coolant in nature.
Dose: 2 capsules twice daily after meals.
3. Echinacea Capsules
Echinacea capsules are prepared from the pure extracts of Andographis paniculata herb. This herb is also known as 'King of Bitters'. This herb is widely used to treat various kinds of infections. The other name of this herb is Kalmegh. It possesses immune-stimulant, anti-parasitic, anti-biotic and anti-viral properties. This herb reduces vitiated kapha and pitta doshas. It is also used in treating impurities and also used as a blood purifier. It helps in stimulating the diseased liver by regenerating the liver cells. It lets out pitta from the body. It is bitter and pungent yet nourishing in nature.
Dose: 2 capsules twice daily after meals.
4. Liver Detox Capsules
Liver Detox Formula by Planet Ayurveda is a wonderful combination and these capsules work better if a good and natural diet regimen is followed. These capsules are prepared from the unique combination of herbs which act on the liver in a natural way. These herbs keep the liver healthy and prevent infections in a natural way. These capsules have a rejuvenating effect in the liver and act as an excellent blood purifier.
Ingredients used in Liver Detox Formula:
Sr. No. |
Ingredients |
Common Name |
Quantity |
1. |
Picrorrhiza kurrao |
Kutki |
200 mg |
2. |
Boerrhavia diffusa |
Punarnava |
100 mg |
3. |
Andographis paniculata |
Kalmegh |
50 mg |
4. |
Solanum indicum |
Makoy |
25 mg |
5. |
Chicorium intybus |
Kaasni |
25 mg |
6. |
Achillea millefolium |
Biranjasipha |
25 mg |
7. |
Tamarix galluca |
Jhavuka |
25 mg |
8. |
Capparis spinosa |
Himsra |
25 mg |
9. |
Terminalia chebula |
Haritaki |
25 mg |
Dose: 2 capsules twice daily after meals.
Punarnava Capsules, Water-Ex Tablets, Saralghana Vati, Trinpanchmoolghan Vati can also be added according to the symptoms and condition of the patient.
- Cooling diet such as coconut water is recommended on daily basis.
- Bitter taste is also supportive because it is cooling and cleansing in nature.
- Avoid alcohol completely.
- Avoid regular consumption of pain killer drugs, recreational or prescription drugs.
- Minimise the intake of refined sugars, oils and fats, preservatives or canned foods.
- Include ghee or clarified butter in the diet as it is the easiest fat for the liver to digest and it also helps to restore enzymatic function.
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