Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment for Achalasia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Herbal Remedies


Achalasia is a rare disorder of that affects digestion. In this disease, there is a difficulty in passing food and liquid into the stomach. It occurs when nerves in the tube connecting the mouth and stomach become damaged. Due to this, oesophagus loses its ability to squeeze the food down and the muscular valve between oesophagus and stomach does not get fully relaxed. Therefore, food cannot pass into the stomach easily.

It is an oesophageal motor disorder characterised by sustained lower oesophageal sphincter contraction and reduced oesophageal peristalsis. It is considered as an incurable condition.

It can happen because of different reasons. Some of the causes are hereditary, auto-immune disorder. In auto-immune disorder, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy cells in the body. The degeneration of nerves in the oesophagus often contributes to the symptoms of achalasia.


  • Dysphagia: The most common symptom of achalasia is dysphagia which means difficulty in swallowing or feel like if the food is stuck in the oesophagus. This symptom can also cause coughing and there is a risk of aspiration or inhaling or choking of food.
  • Discomfort or pain in the chest.
  • Weight loss
  • Heartburn
  • Difficulty in eating or intense pain.
  • Regurgitation or backflow


This disease is often overlooked or misdiagnosed because it has the symptoms similar to the digestive disorders.

  • The doctor may diagnose achalasia if the patient complains of trouble in swallowing both solid and liquid food and particularly if it gets worse over time.
  • An X-ray of oesophagus is also useful in diagnosing the condition.
  • Endoscopy is also performed. In this procedure, the doctor will insert a tube with a small camera on the end into the oesophagus.


Treatment mainly focuses on relaxing the lower oesophageal sphincter so that the food and liquid can move easily through the digestive tract. Modern treatment includes non-surgical treatment as well as surgical methods. Surgery may be recommended for younger people but there are certain side effects of both surgical and non-surgical treatments.


Planet Ayurveda offers various herbal remedies for the treatment of Achalasia which are safe, effective and do not cause any side effects.

According to Ayurveda, achalasia is a disease of Vata impairment because movement of food in the intestine as well and defecation known as deglutition are considered to be the function of Vata. Any abnormality in these functions is therefore supposed to be originating because of derangement in Vata. High Pitta dosha is also involved according to Ayurveda. So, both Vata and Pitta derangement are the causes of this disease.

Herbal Remedies offered by Planet Ayurveda are:

  1. Mahashankh Vati
  2. Digestion Support
  3. Sanjeevani Vati
  4. Jeerakadyarishtam

1. Mahashankh Vati

Mahashankh Vati is an Ayurvedic medicine that consists the mixture of herbs and minerals. It is digestive, analgesic, appetiser etc. It is considered as a very useful remedy in digestive troubles and a good remedy to improve digestion power. It is also useful in reducing the intestinal pains. It is useful in the conditions such as indigestion, malabsorption, abdominal pain and acidity, dyspepsia. It is also known to act as an efficient central nervous system stimulant. Mahashankh Vati is mainly intended to reduce the pitta to counter the retrosternal burning.

Dose: 2 tablets twice daily.

2. Digestion Support

Digestion Support Capsules of Planet Ayurveda is an herbal formulation and consists of herbs that are described in Ayurveda as the best digestives. According to Ayurveda, indigestion is the root cause of all the diseases. The various herbs present in digest support capsules act in a synergistic manner and controls all the digestive problems.

Ingredients of Digestion Support Capsules are:

Sr. No.

Herb Used

Botanical Name




Emblica officinalis

100 mg



Terminalia chebula

100 mg



Terminalia bellerica

100 mg



Foeniculum vulgare

50 mg



Coriander sativum

50 mg



Piper longum

50 mg



Cyminum cuminum

50 mg

Dose: 1-2 tablets capsules twice daily.

3. Sanjeevani Vati

According to Ayurveda, endotoxins or Ama formation leads to the blockage of channels in the body and formation of Ama is the main cause of all the diseases. Sanjeevani Vati is an ancient Ayurvedic formula to digest Ama in the body and to stimulate the digestive fire as well. It also helps the liver to get rid of all the mid-way metabolites from the system. This medicine also helps in burning the accumulated metabolites.

Major Ingredients of Sanjeevani Vati are:

Sr. No.

Botanical Name

Common Name


Embelia ribes



Zingiber officianle

Ginger root


Piper longum



Terminalia chebula



Emblica officinalis



Acorus calmus



Tinospora cordifolia



Semecarpus anarcardium (purified)

Shuddh Bhallataka


Aconitum ferox (purified)

Shuddh Vatsnabh

Dose: 1-2 tablets twice daily.

4. Jeerakadyarishta

Jeerakadyarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine used in the treatment of all the stomach problems such as diarrhoea, poor appetite, acid peptic disorders etc. It improves the digestive capacity and also reduces the digestive disorders. It helps in reducing the gas formation, bloating, peptic ulcers and all the abdominal disorders. The main ingredient of Jeerakadyarishta is cumin which is considered as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Dose: 1-2 tablespoons twice daily.

The combined effect of all these herbal remedies result in improvement in the patient's condition.

Patients often live a miserable life where their food related activities are highly compromised. Due to the symptoms such as regurgitation, dysphagia and chest pain due to food intake, the patients often limit their food intake to minimise the recurrence of food-related symptoms. But the science of Ayurveda gives an opportunity to the patients to look into the pragmatic ease and effectiveness of Ayurvedic therapeutics in an entirely new dimension.

Ayurveda believes in considering the basic doshas responsible for the symptom. Thus, Ayurveda offers a dependable remedy in such cases where the clinical symptoms are suggestive for achalasia and where the conventional allopathic therapy is not offering any sustainable benefit.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030

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