Monday, April 23, 2018

Kutajarishta - Ingredients, Methods of Preparation, Benefits, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Kutajarishta (Kutajarishtam) is an amazing Herbal medicine (in liquid form) involving 5 - 10 % of self-generated alcohol in it. This alcohol which is self-generated and the water in the product acts as a main source to deliver alcohol and water with dissolved active herbal components to the body. It is very beneficial to use in Herbal and natural treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, bleeding, Crohn's disease, and haemorrhoids. It also strengthens the digestive system and the digestion power. It has ability to manage vata as well as kapha in body. It has enormous beneficial properties because of all the herbs present in it such as its astringent, stimulating, detoxifying, anti-bacterial, anti-dysenteric, and digestive properties.


S. No.


Latin Name

Part Used




Holarrhena antidysentrica

Stem bark



Dry grapes






Madhuka indica





Gmelina arborea

Stem/bark or root



Water for decoction











Woodfordia fruticosa




Herbs are used in the powdered form like Kutaja, dry grapes, madhuka, gambhari and then this powder is added into water, boiled so as to make decoction which is reduced to specified quantity (21.288 litres) and then it is strained. Jaggery is added into it and dissolved. Again strained and after that another herb is added known as Dhataki to it. After this procedure, it is kept closed in an air tight container at least for a period of one month so as to complete the process of fermentation. It is then taken out, filtered and preserved after completion of a month.


Kutaja - Every part of this herb is very important which includes kutaja bark, kutaja stem, kutaja flowers and kutaja seeds.

1. Kutaja

Kutaja Bark

  • Kutaja bark helps in the treatment of diarrhoea (absorbs the moisture).
  • Kutaja bark helps in maintaining the balance between the kapha and pitta.
  • This part of kutaja helps in the treatment of diseases related to digestive system.
  • The kutaja bark relieve ama and helps in the management of indigestion.
  • This part of kutaja helps in the management of bleeding disorders like bleeding haemorrhoids.

Kutaja Flowers

  • The flowers of kutaja are natural coolants.
  • The kutaja flowers helps in the management of gastrointestinal tract problems.
  • These flowers increases vata and helps in maintaining the balance in between the kapha and pitta.
  • These flowers helps to get rid of bleeding disorders.
  • These flowers helps in the treatment of diarrhoea.

Kutaja Fruit

  • The kutaja fruit maintains the balance in all the three doshas of the body.
  • This flower relieves ama and helps in increasing the digestive strength.
  • These flowers helps in the treatment of piles, gout and detoxifies blood.

Kutaja Seeds

  • These seeds helps in maintaining the balance between the three doshas of the body.
  • These seeds are useful in the treatment of diarrhoea, fever and ulcerative colitis.

2. Dry Grapes

  • After ingestion, dry grapes swell up in the blood and helps in the treatment of constipation and diarrhoea.
  • It helps in maintaining optimum energy levels.

3. Madhuka

  • This plant is wonderful in the treatment of digestive ailments.
  • This herb increases the kapha dosha and helps in reduction of vitiated vata and pitta dosha.
  • Madhuka's bark (decoction 30-40 ml) helps in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome as well as diarrhoea.
  • Madhuka tree's fruit is indicated in the treatment of bleeding disorders.
  • This fruit helps in increasing the immunity and provides strength.

4. Ganbhari

  • This plant helps in the treatment of inflammation and inflammatory diseases like ulcerative colitis.
  • This plant balances the vata and pitta dosha.
  • This herb helps in the improvement of digestion as well as absorption in the body.
  • It is a wonderful aphrodisiac agent.

5. Jaggery

It is wonderful product which can easily be found in the Indian kitchen. Its amazing benefits helps in the treatment of several diseases which are as follows:

  • Jaggery helps in the management of constipation.
  • Jaggery helps in detoxification of liver.
  • Jaggery helps in cleansing blood and acts as a blood purifier.
  • Jaggery helps in boosting the immune system.
  • Jaggery helps in promoting intestinal health and gives cooling effect to the stomach.

6. Dhataki

  • Dhataki is an amazing herb which helps in the treatment of diseases like piles, dysentery and diarrhoea due to its astringent properties.


  • Kutajarishta is most commonly used for conditions like fever, bleeding disorders of intestine, irritable bowel syndrome, crohn's disease, and haemorrhoids.
  • This Ayurvedic medicine helps in strengthening the digestive power.
  • It helps in the treatment of loose motions and bloody dysentery.
  • It is the best ayurvedic remedy in the treatment of malabsorption syndrome.
  • It is a wonderful ayurvedic medicine in dysentery and chronic diarrhoea.
  • It helps in treating diarrhoea with blood by reducing intestinal motility.
  • Kutajarishta helps in the treatment of chronic fever as well as long continued fever.
  • It is useful medicine which is formulated to treat the piles (especially in case of Bleeding Piles) with discharge of mucus.
  • It improves digestion, appetite and assimilation due to its certain properties.
  • It is also wonderful in cough.
  • It helps in the management of the symptoms of anorexia.
  • This Ayurvedic medicine has amazing therapeutic effects in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis.


  • Have at least 15-25 ml once a day or twice daily and is usually advised after meals.
  • It can be mixed with equal quantity of water, in case there is a need.


  • There are no as such side effects of kutajrishta noticed.
  • A very high dose of Kutajarishta results in constipation.
  • It is bitter in taste which can results in nausea, vomiting and tastelessness.
  • Lower dose of this medicine is safe to be used in children but only in children who are above 5 years of age. This medicine cannot be given to children who are below 5 years of age.

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