Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis - Symptoms, Causes & Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment of paralysis

Paralysis is loss of muscle function of one or more than one muscles. If there is sensory damage as well as motor loss, then paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area. About 1 in 50 people in United States have been diagnosed with paralysis which can be permanent as well as transient. Palsy is defined as a paralysis which is accompanied with involuntary tremors.

Paralysis can be partial as well as complete. Paralysis can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can be limited to just one area or it may be spread to other body parts also. Paralysis of the lower half of the body which includes both legs is known as paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms as well as legs is called as quadriplegia. When only one side is involved it is called as hemiplegia.


  • The major reason of paralysis is the damage to the nervous system especially the spinal cord. Other main reasons and major causes includes trauma, stress, cerebral palsy, nerve injury, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's disease, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis, guillain-barre syndrome, ALS and botulism.
  • During REM sleep, temporary paralysis occurs and walking paralysis occurs due to dysregulation of this system.
  • Strokes are the main cause of paralysis.
  • Paralysis can also occur due to certain drugs like curare.
  • Voluntary restriction and inhibition of motion due to pain is called as pseudoparalysis. Pseudoparalysis is not an actual paralysis. It is caused due to extreme mental stress. Pseudoparalysis is a common feature of panic anxiety disorder.
  • Paralysis can be partial as well as complete. Paralysis can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can be just limited to just one area or it may be widespread also. Paralysis of the lower half of the body which includes both legs is known as paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms as well as legs is called as quadriplegia. When only one side is involved is called as hemiplegia.

Here are the Major Reasons of Paralysis which are as listed below:

  • Strokes are the sudden loss of function of a particular area of the brain.
  • Tumors in the spinal region or brain can leads to paralysis.
  • Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease which cause damage to the mucilaginous sheath which covers the nuclear sheath and this may result in paralysis.
  • Cerebral palsy occurs in the babies during their birth can also results in paralysis.
  • Direct injuries or trauma can result into internal bleeding which can ultimately affects the central nervous system and results in paralysis.
  • Herniated disk, slipped disc, spondolysis and other neurodegenerative diseases may results in paralysis.
  • Paralysis can also occurs due to certain drugs like curare.


The common symptoms of paralysis are as follows:

  • On touch, the person cannot feel or sense anything.
  • The person cannot feel cold or heat.
  • Numbness to weather is one of the most common symptom.
  • The person is not able to feel pain in the affected part, in case of paralysis.
  • If patient is paralysed, an impairment of vision is seen.


In spite of the various options available in modern medicine, Ayurveda has proved to be one of the most effective method for the best possible recovery in the patients with paralysis. So, ayurvedic treatment is always highly recommended to the patients with paralysis because ayurvedic medicine is safe, effective and no harmful side effects.

Planet Ayurveda helps in the treatment of almost all kinds of diseases by providing the best medications. Planet Ayurveda is considered as one of the best house for herbal formulations because the medications produced by them are 100% safe, 100% effective and natural. The ayurvedic treatment for paralysis by the house of planet Ayurveda is also very effective. The big house of planet Ayurveda provides a huge range of medications for the paralysis as follows:

1. Medhya Churna

It is a mixture of shwet jeerak, krishna jeerak, sonth ,vacha, ashwagandha, ajmoda, marich, pippali, patha, shankpushpi and brahmi.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of three energies- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. As in nature, a balance between these energies helps in maintaining the body normal but any imbalance in these components can results in diseases. Memory loss, disturbed concentration, anxiety and stress are few to be named. These herbs helps to get back the body to normal state. The following benefits of Medhya Churna are as follows:

  • It works to recollect things, improve memory and retain better.
  • Some of its wonderful and amazing benefits can be seen in people with confused mind, forgetfulness as well as cloudy thoughts.
  • Several ayurvedic practitioners worldwide use this herb as a nerve as well as brain tonic which help in improving the metal clarity as well as concentration.
  • It works miraculously to relieve anxiety and stress.
  • It is a wonderful herbal product which is known to rejuvenate the whole nervous system.

For all of above benefits, it is believed as the best herbal medicine for the treatment of paralysis.

The recommended dosage of medhya churna is 1 pinch twice daily.

2. Memory Support

It is considered as the best medicine for the treatment of memory related conditions. It is composed up of brahmi, vacha, licorice and shankhpushpi.

  1. This product is used for lack of concentration, low memory and forgetfulness and raises as well as increases the memory in many ways.
  2. It increases the recollection and retention power.
  3. Regular use helps in anxiety, stress, mental illness, blood pressure, epilepsy, paralysis and hallucinations.
  4. It helps in increasing speaking ability and is considered as the best medicine for the treatment of paralysis.

The recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.

3. Brahmi Capsules

These capsules are composed of standardized extract of brahmi which is 500mg. These capsules or brahmi consists of an active compound known as bacosides which helps in influencing the degrading cells of brain. Brahmi also influences the regeneration of the cells of brain.

The recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.

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