Thursday, March 15, 2018

DTPA Test, Kidney Diseases & Ayurvedic Approach

Radioisotopic renography (renal scan) involves the use of radioactive materials to examine the kidneys. The two most common radiolabelled pharmaceutical agents used are Tc99m-MAG3 (mercaptoacetyltriglycine or mertiatide) and Tc99m - DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentacetate).

In the DTPA renal scan, there is the use of radioactive material (radionulides) to examine the person’s kidneys and evaluate their function. This examination of kidney function comes under nuclear medicine in this process, there is use of radionuclides and relies on the process of radioactive decay in the diagnosis of disease. It is used in 1960’s at Nephro – Urology.

A renal scan is also known as a renal imaging, or a renogram or renal scintigraphy.

The Radioisotopic renography ie. The DTPA renal scan is performed asses the blood supply, function and excretion of urine from the kidneys. This test can also find out the  percentage of each kidney contributes to the total kidney function.


  • Renal tubular function and perfusion.
  • Renovascular hypertension (high blood pressure in the arteries of the kidneys).
  • Renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the arteries that take blood to the kidneys).
  • Tumor or cyst.
  • Renal tubular blockage and damage.
  • Renal transplant perfusion and function.


The patient is given an intravenous injection of a radioactive material called radioisotopes. This radioisotope releases gamma rays. The gamma scanner detects the gamma rays. The gamma camera scans the kidney area. It tracks the radioisotope and measures how the kidneys working. The camera also works with a computer to create images. These images detail the structure and functioning of the kidneys based on how they interact with the radioisotope.

Renal scan images show both structural and functional abnormalities. This helps doctors to diagnose a kidney problem in its earlier stages.


There are no side effects from the radioactive injection. A diuretic is given to an increased flow of urine, if required. A Person may feel thirsty and need to drink plenty of fluids.


When the technician completes the renal scan, a nuclear medicine radiologist will elucidate the image and know the findings. Abnormal results of a renal scan can indicate the various kidney abnormalities such as:

Kidney Stones and Tumors

Kidney stones are the most common kidney problem. When minerals and other substances in the blood crystallize in the kidneys, forming solid stones.


An inflammation of the glomeruli occurs, that condition is called Glomerulonephritis. Glomeruli are very small structures inside the kidneys that filter the blood. Glomerulonephritis can be caused by infections, drugs, or congenital abnormalities.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

It is a genetic disorder that causes numerous cysts to grow in the kidneys. These cysts can interfere with kidney function and cause kidney failure. Polycystic kidney disease is a serious condition.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are bacterial infections of any part of the urinary system. They are easily treatable and rarely lead to more health problems.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease is a the most common form of kidney disease. It is commonly caused by high blood pressure. Long-term condition that does not improve over time.

Renovascular Hypertension

Renovascular Hypertension is also called ‘Renal Hypertension’. It is a condition in which High blood pressure (greater than 140/80 mmHg) caused by narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the kidneys. Narrowing or blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys is called ‘Renal artery stenosis.

Patient’s kidney size and shape influence the results of your DTPA scan. An abnormal kidney structure could result in an incorrect reading.


The Patient's diet is also important as much as taking medications. Healthy lifestyle may help to prevent many causes of kidney disease.

  • Control Diabetes by taking Insulin.
  • Cut off  high cholesterol diet.
  • Take a low salt diet.
  • Take healthy diet includes fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Increase physical exercise and try to weight loss.

In Ayurveda, there are a large number of medicines which help to treat the known cause of kidney failure. There are some herbs which are helpful to treat Renovascular Hypertension.

Herbal preparations  REVIVE KIDNEY PACK which is highly effective to fight with all Kidney disease.


  1. Mutrakrichantak Churna
  2. Rencure Formula
  3. Varunadi Vati
  4. Punarnava mandoor
  5. Chandanadi Vati


These products are 100% vegetarian and natural. It maintains Tridosha, the three energies of the body (pitta, kapha and vata dosha). This pack is formulated by MD  Planet Ayurveda doctors. All herbs a have well defined explation in Ayurvedic culture.


1. Mutrakrichantak Churna

It is an herbal powder which is very helpful in maintaining healthy kidneys. This Churna is made by different herbs : Punarnava (Boerrhavea diffusa), Varun (Crataeva narvala), Gokshur (Tribulus terstris), Kasni (Chichorium intybus).    This is especially suited for people to maintain a healthy urinary system.

Dosage: 1 Teaspoonful twice daily warm with water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.
Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink.

2. Rencure Formula

It is very good herbal combination that is given as an addition to mutrakrichantak churna along with other health supplements for supporting kidney health. It is a natural supplement that helps maintain a healthy urinary system in a natural way.

Dosage: 2 Capsules, twice daily with warm water after meals.

3. Varnuadi Vati

It is a classical Ayurvedic formulation with the same name, which is being used since ancient times for the maintenance of a healthy urinary system and a healthy kidney function.

Dosage: 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.

4. Punarnava Mandur

Punarnava, which literally means 'bring back to life' or 're-newer'. It has multiple benefits to cure disease. Its leaves are used as vegetable. It helps to remove excess of water from the body in case of kidney failure. The herb is regarded as the natural cleanser that helps to remove toxins from the kidney and maintain healthy kidney.

Dosage: 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.

5. Chandanadi Vati

This classical remedy is very beneficial in providing relief from kidney disorders. It provides a calming and soothing effect on the urinary tract system and also provides relief from burning gut. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in the treatment of burning micturition, kidney disorders, heatstroke, burning gut, piles, fissures, etc. This is a classical Ayurvedic formulation.

Dosage:2 Tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.

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