Friday, April 28, 2017

Bleeding Disorders – Types, Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment with Coolant Combination Sachets

Let's Learn About Bleeding Disorders

bleeding disorders


In a bleeding disorder, the tendency of clotting blood naturally is affected. Blood coagulation is the process of clotting in which blood changes its state from liquid to solid to prevent excessive loss of blood. Bleeding disorders can cause unusual bleeding internally and externally both which can cause severe loss of blood. This disorder can be caused due to Vitamin K deficiency, adverse effects of medicines as some medicines can interfere in blood coagulation and a reduced red blood cell count.


Ayurveda follows the basic concept of 'Dosha Dhatu Mala' which is related to the three doshas, Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water). Dhatu or tissues are of seven types which are Rasa (Lymph, serum), Rakta (blood), Mansa (Flesh, muscles), Meda (Adipose tissue), Asthi (Bones), Majja (bone marrow), Shukra (Sperm & ovum). If these dhatus get disturbed then it starts deteriorating the body's function. Mala are the waste matter which needs to be excreted from the body. Ahara (food) Mala are of three types: Mutra (urine), purish (feces) and sweda (sweat). Dhatu mala are the secretions from eyes, ears and nose.

Bleeding disorders according to Ayurveda are caused by vitiated pitta. Hence, to cure a bleeding disorder, pitta dosha should be balanced first.


1. Menorrhagia:

Menorrhagia is also known as heavy menstrual bleeding. This condition might be caused by:-

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • External injury
  • Uterine fibroid, cancer etc.
  • Heavy physical activities during periods
  • Malfunctioning of the ovaries
  • Adenomyosis
  • Intrauterine device

2. Rectal bleeding:

The main causes of this disorder include:-

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Rectal ulcers
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Proctitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Anal fissure
  • Ischemic colitis
  • Abnormalities in the blood vessels near the intestines

3. Hematuria:

Hematuria is a condition in which blood starts passing out with urine. The main causes are:-

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Nephrolithiasis
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Trauma
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Strenuous workout sessions
  • Indwelling catheter
  • Renal disorders

4. Nasal bleeding – Epistaxis:

This condition is very common in children, adults and even old aged persons. The causes can be:-

  • Nasal infections
  • Vigorously blown nose
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Perforated nasal septum
  • Exposure to warm air for a long time
  • Liver disorders
  • Vascular malformations
  • Renal diseases
  • Anxiety disorders

5. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage/Intra ocular hemorrhage:

This disorder causes bleeding from eyes. It is caused by injured blood vessels of the eyes or might be caused due to brain ailments.

6. Otorrhagia:

Otorrhagia is a term used to describe bleeding from ears. The causes could be:-

  • Injury affecting the auricle
  • Injury of the external canal
  • Severe ear infections
  • Temporal bone injury
  • Tumors
  • Tympanic membrane injury

7. Hematemesis:

This is the term used to describe regurgitation of stomach contents mixed with blood.

  • Gastritis
  • Esophageal varices
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Gastric adenocarcinoma
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Ebola virus
  • Liver cancer
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Platelet function disorder
  • Preeclampsia

8. Bleeding pores:

The causes of bleeding pores could be:-

  • Porphyria
  • Yellow fever
  • Low amount of proteins
  • Platelet disorders

Pitta is imbalanced by excessive intake of warm, spicy, sour, penetrative foods. Severe exposure to sun. Vitiated pitta vitiates blood which escalates the amount of blood and loses the coagulative factor and starts profuse bleeding. For these bleeding disorders, Planet Ayurveda has come up with a formulation called the 'Coolant Combination Sachets'.


  1. Praval Panchamrit - 5 gm 
  2. Praval pishti - 10 gm 
  3. Jaharmohra pishti - 10 gm 
  4. Kaharawa pishti - 10 gm 
  5. Kamdudha ras - 5 gm 
  6. Moch ras - 5 gm 
  7. Safatika bhasma - 5 gm 
  8. Mukta pishti - 2 gm 
  9. Akik pishti - 5 gm 
  10. Rajat  bhasma - 5 gm 
  11. Bol Parpati - 5 gm 
  12. Giloy satv - 10 gm 


Total 60 Sachets to be consumed. 1 sachet twice daily, after meals with Pomegranate Juice (20 ml) Or Pomegranate fruit peel tea or Syrup. Sheet Sudha.


It's Anti-Pitta combination - Pacifies pitta and also helps in:-

  • Blood pressure
  • Acidity
  • Ulcers
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Bleeding due to Low Platelets
  • Excessive Menstruation
  • Bleeding due to  Fibroids
  • Polyps

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - or call at +91-172-5214030

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