Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kidney Failure - Causes & Natural Cure

Kidney diseases has become the great public health issue. From past few years there is rapid spurt in the incidence of kidney diseases. India's current population is 1.2 billion and it has been studied that every year approximately 1,650,000 to 2,200,000 people develop the kidney failure or End Stage Renal Diseases (ESRD). But it is miserable that only 10% or even less gets renal replacement therapy.


Kidneys are pair of organs which are located on back of abdomen. Kidney's major function is to filter the blood. Besides this kidney helps to remove the wastes from body and balance the body's fluid.

Kidney failure is also called as End Stage Renal Diseases (ESRD). It occurs when blood flow slows down to kidneys or ureter gets blocked and wastes are not able to extrude from body which leads to the damage to kidney.

Before switching to the treatment part, one must know the causes associated with the disease (Kidney failure)

  • Diabetes is the major risk factor of kidney failure and around 20-30% people who are suffering from diabetes develop the kidney failure. In diabetes there is destruction of small blood vessels in the body. So injured blood vessels in the kidneys are not able to filter blood properly and all the waste materials are accumulated in blood which leads to kidney damage.
  • High blood pressure is 2nd major cause which is responsible for kidney failure. High blood pressure causes the damage to kidney’s blood vessels which also leads to kidney failure.
  • Heart diseases are also responsible for kidney failure because abrupt loss of  blood flow to kidney leads to kidney failure.
  • Problem in urine elimination like kidney stones problems, prostate enlargement and blood clots formation in urinary tract. Due to these problems  body is not able to eliminate urine , there is accumulation of toxins in kidneys


  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels which is termed as vasculitis.
  • Chemotherapy drugs which are used for the treatment of cancer.
  • Use of analgesics like acetominophen, ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen.
  • Antibiotic like methicillin, vancomycin, sulfonamides and ciprofloxacin.
  •  Certain viral infections like Hepatitis, AID and HIV.
  • Autoimmune diseases like lupus which may cause the inflammation of various body parts.
  • Toxins accumulation due to heavy metals.
  • Dyes which are used in imaging tests.


According to Ayurveda there are three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha which are necessary to maintain a healthy body. Imbalance of any of three dosha results in health issues. In Ayurveda kidney failure is known as disease of mutravaha srotas. All the three dosha are responsible for kidney failure. Imbalanced Kapha dosha is responsible for the blockage of small body channels called as srotas. Whereas imbalanced vata dosha is responsible for the destruction of kidney structure.

There are various herbs are present in Ayurveda like Varun (Crateva nurvala), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa),Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Kaasni (Chicorium intybus), Bhumi alma (Phyllanthus niruri)Shirish (Albezzia lebbok),Shigru (Moringa oleifera) and Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera) which are helpful to strength the kidney system and improve their capacity of filtration.


Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system which is originated around 5,000 years ago in India. Ayurveda means science of life which works on this concept that herbs have miraculous properties to treat the disease without any negative impacts on health.

Planet Ayurveda is an herbal formulation company which works in cohesion with ancient Ayurveda for the treatment of various diseases. All the products provided by this company are 100% pure and free from any color, chemicals and preservatives. Planet Ayurveda offers Revive Kidneys Pack for kidney failure. All the products are discussed in detail below -



1. Mutrakrichantak Churna

This herbal product is an amazing product of Planet Ayurveda for the treatment of kidney failure. This herbal formulation is the wonderful blend of various natural compounds which are given below -

List Of Ingredients:-

  • Varun (Crateva nurvala)
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
  • Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris)
  • Kaasni (Chicorium intybus)
  • Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri)
  • Shirish (Albezzia lebbok)
  • Shigru (Moringa oleifera)
  • Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera)


  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – This herb is also known as “hogweed” and this herb helps to remove excess waste from body.
  • Varun (Crateva nurvala) – This helps to provide the relief in kidney stones and urinary tract infections which are also responsible for kidney failure.
  • Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) – This herb has great medicinal importance from ancient times. It is useful to clear the hurdles in the urinary tract and also provide the strength to kidney cells.
  • Kaasni (Chicorium intybus) – This herb helps to manage the various problems like nephrotic syndrome which may lead to kidney failure.

DOSAGE – 1 Teaspoonful twice daily warm with water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.

2. Rencure Formula

Rencure formula capsules are an effective product of planet Ayurveda for the treatment of kidney failure. This product consists various herbs which are discussed below –

  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – This herb is also known as “hogweed” and helps to remove excess waste from body.
  • Varun (Crateva nurvala) – This herb is popularly is known as caper and quite effective for the treatment of kidney failure. It provides the relief in kidney stones problem, urinary tract infection and helps to extrude all the waste from body.
  • Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) – This herb has great medicinal importance from ancient times. It is useful to clear the hurdles in the urinary tract and also provide the strength to kidney cells. Gokshur is also helpful to reduce the   frequent repetition of dialysis.
  • Kaasni (Chicorium intybus) – This herb helps to manage the various problems like nephrotic syndromes which may lead to kidney failure.
  • Palaash (Butea monosperma) – This herb is also an important ingredient of rencure formula capsules and supports kidney health. Thus helps to treat the kidney failure.

DOSAGE – 2 Capsules, twice daily with warm water after meals.

3. Varunadi Vati

This herbal for kidney failure is quite effective for treatment of kidney failure. This product consist the various herbs which are helpful to strength the kidney system.

List Of Ingredients:-

  • Varun (Crateva nurvala) – This herb is popularly is known as caper and quite effective for the treatment of kidney failure. It provides the relief in kidney stones problem, urinary tract infection and helps to extrude all the waste from body.
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – This herb is also known as “hogweed” and helps to remove excess waste from body.
  • Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) – This herb has great medicinal importance from ancient times. It is useful to clear the hurdles in the urinary tract and also provide the strength to kidney cells. Gokshur is also helpful to reduce the   frequent repetition of dialysis.
  • Shuddha guggulu (Commiphora mukul) – This herbal extract (resin) is also an important ingredient of varunadi vati and quite useful for the treatment of kidney failure.

DOSAGE – 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.

4. Punarnava Mandoor

This herbal remedy is quite beneficial for the treatment of kidney failure. Punarnava mandoor is also an amazing blend of various herbs which are given below-

List Of Ingredients:-

  • Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa)
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Chavya (Piper chaba)
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
  • Chitrak mool (Plumbago zeylanica)
  • Mandoor bhasma (Ferric oxide calx)

Benefits – This herbal remedy for kidney failure is quite effective and gives the satisfactory results in the patients. This herbal product contains herbs which are packed with miraculous properties and supports good kidney health. This product even reduces the dialysis.

DOSAGE – 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.

5. Chandanadi Vati

This classical remedy is very beneficial in providing relief from kidney disorders. It provides a calming and soothing effect on the urinary tract system and also provides relief from burning gut. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in the treatment of burning micturition, kidney disorders, heatstroke, burning gut, piles, fissures, etc.

List Of Ingredients:-

  • Safed chandan (Santalum album)
  • Kababchini (Piper cubeba)
  • Safed ral (Shorea robusta)
  • Gandhabiroja (Pinus longifolia)
  • Katha (Sanegellia catechu)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)
  • Gairik (Red ochre)

DOSAGE- 2 Tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.

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