Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment of ILD NSIP

Coughing and shortness of breath, sometimes we misinterpret it. Don't take these symptoms lightly and do visit your doctor. Because you may be the sufferer of ILD NSIP. To keep yourself healthy is your very own responsibility. It is awful that health issues are at apex and many diseases are not even in our knowledge. So sometimes due to lack of knowledge about a disease, conditions get more worse.ILD (Interstitial lung disease) is described as group of disorders which is characterized by the scarring of lung tissues between the air sacs. Whereas NSIP (Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia) is also a lung disorder and also a cause of ILD (Interstitial lung disease).

Ayurvedic Outlook

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) in Ayurveda is described under the category of shwas roga. Shwas Roga comprises all the respiratory diseases. According to Ayurveda there are basically three energies – vata, pitta and kapha. These energies represent a healthy body. Imbalance of any these energies result in diseases. ILD is defined as the sannipapata rog and which is mainly due to the vitiation of vata dosha along with involvement of kapha dosha. There is thickening of lungs tissues between the air sacs and also there is the scarring of lungs tissues.

From the treatment perspective, herbs like Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Shirish (Albezzia lebbock), Ashwagandha (Withania sominefera), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma longa) are very effective to manage the symptoms of ILD NSIP. Herbs are packed with the healing properties and help to maintain the good health of lungs Thus Ayurvedic treatment of ILD NSIP is very safe without causing any negative effects on health.

What Is Ild Nsip?

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) described as a group of disorders in which scarring of lung tissues between the air sacs occurs. Scarring of lungs tissues in this disease results in the stiffness of lungs and affects the lungs ability to breathe and enough oxygen supply into bloodstream.

Interstitial lung disease may be due to the known and unknown causes.

Common known causes may include:

  • Autoimmune
  • Rheumatologic diseases
  • Occupational and organic exposures
  • Medications
  • Radiation

Unknown causes may include the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It is progressive fibrotic lung disease which is further associated with idiopathic interstitial pneumonias like nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), and sarcoidosis.

Symptoms of ILD NSIP?

Primary symptoms of interstitial lung disease may include:

  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weight loss


Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are responsible to cause interstitial pneumonias. Long term exposures to inhaled irritants may also result in the interstitial lung disease.

Irritants may include:

  • Grain dust
  • Asbestos
  • Silica dust
  • Talc
  • Coal dust or metal dusts from working in mining
  • Bird proteins (such as from exotic birds, chickens, or pigeons)
  • Mold from indoor showers, hot tubs and prior water damage

Use of certain medications and radiations:

  • Chemotherapy/immunomodulating drugs like cyclophosphamide and methotrexate
  • Heart medications like propranolol (Inderal, Inderide, Innopran) and Amiodarone (Cordarone, Nexterone, Pacerone).
  • Some antibiotics like Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) and Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid, Macrodantin)
  • People who take radiation therapy for breast cancer or lung cancer are also at risk of getting interstitial lung diseases.

Autoimmune diseases

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pulmonary vasculitis (microscopic polyangitis)
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Scleroderma
  • Sjogren's syndrome
  • Systemic lupus erythematous
  • Undifferentiated connective tissue disease
  • Dermatomyositis/polymyositis
  • Mixed-connective tissue disease

Ayurvedic Treatment of ILD NSIP

Planet Ayurveda offers the five herbal products for ILD NSIP treatment:

  1. Vasaka Capsules
  2. Aller-G Care
  3. Tulsi Capsules
  4. Kaashar Churna
  5. Boswellia Curcumin
  6. Moringa Capsules
  7. Praanrakshak Churna
  8. Bronco Plan Syrup

These herbal products which are prepared by using the standardized extracts of herbs. All the products are prepared under the guidance of highly experienced MD Ayurveda doctors. All the products are free from any preservatives, chemicals, colors and starch.

Products Description


Planet Ayurveda offers the Tulsi capsules which is effective Ayurvedic treatment of ILD NSIP. These capsules are prepared from the pure extracts of Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum).

Benefits: Tulsi has great importance in India from religious as well as medicinal aspect. Another common name of this herb is holy basil. It has been found that regular use of this herb is very effective to provide relief in the symptoms like shortness of breath and dry cough in interstitial lung disease. This herb is loaded with antimicrobial properties and fights against the infections.

Dosage: 1 Capsule twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.


Aller G care capsules are an amazing herbal formulation of Planet Ayurveda to treat the ILD NSIP. This herbal product is prepared by the combination of various herbs which are given below:

  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  • Neem (Azadirachta indica)
  • Shirish (Albezzia lebbock)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania sominefera)

Benefits: Herbs mentioned above are used in the formulation of Aller G care capsules. These herbs are packed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Thus these herbs support the good health of immune system and fight against the various viral, bacterial and fungal infections. These herbs also helps to maintain the good health of lungs and quite effective for the treatment of ILD NSIP.

Dosage: 1 Capsule twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.


Boswellia Curcumin is an impressive formulation and is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda.

Benefits: The formulation has a very impressive analgesic effect and also helps in the bringing out excess of deposited cough in the respiratory tract. In Addition, the combination in this formulation of shallaki and Haridra has its impact on pain as well. This formulation also has properties which help in the pacification of kapha and vata dosha. Also, it works on building immunity of the body.

Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.


Praanrakshak Churna is the wonderful formulation available in house of Planet Ayurveda. This Ayurvedic formulation is an amazing blend of various herbs which are listed below:

  • Shirish (Albezzia lebbock)
  • Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)
  • Anantmool (Tylphora asthmatica)
  • Twak (Cinnnamomum zeylanica)
  • Bharangi (Clerodandrum serratum)
  • Kantkari (Solanum xanthocarpum)
  • Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Benefits: Above mentioned herbs used in the formulation of Praanrakshak Churna are packed with antimicrobial properties. Thus these herbs support the good health of immune system and respiratory system. These herbs also help in the healing of lungs tissues. Thus Praanrakshak Churna is a quite reliable and safe Ayuruvedic treatment for ILD NSIP.

Dosage: 1/2 Teaspoonful twice daily with honey.


Kaas- Har churna is a potent combination of various Ayurvedic herbs. This formulation gives impressive results in almost all the respiration system related problems.

Dosage: 1/2 Teaspoonful twice daily with honey.


Vasaka capsule is also a patent formulation by Planet Ayurveda which has only one single herb. The standardised extract of herb is used in this case.

Benefits: This herbal preparation is helpful in supporting the healthy functioning of lungs. The formulation has a really great role in removing obstruction in airways and helps in relieving the laboured breathing. The vasaka capsules have great results in enhancing the respiratory cycle as well. In case of bleeding from the respiratory tract, these capsules help in stopping bleeding as well.

Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.


The Moringa capsules are prepared with the standardised extract of Moringa and are also very helpful in balancing kapha and vata dosha as well.

Benefits: Moringa is a herb whose every part is edible. It is a herb which helps in controlling many metabolic disorders as well as reduces shotha or swelling inside the body too. This herb is effective in reducing size of the granthi as well and prevents tissue from regular wear and tear due to endotoxins. Moringa improves immunity of the body as well.

Dosage 1 Capsule twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.


The Bronco plan syrup is an impressive formulation that is used in all sorts of respiratory conditions. The syrup is manufactured using various types of herbs.

Benefits: The formulation helps in cleansing the entire prana vaha srotas (respiratory passage), removes any type of obstructions and also helps in various types of allergies as well. The bronco plan syrup also helps in building a strong immune system.

Dosage: 2 Teaspoonful twice daily with lukewarm water, after meals.

Diet And Lifestyle

If you are suffering from lung disease then some of the suggestions will help you to manage your problem:

  • Avoid tobacco, cigarettes smoking.
  • Take proper diet.
  • Regular exercise.

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