Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Top 7 Herbs To Improve Kidney Function

improve kidney functions, healthy kidneys

Every human body consists of two kidneys which is about the size of our fist and look like a bean. These are situated on the sides of the spine. It comprises of around 1 million microscopic filters known as nephrons and they further consist of a little filters known as glomerulus which are microscopic round structures of blood vessels, which filter the blood that passes through them. Kidneys are the chief organs of the urinary system. Nephrons could possibly be damaged due to the dysfunctions of the kidneys, surgeries, diabetes or hypertension. Kidneys not only filter blood but also produce hormone known as Erythropoietin which helps in the stimulation of bone marrow to produce blood cells, vitamin D. A person can lead a normal healthy life with a single totally healthy kidney. Kidneys remove all the excess water and toxins from the body in the form of urine. Kidney functions deteriorate with growing age.

Various kidney disorders have been mentioned. These disorders could be congenital or acquired during infancy, adolescence or adulthood. Diseases in other parts of body could also affect kidneys. Polycystic kidneys, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, benign and malignant tumors are a few diseases to mention. Kidney disorders may not show any symptoms at times but some of the signs which make it evident could be; growing frequency of urine during day or at night, pain during micturition, haematuria, dyspnea, pain in the loins, anorexia[loss of appetite] ,puffed eyes, edema around ankles due to fluid retention.

The diagnostic tests which can be done to rule out any renal malfunction are; SGOT, SGPT, Creatinine levels, urea and electrolytes, Urine tests, Ultrasound, CT scan and MRI.

The top 7 herbs to improve kidney functions

Bhumiamla, Phyllanthus niruri

1. Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri):

This is a plant which is pretty well known for its action against kidney stone formation giving it the name 'stone breaker'. Some studies suggest that it indeed has the potential to provide the defense action against renal calculi which may be due to reduced obstruction.

Phyllanthus niruri is a vital plant in the Indian Ayurvedic System of medicine used for disorders of stomach, liver, spleen and most importantly kidney. It also has the anti-hepatitis activity. It is an amazing diuretic. Bhumiamla is used in medicinal formulations in the form of fresh juices or powder.

It is a laxative, carminative and a very bitter tasting plant but it's an important herb to improve kidney functions.

The recommended dosage would be 1 to 2 grams in powdered form and 10 to 20 ml in case of tonics.

Shigru, Moringa Oleifera

2. Shigru (Moringa Oleifera):

Moringa is high in vitamins A and C. It is an excellent herb to cure kidney failure. It is also a rich source of calcium. Kidneys manage the function of balancing electrolytes but once they stop working, phosphorus levels in blood shoot up. It has anti- inflammatory factors and also improves the blood flow in kidneys. It is a traditional drug to cure renal disorders.

Punarnava, >Boerhaavia Diffusa

3. Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa):

Punarnava is a natural kidney cleanser; hence it flushes out the toxins easily. It prevents the formation of renal colic in the first place. It is also known as a 'renewer'. Take about 15 grams of clean, crushed punarnava roots and add in the boiling milk and water in the ratio 1:4 and let it steep till it reduces to just 1 cup and consume it at night before going to bed.

Gokshur, Tribulus Terrestris

4. Gokshur (Tribulus Terrestris):

It is used to cure kidney disorders as it is a diuretic and lithotripter and eliminated the toxic waste from the body. It also cures haematuria, phospaturia, urine incontinence.

It acts as a pacifier for the irritated inner cell membrane of the urinary tract. It is also an anti-infective. It is a herbal remedy for kidney failure acting as a nourishing tonic.

It also clears any obstruction.

Varuna, Crataeva Nurvela

5. Varuna (Crataeva Nurvela):

It is a powerful anti- inflammatory. Also, it cures kidney disorders effectively. It keeps the creatinine and urea level under check. It is one of the best litholytic herbs which have the ability to emulsify stones. It hinders the formation of renal calculi. Varuna tea can be consumed in a quantity of 50ml twice a day.

Palash, Butea Monosperma

6. Palash (Butea Monosperma):

Palash is considered to be a herb which helps the kidneys to function smoothly. It boosts the decreased hepatic function which is one of the leading causes of renal failure. Palash can be consumed in the form of soup or with milk.

The methods of preparations are:

  1. Fresh crushed seeds of palash added in one glass of Luke warm milk are consumed to solve the problems of renal colic and other kidney disorders.
  2. A soup of palash flowers by adding water and sugar is to be taken in a quantity of 100ml twice daily.
Kasni, Cichorium Intybus

7. Kasni (Cichorium Intybus):

It Has The Following Properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Diuretic
  • Analgesic
  • Anti - diabetic
  • It is a kidney cleanser which eliminates the wastes effectively. The seeds of this herb increase filtration. It is alkaline in nature and also strengthens the kidneys.

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