Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Halitosis ( Bad Breath )- Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment

Bad Breath, Halitosis

Most of us usually go to the dentist for a regular checkup of teeth-cleaning or to check for cavities, but that's it. We do not pay our great attention to what is actually happening in our mouth. Beyond a beautiful smile, good oral health is an important issues of concern. In our mouth it can actually indicate more serious health problems.

"Pay attention to the early warning signs, as it could be an indication of something more serious." As far as oral hygiene is concerned.

So to keep an eye on healthy system of our body, we should pay attention to some problems that can occur due to bad hygiene of mouth. These can be tooth decay, bad breath, dry mouth, white-coated tongue and more.

One of the general problem out of these is of Bad Breath.

Waking up with a bad breath during morning is generally normal if it happens sometimes. As it occurs due to dry mouth during night, which allows bacteria to grow sometimes and that bacteria is the reason behind this.

But if you are getting bad breath on regular basis, it is an indication that there is something wrong within your mouth. It is that precious time to review your oral health habits. It will help to manage the problem of Halitosis.


Halitosis (Bad Breath) is defined as a bad unpleasant smell that originates from the oral cavity with different origins like intra and extra oral origin. Around the world, there are about fifty percent of people having halitosis, with 90% of intra–oral causes.


1. Genuine Halitosis:

A malodour is there and it is classified in two types:

Physiologic Halitosis - It originate from dorso-posterior region of the tongue.

Pathologic Halitosis -

  1. Oral Halitosis which is caused by disease, or malfunction of oral tissues. It is derived from tongue coating.
  2. Extra-oral which originates from nasal, paranasal and laryngeal regions. Malodour originates from pulmonary tract, digestive tract or disorders that are blood-borne and emitted via the lungs like diabetes, hepatic cirrhosis and more.

2. Pseudo Halitosis:

Malodour is not realized by other people, although the patient stubbornly complains of the presence of bad breath. Condition can be improved by counseling.

3. Halitophobia:

Sometimes after treatment for genuine halitosis or pseudo-halitosis, the patient still believe that they have halitosis. But no such symptoms are found in those patients.


Halitosis originates in the mouth due to many reasons like inadequate plaque control, periodontal disease, dry mouth, faulty restorations.

One is due to excessive bacterial growth on the posterior surface of the tongue. The bacteria is an anaerobic gram-negative organism in mouth. In the other twenty percent of cases, bad breath is caused by disorders like hepatic, pancreatic and nephrotic problems, upper and lower respiratory tract infection, medication or due to gastric content.

Halitosis and its cure with natural way known as Ayurveda.

To know to relation and cure of disease by Ayurveda, it is very important to know what is Ayurveda.


According to Ayurveda, our environment is made up of the five primary elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth.

The five primary elements manifest in the human body as three basic humours known as doshas

  • Vata dosha relates with nerve impulses, circulation, respiration and elimination, etc.
  • Pitta dosha relates with the process of transformation or metabolism.
  • Kapha dosha relates with growth.

When any of doshas is out of balance, Ayurveda gives specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to combat with factors that cause imbalance in doshas.

From the Ayurvedic perspective, the main reason of bad breath is poor digestion and poor oral hygiene. Ayurveda uses herbs which has great components to bring changes on human body in good means. These herbs are natural and safe 100%. Ayurvedic medicine is helpful to eradicate diseases in all natural ways and due to which these are not harmful.


Planet Ayurveda provides Halitosis Care Pack to manage bad breath.

This Halitosis Care Pack contains Digestion Support, Triphala Capsules, Gum Care Powder, Pitta Balance & Irimedadi Oil.

Herbal Remedies, Halitosis, Bad Breath, Ayurvedic Treatment

1. Digestion Support:

It is mixture of certain herbs -

  • Amla - It is not only providing important vitamins but also being cold in potency due to which it reduces body heat.
  • Haritaki - It acts on gas. It relieves constipation also as it is a mild laxative.
  • Sounf - It is a very common herb used in cooking. It is very useful in cure of gaseous distension of abdomen, pain abdomen due to gas and acidity and constipation.
  • Dhania - It improves appetite, relieves constipation and gas.

Some other herbs are pippali, jeerak, bahera.

Dosage: 1 capsule, twice daily with warm water after meals.

2. Triphala Capsules:

Vata and Pitta are responsible for causing chronic constipation and acidity. Triphala calms both Vata and Pitta, thus relieves constipation naturally.

Triphala means Three Fruits.

  • Haritaki - It relieves gas in intestines.
  • Amalaki - It is known as amla. The herb is a strong natural antioxidant containing high levels of vitamin C.
  • Bhibhitaki - It removes the old mucous from the intestinal wall. That tones the intestinal wall and increases the bowel contraction.

Dosage: 1 capsule, twice daily with warm water after meals.

3. Gum Care Powder:

Planet Ayurveda's Gum care powder contains Haritaki, Mustak Khadir, Karpur, Marich, Lavang, Twak, Sfatika and more.

These all herbs are natural and helpful in cleaning and maintaining healthy mucosa in mouth.

Usage: Massage your teeth and gums gently with 3-6 gm powder. Rinse the mouth with warm water after 2-3 minutes.

4. Pitta Balance:

It contains many herbs that maintain pitta dosha in a proper balance state. Pitta balance is a wonderful combination which contains cooling compounds, natural calcium compounds to restore the pitta imbalance quickly.It contains coral and agate calcium, pearl calcium and giloy satva.

With these herbal formulations, some natural remedies should also be involved in lifestyle so that hygiene sustains for lifetime.

  • Brush teeth twice and scrape tongue
  • Replace your toothbrush every two to three months.
  • Regular Dental checkups
  • Chew cloves or aniseeds as these contain antiseptic properties that fight with halitosis-causing bacteria.

Dosage: 1 capsule, twice daily with warm water after meals.

5. Irimedadi Oil

Irimedadi oil is a classical ayurvedic preparation for maintaining oral health. This formulation contains various amazing herbs which helps in constriction of the blood vessels and stops gums bleeding due to its astringent and cooling property. Ingredients of irimedadi oil includes Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Dhataki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa), Irimeda (Acacia farnesiana), Jatiphal (Myristica fragrans), Khadir twak (Acacia catechu) and various other herbs. It has antiinflammatory properties which effectively reduces inflammation in the gums.

Usage: Oil pulling for 10-15 minutes before brushing. Then rinse your buccal cavity with lukewarm water mixed with black salt or pink salt.

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