Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ayurvedic treatment for CRAO - CRVO Eye Vision

Eyes are most sensitive and important part of our body. These are eyes with whom we can see all the beautiful creations of world. Close your eyes and there is only darkness. It is important to take care of your eyes. You can't even imagine the pain of those people who have problems in vision or lost their vision. Ayurveda has the detailed chapter regarding the netra gat rog ( eyes complications). Netra gat rog are due to the vitiation of tridoshas primarily vata dosha further associated with pitta and kapha dosha.

There are various herbs indentified in Ayurveda which help to strength the blood vessels and improve the blood circulation. Herbs like Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) which are considered as the good Ayurvedic treatment for CRAO -CRVO eye vision.

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)

central retinal artery occlusion

Central retinal artery occlusion is characterized by the sudden, unilateral and painless loss of vision. Occlusion may affect the retinal artery as well as the central retinal artery. This condition occurs when the central retinal artery gets blocked which is responsible to carry the blood to retina. Blockage may occur due to an embolism or thrombosis. Embolus can be formed because of atherosclerotic plaques, endocarditis, fat and atrial myxoma. Whereas, thrombosis is the less common cause of Central retinal artery occlusion.

Symptoms of CRAO

Symptoms last for few seconds or minutes or may be permanent:

  • Sudden loss of vision in one eye.
  • Sudden blurring in one eye.
  • Gradual loss of vision in one eye over a few weeks
  • Blood clots in the eyes also may be the warning.

Causes of CRAO

Retinal artery blockage occurs when there is the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis) in eye due to the blood clot formation or fat deposition.

Mostly blockages occur in people due the conditions which are listed below:

  • Carotid artery disease is the condition in which the two large blood vessels in the neck become narrowed or blocked.
  • Temporal arteritis (damage to arteries occurs due to an immune response)
  • Diabetes
  • Heart rhythm problems.
  • Heart valve problem
  • High levels of fat in the blood (hyperlipidemia)
  • High blood pressure
  • Intravenous drug abuse

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) is the disease in which central retinal vein gets blocked or occluded which causes the vein to leak excess fluid and blood into retina. This fluid gets accumulated in that area of retina (macula) which is responsible for central vision. So when there is the impairment of macula, central vision becomes blurred.

There are two type of CRVO

  1. Non-ischemic CRVO - It is the less severe condition of CRVO and there is limited obstruction of blood flow in the capillaries. Macular edema may occur in this form.
  2. Ischemic CRVO - It is a severe form of CRVO that may lead to the vision loss. In this condition retinal capillaries get obstructed widely.

Symptoms of CRVO

CRVO are often sudden and painless which are listed below:

  • Blurred vision
  • Cloudy vision
  • Distorted or wavy vision
  • Sudden and complete loss of vision
  • Tiny dark spots may appear in area of vision

Causes of CRVO

  • Atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries.
  • Glaucoma,  by which optic nerve is damaged that’s usually caused by increased pressure
  • Macular edema.
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Blood disorders that affect clotting.

Other causes

  • Smoking.
  • People above the age of 60.

Planet Ayurveda's treatment for CRAO - CRVO

Planet Ayurveda is a herbal manufacturing company which is located in Mohali ( near Chandigarh) India. This company was established on this belief that herbs have amazing properties to resolve the ailment without causing any negative impact on health. Planet Ayurveda offers the four herbal products for the management of CRAO – CRVO.

List of products

  1. Bilberry Capsules
  2. Angel Eye Vitale
  3. Gotukola Capsules
  4. Arjuna Capsules

Herbal Remedies for CRAO - CRVO

Herbal Remedies for Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

Product Description

1. Bilberry Capsules

Bilberry capsules are the good Ayurvedic management for CRAO - CRVO. These capsules are obtained from pure herb named as Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). Bilberry is known to be an effective herb to treat the CRAO- CRVO. This herb is packed with anti oxidant properties and also helps to strengthen the muscles of eyes. It is also good to improve the blood circulation in all parts of body.

Dosage: one capsule two times in day with milk or water after meals.

2. Gotukola Capsules

Planet Ayurveda offers an Ayurvedic product named as the gotukola capsules for the management of CRAO -CRVO. These capsules are prepared from the pure extract of herb Gotu kola (Centella asiatica). These capsules are 100% pure and free from any side effects. Use of this herb is good to resolve the vision complications like CRAO and CRVO. This herb helps to strengthen the weakened veins and arteries. This herb helps to remove the obstructions in blood vessels and also provides the relief in the symptoms like wavy vision or blurred vision.

Dosage: Two capsules, two times in a day after meals with plain water.

3. Arjuna Capsules

Arjuna capsules are the good Ayurvedic support for CRAO -CRVO. These capsules are prepared from the pure extract of herb Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is very effective herb to resolve the obstruction and occlusion in blood vessels of eye. It is packed with anti oxidant properties and provides strength to veins and arteries of eyes. It also prevents the clot formation in blood vessels of eyes.

Dosage: One capsule two times daily with plain water.

4. Angel Eye Vitale

Angel eye vitale is an amazing Ayurvedic supplement of Planet ayurveda which is good for vision complications and various patients are benefited with the use of this product. It is basically vitamin and mineral rich Ayurvedic formulation for eyes. Vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E, zinc, copper, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin and Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) are the major ingredients of this Ayurvedic product. These all ingredients provide the proper nutrition to eyes, improve the blood circulation and provide the strength to blood vessels.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily after meals.


  1. Dear sir
    I have sister 20 years old she is suffering retinal artery occulution in right eye we showed it many doctor every state in india but we did not found the solution eye doctor said heart problem and cardilogist said eye problems so plsss help us what will do.

    Phone 7633841289

  2. I have developed eye vein / Arterial blockage in left eye since one year. Eye sight disturbed due to fluid generation and swelling. I wish to use the Ayurvedic medicine. Kindly inform me how I may get it at Hyderabad preferably or else where. What may be the Medicare duration and cost ?

    1. Hello - Send reports and details on this E- mail ID - herbalremedies123@yahoo.com. So,I will prescribe accordingly.
      For any queries you can contact on this number- +91-172-5214030
