Friday, September 2, 2016

Herbal Remedies for Postnatal Care of the Mothers

postpartum, postnatal care of mother

The postpartum phase in a woman's life starts right after delivering her baby. And, it ends with the new mother returning to the pre-pregnant phase. The phase generally lasts for 6 to 8 weeks. During this phase, both the mother and the child need a lot of care. The mother progresses through several changes, physically and emotionally as well. She learns about the ways to adjust to her new life and deal with the changes. Besides this, the mother must take proper care of herself for rebuilding the strength of her body. And, for this, the mother needs a good amount of sleep, proper nutrition and a lot of guidance.


Here are some of the complications listed below, which are faced by almost every mother during the post-partum phase.

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of sleep
  • Tiredness
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling very low
  • Back ache
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stretch marks


Every new mother has to adjust to the baby's clock accordingly. This is because, the newborn must be changed, comforted and fed in every 3 hours. So, the mother can become exhausted due to lack of sufficient amount of sleep. Because, she will not be able to have a solid sleep for 8 hours for many months. So, she must sleep when her baby sleeps. Also, start walking and certain postpartum exercises as advised by your doctor. Also, after the initial 3 weeks, give bottles to the breastfed babies occasionally during the night time feeding. This will help you to have an uninterrupted sleep.


This is yet another important step of postnatal care. After delivery, every mother needs to eat properly. This is because, it enhances the process of recovery and healing. Also, it ensures the mother to remain healthy to take care of her baby. But, the mother must have a balanced diet. This includes the following:

  • Vegetables: Vegetables, legumes rich in proteins, starchy vegetables, green and leafy vegetables
  • Fruits include whole fruits, pureed fruits, and fresh fruits.
  • Grains include rice, wheat, oats, barley, and cornmeal.
  • Try out the lean proteins with low meat, poultry. Opt for more nuts, fishes, peas, beans and seeds.
  • Also opt for the dairy products, which are rich in calcium. Also, focus on the low-fat and fat-free products.
  • Animal fats must be avoided always.
  • Oils like nut oils containing essential nutrients must be consumed.

Also, proper physical activities and exercises must be carried out for efficient postnatal care of the mother.


The diet recommended must take care of all that the mother needs. It is highly recommended to consume whole grains with a bit of restriction on the consumption of spices and oils. She must take a lot of good calories and a lot of proteins as well. She must take adequate iron in diet. Spinach is supposed to be a good source of iron. Calcium is also required in good quantities as well. So, go for dairy products like milk, curd, paneer, cheese and many more. Don't forget to drink a lot of water and fluids. These include coconut water, fresh fruit juices, milk shakes and soups. These fluids help in flushing out the toxic materials from the body of the individuals.


The holistic science of healing, Ayurveda has a huge role to play for easing the process of recovery during the post partum phase of a mother. This science has several herbs and their wonderful medicinal properties, which help to provide proper nourishment to the mothers and ease out the level of anxiety, stress to a huge extent. It also helps a mother to get back easily to her normal life within a very short period of time.


The global manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicines, Planet Ayurveda has considered a lot of herbs with various medicinal properties to manufacture the herbal formulations. These medicines are extremely safe to consume. These are herbal and natural. These do not have any side effect at all. These have no filler elements, chemicals, artificial preservatives and added colors. The medicines are very safe and prevent other complications of post-partum phase.


Here, we shall learn about the various herbal medicines as recommended by Planet Ayurveda. These medicines are extremely effective in eliminating the various complications during this phase. It also helps in restoring positive energy in the mothers significantly.

Herbal Remedies for Postnatal Care of the Mothers

1. Shatavari Capsules:

These capsules are made from the standardized extracts of the herb, Shatavari. This herb is scientifically known as the Asparagus racemosus. It has several medicinal properties of maintaining the overall health of the individuals. It is known as the reproductive tonic and is extremely beneficial during the reproductive phase of women. It is an effective herb to promote lactation. It also helps in eradicating depression and irritability. It is also known as the uterine tonic. It has calming and nourishing impact on the individuals as well. It helps in managing the vata disorders as well.

Dose: 2 capsules two times daily with water.

2. Coral Calcium Complex:

These capsules are used to maintain the level of calcium in the body. These help in maintaining the health of the bones, joints and ligaments. These help in maintaining healthy nerves and heart as well. These capsules play a significant role in enhancing the power of immunity in the individuals. The components of the capsules are the following:

  • Coral ( Scientifically known as the Praval Pishti)
  • Agate (Scientifically Known as the Akik Pishti)
  • Jawar Mohra Pishti
  • Kamdhuda Ras
  • Mukta Pishti
  • Guduchi (Scientifically known as the Giloy satva)

Dose: 2 capsules two times daily with water.

3. Arogyavardhini Vati:

The Arogyavadhini vati has a lot of medicinal properties. It is made up of several medicinal herbs like Kutki, Chitrak, Guggul, Amla, Bibhitaki, Haritaki and several others. These herbs work synergistically with each other and act as the anti-inflammatory, digestion stimulating and carminative agent. It is supposed to be extremely useful during the postnatal phase of a mother.

Dose: 2 tablets two times daily with water.

Thus, follow the dietary recommendation and the herbal formulations along with the guidance from the medical professional and restore and revitalize the energy once again and lead a healthy and happy life.

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