Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Go-Richh Hair Oil - Complete Hair Care Herbal Solution

Having bad hair or any other hair problem may bring a low feeling in anyone either Male or Female. Healthy and beautiful Hair always enhances your aesthetic looks and that makes you feel so good. Some of hair problems are like Hair fall, premature graying, baldness, thinning of hair, discoloration of hair, dandruff, scalp infections etc.

All these hair problems can make you feel conscious among other people and may lower your confidence even. But now just cheer up and it's a time to say bye to these problems because Planet Ayurveda team has worked hard to find a solution for your hair problems - Go-Richh Hair Oil.

herbal oil, hair fall, hair loss, premature graying of hair, baldness, thinner of hair, dandruff, healthy hair, ayurvedic taila, itchy scalp, hair treatment oil, hair growth, ayurvedic hair oil, herbal hair oil

Go-Richh Hair Oil has excellent nourishing properties due to its ingredients that maintain healthy blood circulation, and healthy hair.

This oil is 100% natural and is beneficial for both male and female. It works on our hairs without interfering with hormonal mechanism of the body.

This herbal oil nourishes the entire hair shaft and makes them shiny, long and healthy enough.


Age-old traditional techniques and practices are applied in the production of this oil. Its ingredients add aroma to the oil along with their therapeutic properties. Go-Richh hair oil penetrate into the scalp and it helps to reduce loss of protein, and benefits in regaining hair's natural oil and moisture along with it provides nourishment to hair, clears away the dirty particles.

According to Ayurvedic concept this oil balances three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha (physical energies) in body.


Apply locally on the scalp and gently massage for ten minutes, wash off after one hour. Do this two to three times, every week.


Healthy Hair

Go-Richh hair oil is a blend of so many herbs and oils which can give your hair natural protection.

  • Consistent application of the oil, makes the hair grows naturally thicker and stronger from inside, giving volume to hair.
  • It also provides a lustrous, alluring shine on the hair when used in safe amounts.
  • Go-Richh oil is a protection for your scalp from dandruff, provides strength to hair roots and recovers the hair growth preventing Hair fall, and repairs the split ends.
  • Even effective aid for memory, relieves headache, stress and tiredness.
  • Promotes sound sleep.
  • Provides cooling and soothing effect.
  • Beneficial in preventing hair from fungal infections.
  • The oil is the finest and the natural remedy for alopecia.


It contains many herbs and oils combination, about 23 pure ingredients as enumerated below:-

Out of these 23 ingredients, the main herbs that are used are- Bhringraj, Brahmi and Triphala.

Each 20ml Oil Contains:

Sr. No. Herb Name Latin Name Part Used Qty.
Decoction Contents
1. Palash beej Butea monosperma Seed 2 gm
2. Bhringraj Eclipta alba W. Part 2 gm
3. Brahmi Bacopa monnieri Whole Part 500 mg
4. Triphala Emblica officinalis, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula Whole Part 500 mg
5. Amla Emblica officinalis Fruit 500 mg
6. Shikakai Acacia concinna Legume 500 mg
7. Indrayan beej Citrullus colocynthis Seed 500 mg
8. Mulethi Glycyrrhiza glabra Stem 1 gm
9. Henna Lawsonia inermis Leaves 1 gm
10. Anantmool madrasi Trichosanthes cucumerina Stem 1 gm
11. Kutaj beej Holarrhena antidysenterica Seed 1 gm
Kalk Dravya
12. Jatamansi Nardostachys jatamansi Root 200 mg
13. Chharila   W. Part 200 mg
14. Chandan Santalum album Bark 200 mg
15. Nimbu ras Citrus limonum Juice 200 mg
16. Chakramard Cassia tora Seed 500 mg
After Cooling
17. Almond oil Pterocarpus santalinus Fruit 0.25 ml
18. Malkangni oil Celastrus paniculatus Fruit 0.25 ml
Processed In
19. Corn oil Zea mays Seed 2 ml
20. Flax seed oil Linum usitatissimum Seed 2 ml
21. Sun flower oil Helianthus annuus Seed 5 ml
22. Sesame oil Sesamum indicum Seed 10 ml
23. Coconut oil Cocos nucifera Seed q.s
herbal oil, hair fall, hair loss, premature graying of hair, baldness, thinner of hair, dandruff, healthy hair, ayurvedic taila, itchy scalp, hair treatment oil, hair growth, ayurvedic hair oil, herbal hair oil



Triphala is a well-balanced mixture of three amazing herbs Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki that are beneficial in number of health problems including hair growth as well. It is useful in treating hair loss problems.

Amalaki in Triphala helps in proper circulation of blood and absorption of various minerals that are important for retaining healthy hair and is also rich source of Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immunity – which in turn helps prevent premature graying of hair. Bibhitaki is good in strengthening roots of the hair, minimizing hair fall and prevents premature graying of hair strands.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri):

Brahmi is a herb used since ages that promotes overall health of the hair. It can prevent split ends, developing volume and length. Helpful in reducing hair fall as well nourishes the roots. Brahmi is good in keeping the scalp cool allowing hair to grow and remain strong. Other use is reduction of dandruff and it also prevents the itchy scalp by providing nourishment, moisturizing and removing the dry skin on the scalp.

Bhringraj (Eclipta alba):

Bhringraj is a wonderful herb that has amazing benefits on hair, it can prevent hair fall, premature graying of hair and split ends. Simple paste of bhringraj leaves is used in baldness. This herb has effects of strengthening hair roots. It promotes growth and is good for overall hair care.

Amla (Emblica officinalis):

Amla is a superb medicinal herb which is abundant in tannins and vitamin C, that makes it antioxidant-rich fruit, and it contains kaempferol, flavonoids, and gallic acid that enrich the hair texture.

Amla is a worth remedy for hair loss. Amla has the property to nourish hair, giving it thickness and strength. Amla also provides luster to dull and dry hair. Even use of Amla may control conditions like premature graying of the air. Amla moisturizes the scalp to help control dandruff and other issues related to the scalp.

Shikakai (Acacia concinna):

This is a wonderful herb that is very beneficial in hair growth by reducing hair fall. Shikakai contains essential nutrients like Vitamin C that helps in preventing dandruff. It is a gentle scalp and hair cleanser as it lowers the pH level. Even helps to maintain the natural oil of the hair.

Shikakai also prevents hair from greying naturally and a great detangler of hair that you would love to run your fingers through.

Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra):

This Ayurvedic Herb is well known for its medicinal properties. Some of these are like stimulating hair growth. It likewise counteracts hair loss in spot baldness. It is also effective for spot baldness caused due to infection or any other reason.

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi):

This Ayurvedic herb helps to impart black colour to hair and checks greying of hair.

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