Monday, July 4, 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment For Tinea (Ring Worm)

Tinea is a group of skin infections caused by fungi or dermatophytes, also known as Dermatophytosis. It is not caused by any parasite as someone may predict from the name ringworm. Name ring worm is derived from its round or ring like shape. It may occur at any part of the body.

Fungi thrives on skin area which is moist, hot and away from sunlight. It lives on the dead layer of skin, keratin protein on top of the skin and very rarely invade deeper into the body and cannot live on mucous membranes, such as those in the mouth or vagina.

In Ayurveda it is known as Dadru.

Types depending on the area affected

  • Body -Tinea corporis
  • Face -Tinea faciei
  • Scalp -Tinea capitis - also known as scalp ringworm
  • Whole body surface -Tinea universalis
  • Neck -Tinea versicolor
  • Beard -Tinea barbae
  • Groin and buttock -Tinea cruris - also known as jock itch
  • Hand -Tinea manuum
  • Feet-Tinea pedis - athlete's toes, athlete's feet
  • Nails - Tinea unguium

Predisposing factors

  • Moist skin due to excessive perspiration as in hot and humid climatic conditions.
  • Less immunity due to poor nutrition more prone to infection.
  • Poor hygienic and living conditions.
  • Compromised immunity due to any chronic disease.
  • Diabetes can be one of the factor.

Causes for Tinea

It is caused by fungi called Dermatophytes (microscopic spores) which infect the keratin, a protein in the skin, nail, and scalp.

It spreads through:

Human to human contact; when infected person comes in contact with uninfected person.

Animal to human contact: Infected animal coming in touch with human as pets, dogs, cats. Cattle, pigs, horses and rabbits are also carriers

Object to Human contact: infected person or animal may deposit fungi spores on objects and surfaces that comes in contact. Commonly used things as towels, bed linen, combs, brushes, door handles, and even clothing, After touching the infected objects one may have infection.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Itchy, red, scaly, or raised patches
  • Developed patches may be red on outside edges or resemble a ring
  • Patches that begin to ooze or develop blister
  • In case scalp is affected, bald patches may develop.
  • Thickening, discoloring of nails may occur or begin to crack.

Symptoms on Skin:

Areas like chest, arms, legs, back and face are affected.

  • A ring shaped red rash develops on skin. Skin appears red and irritated around the ring but healthy inside.
  • In severe condition the rings may multiply and grow in size, and rings can merge together.
  • The rings appear slightly raised in touch and the skin under the rash may be itchy.
  • Blisters and pus-filled sores can form around the rings.

Symptoms of Scalp Ringworm:

  • On the scalp small patch of scaly kin develops, which may be sore.
  • Loss of hair in patches.
  • Scalp is itchy.
  • Severe cases result in small, pus-filled sores and crusting on the scalp
  • More serious cases of scalp ringworm leads to a large inflamed sore called a kerion, which can ooze pus, and person may also have a fever and swollen lymph glands.

Foot ringworm (Athlete's Foot) Symptoms:

  • A red, dry, itchy and flaky rash usually in the spaces between the toes
  • Severe cases result in cracked skin in the affected area
  • Development of blisters ( may be oozing or crusting)
  • Swelling and burning sensation occurs in skin.
  • A scaled pattern develop around the sole or on the side of the foot.

Groin ringworm (Jock itch) Symptoms:

  • Red-brown sores (may be ring-shaped), which may have blisters or pus-filled sores around the edge
  • Redness and itchiness around the groin area, as in inner thighs and bottom (the genitals are usually not affected).
  • the skin on your inner thighs can become scaly and flaky

Exercising, walking and wearing tight clothing or underwear can worsen the symptoms of a groin infection. It's also quite common to develop a groin infection in combination with athlete's foot

Ringworm of the Nails Symptoms:

  • Nails get thickened and brittle and start falling.
  • Discoloration, nail can turn white, black, yellow or green.
  • The skin around the nail may be sore and irritated.

Ayurvedic Treatment Available in Planet Ayurveda for Tinea

Herbal remedies for Tinea

1. Gandhak Rasayana:


Sulphur purified (Gandhak)

  • Excellent topical exfoliate, which is helpful in removing the dead surface of the skin and reveals the healthy and glowing looking skin from underneath.
  • These qualities make it an excellent rejuvenating herb. It is an excellent remedy to flush out toxins from the body.

2. Neem capsules:

Helpful in maintaining healthy skin. It is beneficial for overall body health.


Neem (Azadirachta Indica): Neem has properties of good disinfectant and cleaner, which shows good results against infections, allergies and inflammations. It is a great skin disinfectant.

3. Nirgundi oil:

Obtained from the leaves containing resins, fragrant and volatile oil. Usually prepared with sesame seed oil. Very rich in vitamin C making it good anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic herb. Pungent, bitter and astringent in taste, hot potency and pungent post digestive effect. It balances vata and Kapha.

It has good anti-helmintic and anti-toxin, antipyretic and anti-arthritic properties and is used in diseases like typhoid fever, malaria fever and worms.


  • Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia): The root part of this herb are widely used as a tonic as well as loaded with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It's a great blood purifier for skin diseases and improves the complexion.
  • Haldi (Curcuma longa): This herb has great potential to fight against toxins and infections. Have beneficial effects on the skin.
  • Nirgundi (Vitex Negundo): Rich source of vitamin C. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Kalihari (Gloriosa superba): Flowering plant useful in various skin disease. Provide relief from itching.

Dosage: Apply Nirgundi oil mixed with Mahamirchadhi oil on the affected area.

4. Lavender gel:

Maintains healthy skin


  • Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia): It's a natural anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Fights against fungal infections of skin and nails. It also fights against antifungal-resistant infections.
  • Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem have properties good disinfectant and cleaner, which shows good results against infections, allergies and inflammations. Great skin disinfectant
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbedensis): In various skin care products Aloe Vera is used. It rejuvenates the skin making it shiny and strong. It blocks wrinkles and aging marks as well clears blemishes. Herbs and herbal formulations containing Aloe barbadensis reduce skin inflammations effectively. In hair care products aloe is used to repair dull and dry hair. It forms an important part of several hair conditioners and shampoos. It has abundant antioxidant properties and effectively eliminates toxins from the body. It is used in the preparation of Radiant skin, hair, and nail capsules.
  • Basil (Oscimum Sanctum): It is having anti-infective properties.


  1. Hello Dr. I had this problem. No auyrwedic treatment available in srilanka. English Dr recommended me an ointment contains Clobetasole. Now the problem1/3 shelved.

  2. You can mail me at and i will guide you accordingly.

  3. I had last 6month this problem,
    Now only I taken the Terbinofine but no effective

    1. Go ahead with the above combination of medicines. For further assistance you can write us at or call on +91-172-52140

  4. Hello sir, I am 36 years old and suffering from recurring tinea cruris from the past 20 years. I have used allopathy medicines during this time like applying topical ointments/tablets. But the infection keep on recurring after some time. As a last hope I am looking to Ayurveda medicines for the permanent cure of tinea cruris. Please suggest.

  5. Dear Dr. is this permanent solution which was mentioned in above package.
