Friday, July 1, 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment for Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

Retinal Artery Occlusion

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)

CRAO disease of eye followed by sudden painless loss of vision occurring, when one of the vessels carrying blood to retina of eye gets blocked mainly because of embolus. The ophthalmic artery is the first branch of the internal carotid artery which splits into the posterior ciliary and central retinal arteries which supply the eye. In case of CRAO there is an occlusion of the central retinal artery causing a profound vision loss.

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

CRVO disease of eye which occurs when the central retinal vein get occluded, or blocked, obstructing retinal blood flow from the eye affecting visual acuity, the sharpness or clarity of vision.

CRVO can be divided into 2 clinical types, ischemic and non-ischemic.

1. Non-Ischemic CRVO

In case there is very limited obstruction of blood flow in the capillaries. Complications such as macular edema can occur in the non-ischemic (or perfuse) form.

2. Ischemic CRVO

In case blood flow in the retinal capillaries is more widely obstructed. It's more severe form of CRVO in which vision is likely to be poor and develop complications, as neovascularization.

Ayurvedic view for CRAO and CRVO

Three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha are observed and certain condition that leads to imbalance in the three doshas worsen the condition causing the disease.

In Ayurveda eye diseases have been mentioned in details in Ancient Text Sushrut Samhita. Diseases of retina are mentioned in drishti patal roga.


1. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO) Fundoscopy shows cherry red spot.

  • Sudden blindness in one of your eyes
  • Sudden, complete blurring of vision in one eye
  • Gradual loss of vision in one eye over a few weeks

Symptoms might be for few seconds or minutes or may be permanent.

2. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

  • Most common symptom of CRVO is loss of vision or blurring in a part or all of one eye.
  • The blurring or vision loss is painless and may results suddenly or become worse over several hours or days.
  • There may be sudden and complete loss of vision.
  • Floaters in vision are another symptom of CRVO. When retinal blood vessels are not working properly, the growth of new retina occurs, fragile vessels can bleed into the vitreous, fluid filling the center of the eye. Blood in the vitreous clumps and is seen as tiny dark spots, or floaters, in the field of vision.
  • In severe cases of CRVO, the blocked vein may cause painful pressure in the eye.
  • Ischemic CRVO can also results in neovascular glaucoma. This type of glaucoma is caused when abnormal blood vessels begin to grow inside the eye, causing the pressure in the eye to rise.
  • Neovascular glaucoma is a serious condition that can cause pain and lead to severe vision loss. It can take three months or more after CRVO occurs for neovascular glaucoma to appear.


Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)

  • The blockage usually occurs due to a clot or fatty deposit in the blood vessel.
  • Embolism and Thrombosis
  • Temporal Arteritis
  • Vasculitis
  • Trauma
  • Glaucoma
  • Low retinal blood flow (carotid stenosis or hypotension)

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

The blockage in CRVO causes the walls of the vein to leak blood and excess fluid into the retina. When this fluid collects in the macula (the area of the retina responsible for central vision),and causes swelling called Macula Derma. It decreases the activity of Retina which results in blurred vision.

Certain conditions in which CRVO has been associated are:

  • Glaucoma
  • Obstructive sleep apnea - This affects more patients with retinal vein obstruction than other disorders.
  • Hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus,
  • Blood Clotting disorders.
  • Autoimmune disease such as Systemic Lupus Erythematous.

Lifestyle & General Guidelines

  • Stop smoking. Smoking produces cyanide, a retinal toxin.
  • Limit the use of medications.
  • Regular Exercise - at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, as walking and swimming.
  • Take care of your emotional health-It is important to maintain physical health. Involve practice of yoga, walk outdoors or prayer on a daily basis.

Ayurvedic Treatment Available in Planet Ayurveda

Herbal Remedies for Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

1. Bilberry Capsules


Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus): This herb has excellent effect on eyes. It is capable of relieving thrombosis. It consists of anthcyanosides which helps in strengthening the blood vessels and improve the blood circulation in all parts of the body. Its anti-oxidative properties are helpful in removing free radicals. Bilberry acts as a vasodilator that opens blood vessels and helps to lower down the blood pressure making it to be used in treatment of CRVO.

Dose: 4 Capsules daily (2 in Morning and 2 in Evening)

2. Angel eye vitale

  • Maintains the health and provides complete care of eyes.
  • Gives protection and strength to eyes.
  • Vitamins and other compounds are very beneficial for proper function of vision organs.
  • Bilberry has anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Vitamin C: Very essential for healthy eyes and underlying conditions for eye defects because of its anti-oxidant properties. It supports delicate capillaries in retina.
  • Beta Carotene - Vitamin A (Carrot seed Extract): Anti-oxidant properties are present in it which maintains the health of the eyes.
  • Vitamin E (D Alpha tocopherol): It is an anti-oxidant beneficial in maintaining the eyesight.
  • Zinc (As Zinc Sulphate): Zinc is best used for eyes. Retina is mineral rich part of eyes and zinc is an element that create melanin which is essential for protection of eyes. It has ability to reduce the risk of various eye disorders.
  • Lutein (Marigold Extract) and Zeaxanthin (Corn Extract): Helpful in improving the visual acuity.
  • Astaxanthin: This is very powerful carotenoid anti-oxidant which is helpful in protecting blood capillaries of eyes from free radicals.
  • Bilberry Extract: Bilberry is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural herb for the protection of eyes.

Dose: 2 Capsules twice daily (Morning and Evening)

3. Gotukola Capsules

It supports healthy blood circulation. Balances all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in body


Gotu kola (Centella Asiatica): Venous insufficiency: It strengthens the weakened veins. It acts on the connective tissues of the vascular wall and effectively relieves venous insufficiency.

Dose - 1 to 2 capsules twice daily after half an hour of meal with plain water

4. Arjuna Capsules


Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna std. ext.): It consists of many substance which are having great anti-oxidant properties. Bark part of Arjuna is helpful in reducing blood clot formation. Thus preventing occlusion of blood vessels.

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