Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one amongst lifestyle diseases sometimes called diseases of civilization characterized by progressing, irreversible airway obstruction or damage of the Lungs.

In Ayurveda this can be compared with Shwasa Roga' characterised by vitiation of Prana Vayu by Kapha obstructing the normal movement of vayu, changing normal direction of flow(upwards towards head) of air hence, air unable to perform its normal functions causing breathing problems.


Ayurveda explains about the prior symptoms expressed by our body before occurrence of the disease such as:

  • Congestion and Itching sensation in the throat
  • Pain in the side of chest
  • Pain in heart region
  • Constipation with flatulence


Symptoms develop gradually over many years.


Bronchial tubes inflammation tissue swelling that reduces the diameter of bronchial tubes, inflammation of bronchi & bronchioles that leads to daily productive cough.

Night time cough Persistent (chronic) cough & breath lessness.


Headache especially in the Morning

Chest pain


Coughing up mucus/phlegm in later stage it may become thick & purulent

Difficult or laboured breathing deeply during physical activity or while resting


More frequent colds or flu

Weight loss

Bluish discoloration of the lips and nail beds (cyanosis) for chronic cases

Chronic bronchitis associated with chronic cough, increased mucus that is yellow-greenish colour, frequent clearing of the throat, wheezing, fatigue and shortness of breath

Emphysema associated with Shortness of breath (dyspnoea), fatigue


COPD is the 6th cause of death in the world and affects 4-6% of people over 45yrs of age.

Lung cancer, lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain (stroke), respiratory failure, lung infections, Depression, Hypertension and heart attack are some other complications associated with COPD.



  • Chronic smoking habit
  • Exposure to passive or environmental tobacco smoke
  • Exposure to pollution such as chlorine or pesticides, dust from grain, cotton, wood, or working around toxic fumes Breathing indoor pollutants, such as fumes from heating fuel, as well as outdoor pollutants, such as car exhaust


Poor nutrition , Poor digestion, Reduce immunity.


  • Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)  comprising Spirometery and Lung volume test
  • Spirometery is the most common way to measure level of airflow obstruction.


Ayurveda plays two roles in the management of this disease

1. Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam i.e maintain the health of healthy individual by adopting following Preventive Measures.

  • Keep your home clean: Removing excess dust, mould and mildew from bathrooms and sinks.
  • Use cooking vent: to draw cooking fumes out of home
  • Avoid air pollution
  • Avoid large crowds when the flu season is at peak
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid cold air
  • Morning walk - walking is beneficial if practised regularly
  • Not suppress the natural urges relating to urine, faeces, semen, flatus, vomiting, sneezing, eructation, yawning, hunger, thirst, tears, sleep and breathing caused by over exertion Along with this the urge for coughing should not be suppressed as its the natural way of cleansing lungs from phlegm and unwanted materials.
  • Quantity of food should be as per digestion capacity: One needs to eat a nutritious food, with moderate calorie intake. After having food, it is suggested to go for a little walk. This helps proper digestion of food. Night Dinner should be completed between 7-8pm.

2. Aturasya vikar prashamanamcha i.e. cure of disease of a patients.

  • Ayurvedic treatment helps to reduce and reverse the damage of lungs and stop from further degeneration.
  • Avoiding Triggers Avoid things that cause wheezing, such as heavy exercise smoky places or smoke, if cats or other things cause you wheezing,
  • Proper maintenance of personal hygiene
  • Smoking should be given up completely


During an Attack it is best to take only fruits (Citrus fruits like orange, Mausami, lemon honey water) and vegetable juices (carrot, bottelgourd etc)or soups ( tomato, bottle gourd, snake gourd, added with zinger and cilantro etc) Onion, raddish juice added with honey or without honey, garlic, black pepper beetroot, drumstick, fenugreek leaves also facilitate in removing the phlegm.

Barley water or vegetable broth can also be taken.

Eat plenty of vegetables, raw steamed or lightly boiled foods. Citrus fruits helps in relieving congestion by loosening the phlegm. Take a high-potency multivitamin/mineral formula that provides high levels of protective antioxidants — vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and selenium.

Avoid: Cold drinks, cool stale food, pickles, curd, cold food, refrigerated food, sweet food, meat & fish, crabs, shellfish, prawn, mackrels, alcohol heavy oily foods, sour fermented food articles.


Avoid unventilated or overheated rooms. Ensure adequate ventilation especially while sleeping, avoid walking bare foot on cold surface or sitting on cold floors.

Keep the chest and throat covered and warm, Removal of Phlegm can be promoted by hot fomentation on back and chest followed by cold.

Avoid cold bath, hot steamy bath should be taken.


Often coughing becomes a characteristic habit done unconsciously for the People suffering from COPD from many days hence in such people Meditation helps in providing deep relaxation, gradually develops awareness and also helps in reliving chronic cough and respiratory weakness.


Deep breathing exercises should be practised at intervals throughout the day. This helps in stress management.


Pawanmuktasana, Makarasana, Surya Namaskara, Vajrasana, Shashank Asna, Shashank Bhujangasana,, Ushtrasana, Marjariasnan, Supta Vjraasna,Padahastasana, Dhanurasan, Kandharasana, chakrasana, Pashimottanasana, ardha matsyendrasana, , baddha padamasana, sarvangasana , halasana, Matsyasana, Simhasana.

For strengthening the chest: Trikonasana, Hasta uttanasana, dwi konasana.

Pranayama: All pranayama especially Ujjai, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika & nadi shodhan helps in enhancing lung capacity & resistance.

All theses be practised in Yoga & Prana mudra.


Soaking feet in hot water for 20 minutes are beneficial for removing chest condition.

Steam inhalations by adding eucalyptus or mint or lemon leaves are helpful in releaving congestion.

If Breath Gasping situation arises than arms and feet should be rubbed hard in the direction of the heart.


Smelling crushed Eucalyptus, & lemon grass leaves, help in reliving congestion.


  1. Vasaka Capsules – 2 Bottles (2 cap twice daily with water after meal)
  2. Pranrakshak Churna – 1 Pack (1 tsp twice daily with water after meal)
  3. Curcumin Capsules – 2 Bottles (2 cap twice daily with water after meal)
  4. Tulsi Capsules – 1 Bottle (1 cap twice daily with water after meal)
  5. Giloy Capsules– 1 Bottle (1 cap twice daily with water after meal)


To Buy Above Mentioned Herbal Remedies, Please Visit -,

Not Satisfied, E-mail to Dr. Vikram Chauhan or Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan at

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