Thursday, December 31, 2015

Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Tract Infections

The use of herbs and herbal formulation for the relief of RTIs has been done since centuries. Ayurveda describes the use of many herbs and their beneficial effects against respiratory infections. The use of medicinal herbs is very safe, as American Association of Poison Control Centers, declared that the use or consumption of medicinal herbs are safe and no deaths have been reported till date because of herbs.

On the other hand pharmaceutical or allopathic drugs are known for their side-effects and also they encourage the microbial drug resistance. Due to the resistance in microbes there is the need of increased dosage or the use of combination of drugs, are required. The toxicity level will also increase with the increase in the dosage. So the people are opting herbal drugs instead of allopathic medicines.

Here are some herbs useful for respiratory tract infections and their complications:

1. Vasaka (Adhatoda vasika)

The use of vasaka is very beneficial in the diseases like respiratory tract infections. It possess the property of antimicrobial and helps in preventing any fungal or bacterial infections. It is very effective in preventing or managing asthma. It contains bronchodilatory property, which help in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis. It is effective supportive medicine for tuberculosis and pneumonia. This herb is best for the reducing the symptoms or preventing from respiratory tract disorders. The herbal formulation of Planet Ayurveda in which the vasaka is present is VASAKA CAPSULES, an effective supportive medicine for respiratory infections.

2. Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Tulsi is known to heal the problems associated with throat and chest. The herb tulsi is known for its antioxidant properties, as it removes toxins from the body. It is best herb used to treat common cold, flu and headaches. Among various wonderful properties tulsi contains anti-inflammatory property which reduces the respiratory inflammations like rhinitis and sinusitis. If tulsi is consumed regularly it helps in relieving croupy cough. It is the primary ingredient in cough syrups because of its properties of preventing cold, cough and flu. In the formulations of Planet Ayurveda, TULSI CAPSULES are available for all kind of respiratory infections.

3. Vanshlochan (Bambusa arudinacea)

The medicinal herb vanshlochan is very effective against upper and lower respiratory disorders. It is useful in suppressing cough and clean the respiratory system clean by expelling out mucus plugs or sputum. It provide relief in the problems like dry cough and sore throat. In the formulation of Planet Ayurveda, it is available in KAAS-HAR CHURNA.

4. Pippali (Piper longum)

Pippali is very effective in case of mucus and cold conditions in the lungs. It enhances vasodilatation and blood circulation to the lungs. It has decongestant, bronchodilator and expectorant properties. It rejuvenates the lungs. People who are prone to frequent cold can get relief from the symptoms by using Pippali. This herb is used in our product KAAS-HAR CHURNA.

5. Curcumin (Curcuma longa)

Curcumin is known for its anti-oxidant properties which helps in reducing the free- radicals from the body. It removes toxins, hence performs detoxification. It improves the health of the body by boosting the immunity. It is anti- inflammatory which is useful to reduce or prevent inflammations in various allergies and infections. It is a powerful antimicrobial useful in preventing various bacterial and fungal infections. Planet Ayurveda presents Curcumin in the form of CURCUMIN CAPSULES.

6. Ela (Elletteria cardamomum)

It is also known as cardamom, as its seeds possess properties which are helpful in reducing Vata and Kapha. Ela is quiet effective in reducing the risk of sore throat and hoarseness during influenza and cold. There are many other medicinal uses of ela including oral disorders, depression, impotency and hiccups. We are using ela in KAAS-HAR CHURNA, which is effective supporting remedy for respiratory infections.

7. Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanica)

Dalchini possess the antimicrobial properties which is effective against the pathogenic microbes of respiratory tract. It also helps in eliminating the problem of cough and cold, by expelling out the excess mucus from the lungs, along with the respiratory tract. It is best supporting supplement against many breathing problems such as cough, cold and bronchitis. This herb has been used in Ayurveda to treat various respiratory tract infections. Planet Ayurveda is formulating KAAS-HAR CHURNA and PRAANRAKSHAK CHURNA, in which the use of cinnamomum is done.

8. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is known for boosting the strength and immunity, which is useful in respiratory tract infections. It's rejuvenating property that is useful in cells rejuvenation, during chronic lung infections. It is useful in relieving stress, fatigue and weakness from the body. It is can be used against allergies and various infections of the body. It possess the property of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which helps in reducing inflammation during respiratory diseases. Ashwagandha is available in the form of ASHWAGANDHA CAPSULES in the Planet Ayurveda formulations. Also it is the main ingredient of ALLER-G CARE CAPSULES.

9. Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck)

The medicinal properties of shirish are very useful in lot of diseases. It is known for its antioxidant properties helps in removing toxins produced by various infections and inflammations in the body. The formation of toxins or metabolites, after the metabolism of carbohydrate and proteins can be removed with regular intake of this herb. It is available as ALLER-G CARE CAPSULES, in the Planet Ayurveda formulation. In this formulation it is available in the combination with other herbs like Neem, Ashwagandha and giloy.

10. Neem (Azadirachta indica)

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of neem is very popular. It has been used in Ayurveda for centuries in dealing with lots of problems associated with skin, respiratory tract and blood purification. It is quiet useful in various allergies and allergic disorders. It is very useful in reducing inflammation and swelling. It is well known supportive supplement in bronchitis and helps in recovering patients suffering from respiratory infections. Planet Ayurveda presents Neem in the form of NEEM CAPSULES. It is among the various ingredients of ALLER-G CARE CAPSULES of Planet Ayurveda.

11. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

The medicinal herb giloy is very effective for many diseases and the whole plant is used for the medicinal purposes like leaves, stem and roots. This herb is used as a supportive supplement to relieve the problem of Swine flu. The juice of giloy along with Amla and Neem is the best antioxidant tonic, which can be effective in removing body's toxins and helps in relieving asthma. The combination of giloy if taken with turmeric extract, it can efficiently help in relieving problem of tuberculosis. Planet Ayurveda presents Giloy in the form of GILOY CAPSULES. Giloy is also present in ALLER-G CARE CAPSULES of Planet Ayurveda.

12. Immune Magic

As the name suggests the IMMUNE MAGIC CAPSULES are builder and booster for whole body immune system. It is the formulation of Planet Ayurveda which is a pure herbal product with lots of health benefits. It is 100 % organic with best quality herbs which are known for their medicinal properties and effects on immunity system. Immune Magic is very safe for children and also can provide them relief who are prone to get frequent sinus or throat infections. It shows wonderful effects in chronic cough, diabetes, inflamed liver, asthma and cancer. It possess the antioxidant property which is useful in reduction of free radicals and stimulating immunity system.

There are numerous ingredients which are responsible for making Immune Magic so potent against respiratory tract infections and other allergies, these are;

a. Grape seed (vitis vinifera)

Grapes contains abundance of vitamin C, which is good antioxidant. It improves the lung tissue damage in RTIs. The patients of RTIs are prone to anemia, so vitamin C helps in absorbing iron from the body and fight against anemia. It is immunity booster, which is the main property because the patients in RTIs can suffer because of low immunity.

b. Cow colostrums (bovine colostrums)

The other ingredient of Immune Magic is colostrum's milk, which is collected within 24 hrs. by milking buffalo after the birth of calf. This is very strong immunity enhancer and can help in fighting various chronic diseases. It creates and strengthen the immunity system of the body. It contains vitamins, proteins, minerals and micronutrients, which play the vital role in stabilizing the immune and metabolic system of the body.

c. Bhumi amla (phyllanthus niruri)

It is very strong anti oxidant which fights against diseases and enhance immunity system. Useful in conditions like cough, cold, asthma, liver diseases, jaundice etc.

d. Green tea (camellia sinensis)

The use of green tea in Immune Magic capsules is because of its antioxidants and immune booster qualities. It throw out the free radicals and toxins from the body and helps in revive the healthy condition during this disease.

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