People suffering from Diabetes have a very high level of blood glucose in their blood. And, this affects the kidneys to a huge extent. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and remove the toxic materials from the body. But, if kidneys fail to function properly, toxins get accumulated in the body. And, they don't leave the body. The fluids and wastes start building up. This situation is also called Diabetic Nephropathy. If the situation persists, the damage may be severe. And, this leads to chronic Kidney failure. This is also known as Diabetic Kidney Disease. Symptoms of this disorder include frequent urination, nausea, fatigue, high blood pressure, puffiness around eyes, loss of appetite, weakness, itching, vomiting, easy bruises, breath shortness, poor appetite, insomnia, itching, dry skin, lack of concentration and upset stomach.

Thus, patients, who are suffering from this disorder must be very careful about their dietary structure. They must not consume certain food products. At the same time, they must consume certain products as well. Below given is a diet chart of the food products to be avoided and to be consumed. It is highly suggested that the patients follow the die chart strictly in order to minimise the severity of the chronic Diabetic Renal failure condition. This will also provide sufficient relief from the various symptoms of the disorder to a huge extent.
Vegetables | |
Fruits | |
Non Veg | |
Spices | |
Other Food Products | |
The diet chart has considered the various nutrients required by the body in substantial quantities. It takes into account the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It ensures that the individual leads a healthy, safe and happy life.
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