Friday, March 7, 2014

Treatment in Ayurveda for Anal Fistula

Anal fistula is a troublesome, disturbing disease which affects many people. It is also called fistula-in-ano. It is an abnormal passage between peri-anal skin connecting it to the anal canal or rectum. There is often presence of anal abscess. The fistula results often in people having peri anal abscess earlier. In many patients, the abscess is not visible or not diagnosed and directly fistula is seen. There is oozing of pus, infected fluid and sometimes blood from the fistula. The anal abscess generally develops after a small anal gland is infected and abscess is formed there. Unhygienic lifestyle, constipation, long sitting hours, consumption of non-fiber rich diet. Sometimes the anal fistula can develop as a complication of surgery as well.

Main symptoms of Anal fistula are

1.   Pain around anal region ( Throbbing and worsens while sitting)  
2.   Pus discharge from the external opening
3.   Bloody discharge
4.   Pain during the passing of stools
5.   Discomfort during sitting
6.   Frothy, foul smelling stools
7.   Swelling, redness and tenderness in the anal region

There are various ayurvedic remedies which are very effective in treatment of Anal fistula. These herbal remedies are 100 % natural and does not cause any side effects.

Treatment in Ayurveda and home remedies for Anal fistula

Fistula is an abnormal passage from anal canal to outer skin. It can be very very painful in severe conditions. It’s very important to maintain the hygiene of the fistula and the adjoining area. There are certain ayurvedic herbs and natural remedies which can be very useful to heal the fistula and correct the anomaly. These remedies give instant results which can be visible within first 2 weeks of usage.  

Role of High Fiber Diet in treatment of Anal fistula-

High fiber diet has a big role to play in treatment of anal fistula, piles and fissures. The constipation puts a lot of burden in lower anal canal leading to its stretching, painful defecation and swelling. This leads to more abscess formation, stiffness, redness and aggravation of pain. Fruits are rich source of natural fiber. Papaya, Cabbage, Pears, Apples, Melons, Grapes are all good for relieving constipation. Vegetable soups are also very important part of diet.
What is Ama and it’s role in Fistula
“AMA” is the term used in Ayurveda for endotoxins. The “Ama” are endotoxins formed in the intestines due to faulty digestion. The low digestive fire leads to formation of fermentation inside the intestines and that in turn can increase the formation of pus and mucus. The formation of “Ama” is increased if the food is rich in fast foods, packaged food, burgers, pizzas, non-veg diet and other heavy greasy items. Cheese is also not good in this case. Milk and dairy products should also be avoided.

Sometimes if the abscess is too much, it may be drained out physically by a surgeon but this does not heal the fistula completely. Antibiotics are also of temporary help. So Ayurvedic herbs should be used to heal the fistula completely.

Yes, there are certain Ayurvedic medicines which work like natural antibiotics. One of the reasons behind the development of fistula is an improper lifestyle and unhealthy eating. Many people have a habit of regularly eating food that prepared from flour with lots of sugar, spices and oil, which are very harmful for your health.

Healthy eating habits are very important to get rid of this disease permanently. White bread, Pasta, refined flour should be restricted. Bread with grains is recommended. All grains are good source of natural fiber. So they are fine.

Fistula Care Package –
Fistula Care package is a combination of Ayurvedic medicines which are tried and tested several time by many Ayurvedic experts world wide.  The combination is made up of
1.   Tab.Triphala Guggul  - 2 twice daily  ( 1 bottle )
2.   Cap. Curcumin – 2 twice daily ( 2 bottles )
3.   Vara Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily ( After meals with warm water) – 2 Jars of 100 gm each
4.   Nirgundi Oil – Apply locally after defecation ( inside the anal canal)


These are ayurvedic medicines which help to reduce the swelling, pain and dry the pus. The results are permanent and have been proved to be successful in many patients who were suffering from anal fistula.

The herbs are anti-inflammatory, natural antibiotics, rich in natural fiber and nutritive in nature. Nirgundi oil is natural antiseptic.  In Sitz Bath, We recommend Neem leaves decoction to be used rather than chemicals. Neem leaves or neem capsules can be procured at Neem capsules can be opened up to use the extract to be boiled in water and made into decoction and used for the Sitz Bath.

Consuming radishes, carrots, beetroots, cabbages, broccoli is very important to provide necessary natural vitamins to your body. This helps in healing.

Drink warm water and consume all the above mentioned Ayurvedic medicines for anal fistula together, about 30 minutes after meals. 

Check this video of Dr. Vikram Chauhan explaining the treatment of Anal fistula. 

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