Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Effective Weight Loss Herbs

How to lose weight using Planet Ayurveda Thinner You Pack?

Obesity is now a day’s common health issue, which is regarded a lifestyle disorder. The sedentary life style and eating junk food can easily increase your body weight and increase BMI. If not treated in time, obesity can lead to asthma, dementia, depression, diabetes, pancreatitis, osteoarthritis, disturbed sleep, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and infertility.

Planet Ayurveda developed a combination of different herbs and formulations to lose your weight naturally with the help of these herbs. These herbs are known in Ayurveda to combat obesity naturally.

“The Thinner You Pack” of Planet Ayurveda contains Effective Weight Loss Herbs - 

Trim Support Formula (1 Bottle) – 1 twice daily
Capsule Guggul (1 Bottle) – 1 twice daily
Capsule Garcinia (2 bottles) – 2 twice daily
Stholyantaka Churna   (1 Jar) –  1 teaspoonful to tablespoonful twice daily, with warm water 15-20 minutes after meals.


This combo pack of effective weight loss herbs is available at Planet Ayurveda ( International Site ) and Always Ayurveda ( Indian Site ) 

The “ThinnerYou Pack”   increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol from the body. These collectively shreds off the body weight by cleaning the system and enhancing body stamina to increase physical activity. Using this is totally safe as these are totally herbs based formulae. The herbs are taken from 100 % organic environment. Planet Ayurveda products go through quality standards and are known for their efficacy.

1. Stholyantak Churna -  A rare combination of effective herbs, which give definite results in stubborn obesity.  It has been proven to effective in cases of obesity, where it was almost impossible to loose weight.  There are many ingredients like Agnimanth, Arjuna, Triphala, Babool, Mustak and about 8 more rare herbs to fight obesity effectively. One of the ingredients Triphala is effective in removing deep seated toxins in liver and intestines. It is regarded as the most popular rejuvenator and detoxifier mentioned in ayurvedic texts. The myrobalans are rich in antioxidants and works on all the three dosha , which are mentioned in Ayurveda. Triphala regulates elimination of toxins from the body. Triphala Cleanses and detoxifies at a same time and gives strength to  the body. It enhances gentle cleaning of channels, improves digestion and flushes out excess water and toxins from the body. Mustaka is pungent and bitter in taste. it corrects metabolic fire according to the ayurvedic classical texts.It is effective in correcting the blockage in microhannels due to its bitter ness. Along with this Katuki is another herb used by Ayurveda experts for breaking stubborn fats and even dissolving cholesterol patches, cellulite deposits. This herb enhances secretions from liver and gallbladder. It is beneficial in correcting fat metabolism. It reduces weight by eliminating bad cholesterol from the body through elimentary canal.

The Stholyantaka Churna is most effective formulation of rare herbs to combat obesity as this is made from the herbs which corrects “Pitta- the digestive fire". it brings the cholesterol level down and burns the fat and cellulite deposits, without any side effect.
Stholyantak Churna is rich in antioxidant herbs . these herbs synergistecally removes extra fat from the body.the herbs like agnimantha, arjuna, triphala, ashoka, kalmegha, mustak, dalchini, neem, jamun, bhrami, vidang etc.are present in this preparation.

2. Guggul Capsules - Guggul is a tree and the resin from the tree is made into standardized extract to get desired results in obesity. Guggulosterones are made from Guggul, which is an oleo gum resin of the plant C. mukul.  Guggul is an effective remedy to lose your weight. It combats with stubborn  fat on abdomen, thighs, buttock , waist. Guggul is rich in anti oxidants and it reduces the bad cholesterol . It is rasayan in nature and balances vitated Vata. Vata is responsible for metabolic disorders, excess appetite and mental stress. Guggul balances body Vata and relaxes the mind and gives strength to the body. The capsules contain purified standardized extract of guggul which clears the channels and makes the body and mind feel energetic, and melts the fats. The fats move out through these clean channels. This reduces the weight. These capsules do not contain any added chemicals and are 100 % natural, free from any side effects.

3. Cap. Trim Support – The Trim Support Formula is blend of herbs which reduces body weight naturally. The herbs like Garcinia, Katuki, Triphala and Mustak are the main constituents of Trim Support Capsules.  The wonderful blend of herbs which have special active alkaloids to burn fat cells and improve body’s metabolism. It contains herbs like Garcinia, Cyprus rotundus, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Picrorrhiza kurrao.  These herbs have remarkable properties to reduce deposited adipose tissue especially around belly and waist. As the name says it “Trims” the fats and inch loss is visible within 1 month of using this formula. The formula is kept in this combo pack for quick weight loss and changes visible within 15-20 days of usage.

4. Cap. Garcinia -   Garcinia cambogia is most popular supplement nowadays for weight loss. Its use is increasing because it is really effective and it really works.  We are using best quality standardized extract – 500 mg and 100 % organic fruit rind extract of plant – Garcinia cambogia. This plant is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and South East asia. The standardized extract is rich in natural HCA,  compound responsible for its weight loss action. It helps the body to burn fat cells more effectively, helps to reduce weight naturally and changes are visible within 1 month of usage. Researchers have shown that Garcinia is very well effective in reducing body weight. The rind of Garcinia is beneficial and used in our preparations. Due to its active principle hydroxycitric acid (HCA), Garcinia shreds weight from the abdomen and whole body. 

Garcinia capsules helps in reducing weight because Garcinia

•             Reduces ability to store body fat
•             Controls appetite and lowers the body weight
•             Reduces triglycerides
•             Enhances metabolism
•             Eliminates excess water from body

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