Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ayurvedic Treatment of Amyloidosis - Primary and Secondary

Ayurvedic treatment of Amyloidosis - Primary and Secondary-Natural Remedies 

What is Amyloidosis ?

Amyloid is a protein which takes insoluble form and gets deposited in various organs of the body causing functional disturbance of the organs, where it gets deposited. These organs can be heart, kidneys, liver, brain and nerves. The amyloid protein is a stubborn molecule which does not move. It's like stiff cheesy substance which hampers the movements of anything from in and out of the cells causing problem in their function, leading to their death. 

Is Ayurvedic treatment possible in case of Amyloidosis ?  Is it successful ? 

According to Ayurveda, this is a disease in which there is "kapha' vitiation and "Sroto-avarodh( Channel blockade) by "Ama" ( Endotoxins or auto-immune immunoglobulins or protein molecules) 

There are certain "bhedniya herbs" (penetrating and channel opening herbs) which help to dissolve such stubborn protein molecules and open up the channels to restore the functionality of the cells. The Aam pachak, deepniya, bhedniya herbs ( Aam pachak - helps to dissolve / digest endotoxins, Deepniya - improving metabolic fire and improving protein metabolism , Bhedniya - opening up the channels ) 

The Ayurvedic Treatment of Amyloidosis is very helpful in getting rid of these protein deposits. These following remedies of Ayurvedic herbs give wonderful results in Amyloidosis, either primary or secondary. Here is Amyloidosis Care package, which is a combination of various ayurvedic herbs which work as Channel clearing supplements 

1. Cap. Boswellia-Curcumin - 2 Twice daily ( 2 Bottles ) 
2. Tab. Aroygavardhni Vati - 2 twice daily   ( 2 bottles ) 
3. Aamvatantak Churna - 1 teaspoonful twice daily ( 2 bottles ) 
4. Navkarshik Churna - 1 teaspoonful  twice daily ( 1 Jar )  
5. Cap. Aloe Vitals - 2 twice daily 

Diet - Avoid heavy, greasy, sticky food - Yogurt, Banana, Milk, heavy non-veg diet, soft drinks, processed food, packaged food 

Advised - Vegetable soups (freshly made) , herbs like ginger, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, are recommended. All fruits are fine, except citrus fruits like lemons, oranges 

The above mentioned ayurvedic remedies give results within 1 month or 2 months of regular usage and following of the above mentioned diet. To get all these natural remedies for amyloidosis delivered at your doorstep, please contact at - 0091-9915593604 or 0091-172-5214030 or write at- 
You can also buy online at  ( International site) or ( Indian website ) 


There are various symptoms of Amyloidosis. The symptoms of Amyloidosis are associated with the organs where the protein deposits are more. If the protein gets deposited in heart, it can cause heart failure and arrhythmia. If the respiratory tract is affected, then there can be blood through sputum and if the protein deposits are around spleen, it can cause ruptured spleen. If the digestive tract is affected, it can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding through anal canal and so on.
If the nerves are affected, then the motor neurons are unable to move the muscles leading to kind of paralysis. This is called Polyneuropathy. If protein deposits are under the skin, they can cause underskin hemorrhages called Petechiae, or bigger skin lesions.
A complicated symptom of Amyloidosis is macroglossia. In this case the tongue is affected. It becomes swollen causing problems like speaking, swallowing, eating and even sleeping. 

if amyloidosis is suspected, biopsy is done to check the evidence of characteristic amyloid deposits.  


  1. Namaste sir, a god article from ayurvedic point of view, I m highly impressed, i m curious to know why citrus fruits are to be avoided, if u can spare ur valuable time, pl clarify, regards. -dr harpal

    1. If you ask me from Ayurvedic view .. the citrus fruits aggravate "Pitta" in all diseases. I don't want Pitta to be aggravated in this disease. That's why I advised not to use citrus fruits in this disease.

  2. hellp sir iam medical student and have macular amylodosis plz tell me ayurvedic trtmnt

  3. hello dr. Chauhan my father was recently been diagnost with amyloidosis at his kidney, causing a problema called ¨proteinuria¨in spanish ¨the presence of abnormal quantities of protein in the urine, which may indicate damage to the kidneys.¨, we have been told that should be treated with quimotherapy, i would like your opnion on this subject.... could you help me with a Little more information on thi specific case.

    1. Hello, I am not doctor but I highly advise to tell him to do Baba Ramdev Yoga lessons especially for stomach. It works great as well as Tai Chi (Chinese therapy) for health. You can watch videos for it and google it.

    2. Hi. Have you found any treatment for the Renal (Kidney) amyloidosis. My brother also diagnosed with the same. and his condition is serious. He is having same problem which your father have.
      Please let me know if you have any research. Please .

  4. hello doctor...
    I have got dark spots on wrist and arms (macular amylodoisis) since 2 years.. I tried so many treatments, but none of them worked. some doctors said there is no cure for this disease. now im using manjistadi taila n some creams like ayur glow n lippu. they just lighten it a little but not finding permanent cure. pls help me. im really fed up of this. doctor pls help me out n let me know the right medication

    1. Deear Dr Vikram.
      My son age 47 has got similar symptoms , that is dark patches on skin around his lower legs. Certain nodes are there in his body. BIOPSY was done and it has reported Amyloidosis . How can your medicines help in this . TRegards

    2. Is ur macular amyloidosis cured? Plz help because even I have it.

  5. I really wish I had known the Ayurvedic Natural Cures for Amyliodosis. My father passed away 20 years ago due to Amyliodosis.

  6. hii sir, very nyc article.i just wanted to know that do i need to take all the medicine together or need to take only one of them to start with....
    note: i am suffering from hyperacidity plus macular amyliodosis...

  7. Hi Sir, I have Lichen Amyloidosis that has affected the skin on my arms and legs. Do the medicines suggested by you work for skin as well. I am specifically asking this as skin was not mentioned. Thanks & regards.

    1. Yes sure, you can have them in Lichen Amyloidosis too.

  8. Sir, my father is suffering from Macular Amyloidosis. Day by day his body functioning become poor. aready his creatine level crosses 6.4, please give me a suggestion that, he can use this ayurvedic medicine or not?

    1. Please write me in detail at and i will advise accordingly!

  9. i hav skin ammloidosis from 20 years can it be cured?

    1. Definitely you can see good results with herbal medicines. Start using them and keep me informed at

  10. My aunt is a diabetic patient and was diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis. Are these treatment fine for diabetic patients as well?

  11. My aunt is a diabetic patient and was diagnosed with amyloidosis. Are the Ayurvedic treatment and medication fine for diabetic patients as well?

  12. My grand mother has primary ammyloidoisis she gets albumin injected.can anything be done to improve her state as she is growing weak and has swollen legs...sir pls help

  13. You can have better control over your problem for sure. Start with above said herbal medicines and you can keep me informed at

  14. Hi Dr. I have lichen amyloidosis on my legs and they have become very dark. Pls help.

  15. Hi Dr. I have lichen amyloidosis on my legs and they have become very dark. Pls help.

  16. Hello Dr. Vikram,
    I just bought your Amyloidosis Care package. I’m currently undergoing CyBorD treatment for my AL amyloidosis (with heart involvement). The doctors told me not to take any supplements while on chemo since they could interfere with the CyBorD treatment (Cyclophosphamide, bortezomib, dexamethasone). In your opinion, is this really the case? Could the Amyloidosis Care package supplements decrease the effectiveness of bortezomib or the other medication if I take them simultaneously? Thank you!

    1. Nothing as such. You can keep taking Herbal remedies along with ongoing treatment. Keep a gap of 1 hour between both.

  17. Sir my father has bone marrow al type amyloidosis . So is there any treatment of this diseases in Ayurveda

  18. Yes there are very good results in Amyloidosis with Ayurveda. You can start with the above prescription for a month and update me at

  19. Hii plz is there any solution for the disease lichen amyloidosis

  20. sir, i 27 years old .. i have lichen amylodsis .. that this spread over arms , chest and full back.. i have take many medications but nothing worked can u suggest me if ayurvedic treatment works for this disease

    1. Hello - Take the above combination of medicines for your problem because herbs used in these medicines restore the functioning of cells.
      Take them at least for two months and then update me on this E- mail ID -
      For any queries you can contact on this number- +91-172-5214030

  21. Sir please tell about eye orbital amyloidosis..what is the available treatment in Ayurveda??
    Plz reply.

    1. Hello- We have the good medicines for eyes problems like Amalaki rasayan, Billberry capsules, Triphala capsules, Angel eye vitale.
      For any queries you can write on this E- mail ID -
      Or contact on this number- +91-172-5214030

  22. Hello sir treatment for renal amyloidoses

  23. hello sir i have been diagnosed for amyloidosis 17yrs back in my skin which changed black colour with itching in my leg first and now it has spread to face with burning sensation and blackish colour in my face.According to ur theroy its organ specific amyloidosis that is in skin,is there treatment for this where i cana get cured pls let me know

    1. Herbal remedies in Ayurveda are helpful to manage the amyloidosis. In your case, start with the our above combination of medicines and update us after one month on

  24. My father in law has primary Amyloidysis. His kidneys are failing and he has dialysis done 3x weekly. Chemo has not worked. Now whenever he stands up his blood pressure crashes. Would it be of any benefit for him to try these herbal remedies? Would it be any danger to him with his kidneys not functioning? Thank you for any help.

    1. Kindly mail all your reports and details on the After seeing the reports, you will be guided with the prescription.

  25. Hello sir, I am suffering from eye amyloidosis in both my eyes. Upper eyelids as well as white part of my eye is also affected and tissue growth can be seen. Pain in eyes and redness always. Sir please help me as it is creating problem in my everyday task. Please sir..

    1. Hello - As per your problem start with our Amyloidosis care pack.
      Take these medicines for a month then update us on

  26. Sir my Father has renal amylodisis for 6month.I have many treatment for cure but no response. It's treatment in Ayurveda

    1. Yes, As per your father problem start with our Amyloidosis care pack.
      Take these medicines for a month then update us on

  27. Hello Sir,
    My skin in forearm is very itchy,scaly and dry.Am I too suffering from macular Amyloidosis??Now I have itching sensation in my whole body.Will the above treatment help???Can u also please guide which panchakarma treatment will help me recover faster so that I can get it done locally and have your medicines too????

  28. You can have vamana (emesis) and virechana (purgation) which your panchakarma specialist, will guide you better and you can also start with our Amyloidosis care pack.
    Take these medicines for a month then update us on

  29. Sir I am suffering from amyloidsis and there is so much eye makes me feel very bad to go out side ..what should I do

  30. Sir I am suffering from amyloidsis and there is so much eye makes me feel very bad to go out side ..what should I do

  31. As per your problem start with our Amyloidosis care pack.
    Take these medicines for a month then update us on

  32. Sir my father is suffering from Al amloidysis and has ascites . So could you kindly tell me if Ayurveda can cure his amloidysis.

  33. Hello sir
    My mother is suffering from this disease since last 3 years.Her tounge swelled and has spots on her face and stomach.we have tried many treatment but no results.she is 60.what can we do?

  34. Hi sir , I am 31 year old I have macular amyloidosis from childhood. Is there anything which can reverse the affects of problem . And if possible of something to apply to help from itch will be great help too . Thanks in advance

    1. Just start with our Amyloidosis care pack.
      Take these medicines for a month then update us on

  35. Sir my father is suffring from amyloidosis in hurt .Please tell me it's treatment is possible in Ayurveda

    1. Yes, Ayurvedic treatment is possible just share your problem with reports in detail at

  36. Sir mere father ko cardiac amyolodosis hai kya upchar hai

    1. Yes, we have treatment share your father reports & details at

  37. Hello dr.
    Where can we get the medicines for lichen amyolodosis...i have severe itching all over d body nd i get dark patches after couple of days..i have tried many oils nd moisturer nd creams but no remedy for my problem

    1. Please write me in detail at and i will advise accordingly!

  38. Hi DR.
    My mother has diagnosed recently with primary Amyloidoisis since 6 months back and ascites also presented . she gets albumin injections every month. Now whenever she stands up his blood pressure downs. Would it be of any benefit for her to try these herbal remedies? Would it be any danger to her kidneys functioning? So could you kindly tell me if Ayurveda can cure amyloidosis?

    1. Yes, with Ayurveda formulations we can see very good improvement in the patients of primary Amyloidosis. You can start with the formulations mentioned in the article or you can also call on 6280810409 to discuss your case in detail.
