Monday, September 17, 2012

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes - Diabetes Remedy

According to Ayurveda, diabetes is one of the 20 types of "Prameha Rog". There are 20 types of Prameha, 10 out of 20 prameha are called "Kaphaja" , 6 are called "pittaja" and 4 are called Vataja".  The vataja prameha are difficult to treat and diabetes is one of those vataja prameha. This is also known as Madhumeha 

In Ayurveda it is also mentioned that if any type of Prameha is not take care well properly, they change into  Madhumeha. 

The cause of Madhumeha - Diabetes Causes - Type 2 diabetes causes - 

Sedentary life style, genetic causes, Chronic stress and anxiety, too much high calorie food intake at regular intervals, no physical exercise, lack of sleep or irregular sleep are one of the reasons for type 2 diabetes. 


Ayurvedic treatment of Diabetes is aimed to restore the normal sugar levels using pure herbs. There are certain herbal combinations mentioned in Ayurveda which help to improve sugar control and help to prevent complications. 

The classical Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes consists of using following natural remedies in the following combination -

Vasant Kusumakar Ras - 4 gm
Vrihtvatchintamani Ras -4 gm
Yashad Bhasma - 10 gm
Tapyadi Loh - 10 gm
Shilajatwadi Vati - 4 gm ( with gold)
Kalmegh Navayas Loh -10 gm
Praval Panchamrit - 10 gm
Mukta Pishti - 4 gm
Giloy Satv - 20 gm
--------------- Mix them all well, make 60 sachets of all of these, consume 1 sachet twice daily with honey.

2. Cap. Diabeta Plus - 2 twice daily

# 1 and # 2 can be used alone, in case the diabetes is just a few years old.

3. Cap. Fenugreek - 2 twice daily
4. Cap. Gymnema - 2 twice daily

From # 1 to # 4 should be used together if the diabetes is more than 10 years old 

5. Cap. Bittermelon - 2 twice daily
6. Madhumehantak Churna -1  teaspoonful twice daily
7. Cap. Curcumin - 2 twice daily

# 1 to # 7 can be all used together if the patient is on Insulin and still the sugar in not in control. All these can be used and sugar levels monitored. 

To prevent diabeteic neuropathy and other complications 

1. Cap. Shilajit - 1 twice daily
2. Cap. Ashwagandha - 1 twice daily

All the above mentioned medicines can be used alone also, if the diabetes is less than 4 years old. Fenugreek capsules should be used to give added protection with any other herbal formula. All the diabetes formulations are available at - 

Or can be purchased by contacting at (+91)9915593604 ( Email - or calling at landline - 0172-5073604  ( add + 91 and remove 0  for ISD) 

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