Sunday, August 19, 2012

Benefits of Chanca Piedra -Phyllanthus niruri- Stone Breaker

What is Chanca Piedra - Phyllanthus niruri- Stone Breaker

It won't be wrong if we say Chanca piedra a small wonderful gift by nature which offers  cure for so many health problems. It is nature's wonderful gift to mankind. The benefits of Chanca piedra are so many that the list is endless. it can be rightly said the miracle herb. Ironically, this small herbs is visible only during the rainy season, comes only for a few months and is not cultivated professionally anywhere in the world, and is only found in tropical rain forest countries. So only wild crafted Chanca piedra is available and sold in the market as dried herb. 

Phyllanthus niruri is the latin name of this wonder plant, famous in America as Chanca Piedra. India is the biggest consumer of this herb as Ayurveda - the traditional healthcare system of India uses this herb formally in its medical health care sector and there are many doctors who recommend this herb and formulations made from this herb for Liver cirrhosis, Ascites, stones and Hepatitis. That's why this herb is also called Stone breaker. The herb is described in almost all the books of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. 

Benefits of Chanca Piedra  

Chanca Piedra is described in all ancient literatures as rainforest plant and useful in following health conditions 
1. Hepatitis A and B  - Quickly reduces the viral load in hepatitis B and clears the jaundice very fast. Read more about Yakrit Plihantak churna as it contains mainly Chanca Piedra powder
2. Liver Swellings, Fatty Liver, Liver Cirrhosis- Ayurvedic practitioners since 1500 BC are using this herb Chanca Piedra for fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. The modern healthcare professionals have also concluded that this herb is useful in kidney stones, kidney failure, liver failure, hepatitis A,B and Hepatitis C. It helps to improve gall bladder and live health. 
3. Normal detoxification process by the liver is enhanced many folds by the use of Chanca piedra herb. It is one of the most important herb available for a very short span of the year. So it should be utilized for its health benefits. 
4. It is used in traditional medicine of India, China and all other countries in tropical rainforests for improving liver functions. 

Availability- Chanca Piedra herb powder is also known as Bhumi Amla or Bhumi amalaki and is available at -  - check the # 8 herb in the list. 

5. Chanca piedra is a small plant which grows up to 16 inches and is indigenous to India and South America. 

6. It helps to eliminate gall stones, Kidney stones  and cure liver hepatitis along with other herbs like Bhringraj, Kalmegh, Kaasni ( all in the combination - Yakrit PLihantak herbal blend powder ) 

7. It helps in improving the quality of bile and improves bile production and helps in digestion. 

Phyllanthus niruri capsules

More Uses and  Benefits of Chanca Piedra 

1. Helps in eliminating gallstones and kidney stones
2. It is also known as leafflower, chamber bitter, quebra pedra and many other local names all over the world. 
3. Chanca piedra is an immune booster and there is a lot of research going on its role in AIDS. 
4. It helps to improve the immunity and therefore useful in recurrent respiratory tract infections, asthma, Tonsillitis in children. 

Is Chanca Piedra Bitter in taste ? 

Chanca piedra is slightly bitter but it is not severely bitter in taste. It can be consumed easily and even the fresh plant can also be chewed after washing it thoroughly. 

Check Dr. Vikram Chauhan chewing Chanca Piedra in this video and eating it in the end ! 


Liver Cirrhosis Treatment - Ayurvedic Herbs and Chanca Piedra video by Dr. Vikram Chauhan - write to us to get this herb delivered at your doorstep anywhere in this world. 

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