There are many reasons for increased creatinine and urea levels in the blood. Urea and creatinine are the endotoxins usually caused by reduced excretion of the protein metabolism end products via urine.
The BUN ratio - (The Blood Urea Nitrogen) The BUN ratio is the term used for the ratio of two serum laboratory values, the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (Cr). The BUN ratio helps to diagnose if the cause is due to damage to kidney due to kidney disease (intrarenal diseases) or pre-renal or post-renal causes.

Increased urea and creatinine are mainly caused by renal failure or decreased kidney function. There is specific Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and to Avoid dialysis naturally. Kidneys work as filters in our body. Filtering the toxins out from our body and cleansnig the blood. If the kidneys are not working properly due to Diabetic nephropathy, Renal artery stenosis (genetic or due to chronic blood pressure) and other kidney diseases like renal cysts, malignancies, tumors, drugs and others.
Diet In Renal Failure – No Specific Diet Actually
In renal failure there is actually no specific diet as it has to be customized according to your requirements. There are some basic things which need to be understood to get the best results. The renal dietician or a doctor or a nutritionist should always be consulted for a proper renal diet as per your condition.
Water Intake - The water intake can be upto 6-8 glasses per day in case there is no accumulation of water in the body. Swelling in feet, face is the sign that shows there is water retention in the body and water is accumulating in the body and kidneys are not able to remove excess water from the body. So the water intake needs to be limited and under guidance of a doctor in this case. If there is no swelling in the body and the urine output is normal, then the water intake can be 6-8 glasses or even more in case of increased creatinine levels. It helps to reduce creatinine levels naturally.
Fluid Intake - Other fluids also contain water. So you don't really need to reduce the fluid intake if you are not on dialysis or the urine output is not decreased and normal. Infact in this situation the fluid intake should be more to clear out things. If on dialysis, the water intake and other fluid intake should be restricted an as per the dietician's advice.
Non-Veg Diet - Usually the proteins are not recommended in kidney failure. If the patient is on haemodialysis then slightly higher intake of proteins.
Animal Protein - meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and Vegetable proteins - nuts, pulses (beans, lentils etc), tofu is recommended. The higher intake is about 100-120 gm per day and the low intake is about 40-50 gm per day.
Salt (Sodium) – Salty food contains a lot of salt. So no need to take extra salt. Salt usually causes water retention. If you drink water and you have already taken salt, the water is going to get logged in your body. So reduce the salt intake. The lower limit is about 2-3 grams, so this much is ok per day (including the salt in your food). If you already have water retention (signs- swollen feet, ascites, swollen abdomen, swollen face) then other lo salt options should be tried.
Potassium – Potassium is usually high in patients in severe renal failure and dialysis. The potassium intake actually can not be really restricted as almost all healthy foods contain potassium. It is mostly found in green vegetables, almost all the fruits, vegetables, Potatoes (especially fried or baked). So one can not practially stop eating everything. So I would recommend to take fruits and vegetables and proteins in moderation. Boiling the vegetables, potatoes also helps a lot in this situation.
Phosphate - Too much phosphate in the blood (hyperphosphataemia) usually becomes a significant problem in the later stages of renal failure (stages 4 and 5 CKD, usually less than 20% kidney function). The problem continues for most dialysis patients, as dialysis does not remove enough phosphate unless it is very frequent or intensive. A combination of diet and medicines are usually needed. Diet alone is hardly helpful. Phosphate binders are the drugs given to decrease phosphate absorbtion from the gut.
Packaged food, processed food – All packaged foods, fried items, processed food etc. should be stricktly avoided. All soft drinks, heavily cooked foods purchased from market, deepfried items, fried potatoes, alcohol should all be avoided.
How to lower creatinine level in blood using ayurvedic herbs and medicines
There are herbs described in Ayurvedic medicines, the traditional healthcare system of India for supporting the normal kidney functions. These herbs help to reduce the creatinine levels naturally and without causing any burden on kidneys and can be used along with all other modern procedures like dialysis or kidney medicines. Regular use of these ayurvedic medicines helps to reduce the creatinine levels and avoid dialysis.
There are herbs in Ayurved which are cleansing and help support the kidneys naturally. These are –
- Mutrakrichantak Churna - 1 Teaspoonful twice daily warm with water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.
- Rencure Formula - 2 Capsules, twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Varunadi Vati - 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals, contains the plant bark of Crataeva nurvala and others.
- Punarnava Mandur - 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals. (Helps to improve hemoglobin levels and reduce edema) - contains the herb Boerrhavia diffusa.
- Chandanadi Vati - 2 Tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Indian Echinacea (can be added if creatinine level is above 8)
- Phyllanthus Niruri (Can be added if creatinine level is above 8 to 10).
- Trin Panchmool Kwath (5 Grass roots powder).
- Kaasni Leaves Powder (Chicory leaves powder).
- Corn Silk – Makki ke baal.
- Flowers of the flame of forest – Butea monosperma (Dhak-Palaash).
- Detox Tea - For complete detoxification
(Many herbs from 5 to 10 are already there in the MUTRAKRICHANTAK CHURNA mentioned below in the Revive kidneys package)
The Revive Kidneys Package helps to reduce the creatinine levels remarkably and aids in avoiding dialysis naturally. There are many patients who benefited after using this combination. So I recommend this one in many of my patients as it is. Most of the kidney failure patients are suffering from Diabetes or Blood Pressure, having low hemoglobin. This combination is useful in all such conditions as well as ongoing dialysis or treatment.
All these items from 1 to 10 (or Mutrakrichantak Churna as it is) should be taken 1 teaspoonful each and put in 400 ml water. The water should be boiled until it is about 50 ml. Strain it and drink the water (50 ml) and leave the residue. If you can consume the residue it is still ok and if you can't even then it's ok.
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.
I hope this article is useful for the people who are suffering from renal failure. I wish them health and happiness. Since there are so many people suffering and I am not in a position to answer everyone, I request you to click the following web link for more information about how to avoid dialysis.
Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeletedear sir
ReplyDeletemy father is having kidney creatine 7.5 as on today and i would like to know whether it can come down and cured with any medication and can i get the contact details of the patient whose creatine has come down mail me on
i have a nephew of 17 that has been diagnosed with reflux nephropathy and is on PD dialysis for 12 hours a night. his kidneys are functioning at less than 5%. Has v. high levels of creatinine and urea. how can we help him accept his condition as he feeling very low and shocked. your website is very good and informative!
ReplyDeleteThese herbal remedies to reduce urea and creatinine levels in blood do work but I have never used them for a person suffering from 95 % kidney failure. There are many reasons for reflux nephropathy. I can comment after knowing the complete history and reasons for development of reflux nephropathy. There can be major reasons like Pyelonephropathy and analgesic nephropathy. You can write to us at - and send the reports to us and put "Attn-Dr. Vikram " in the subject line. I will see to it !
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation.
My mother is 63 yrs old, suffers from hypertension, Diabetic. Her blood creatinine leve is around 6, urea around 28. Can you pls suggest what to take to lower her creatinine level
ReplyDeleteSince her renal failure is because of blood pressure, therefore her blood pressure should remain under control. This should lower down the urea and creatinine if the blood pressure is maintained.
ReplyDeleteThe herbs to lower urea and creatinine, I would suggest - The mutrakrichantak Churna, Rencure Formula - 2 capsules twice daily, The Varunadi Vati and Punarnava Mandur tablets.
She should also consume Arjun tea - 1 cup twice daily. Arjun tea also help to lower down urea and creatinine, whereas the other herbal supplements are helpful in renal failure due to any reason.
I have CDK Stage 3 with creatinine levels of 116 and urea of 6.9 and my GFR is 42.7. I would like some advice on how to lower the creatinine and urea levels and also how to maintain kidney health.
ReplyDeleteI have recommended some herbal remedies to lower creatinine levels and urea levels. Some of these herbal remedies for kidney health are very commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. The herbs like Punarnava, Phyllanthus Niruri, Tribulus terrestris, Kaasni etc. have been found to be very useful in kidney diseases or renal failure.
ReplyDeleteThese herbs are combined together in a formulation called mutrakrichantak churna which is useful for all these kidney conditions.
The powder is recommended in the dosage of 1 tablespoonful of twice daily.
The other herbal remedies for high creatinine levels are Rencure formula containing punarnava and other herbs. You can read other posts on this blog for diet and other herbal remedies to lower creatinine levels.
Thanks -Dr. Vikram
I have had Ulcerative Colitis for 10+ years and have been taking the medication Lialda (1.2GM tablets) two pills once per day for the past 3 years. After about a year on this medication my creatinine level went up to and hovered around 1.7-1.9 where it has been for the past 2 years. Recently, my level has spiked to 2.0-2.2. In addition, for the past 2 months, I've been experiencing low grade fevers (99.0-100.5) which come on in the late afternoon/early evening, fatigue and for a period, loss of appetite. Could medication cause this much imbalance in my creatinine level or do you feel there may be someting else going on? I'm 38 years old, 6'2" 195 lbs.
ReplyDeleteLIALDA is an aminosalicylate, and symptoms of salicylate toxicity are fatigue, feeling of having fever, tinnitus, vertigo, confusion and headache.
ReplyDeleteSevere intoxication may lead to disruption of electrolyte balance and blood-pH, on and off feverish feeling, and dehydration
According to Ayurveda the problems like Ulcerative colities and increase creatinine levels are accumulation of endotoxins in the blood. The detoxification is necessary or the digestion of these endotoxins is important which will help to reduce creatinine levels naturally.
I would recommend some herbal supplements like mutrakrichantak churna, Rencure formula, Sanjivani Vati, Varunadi Vati and Punarnava mandur which should help you in both the conditions and particularly increased creatinine levels.
You can get these at
Many of these herbs are natural diuretics. Many helps to reduce creatinine levels. Some are useful for digestion of endotoxins.
Bilva ( bael fruit pulp or powder) is quiet useful in ulcerative colitis.
i just had a urinalysis and the results showed traces of albumin, pus cells of 3-6, RBC 0-2, Epithelial cells - many, mucus thread - few, amorphous Urates - moderate. i'm quite concerned due to the traces of albumin in i have anything to worry about in relation to my kidneys...i am 49 years old and my blood pressure ranges from 140/90 to sometimes 150/90. and i have a slight edema in my ankles. pls advice...
ReplyDeleteThere are several reasons for loss of albumin in urine other than kidney failure. read about it at
ReplyDeleteI would suggest you to go for renal function tests and fasting/ post prandial blood sugar levels. The major reasons for kidney failure are long standing uncontrolled diabetes and blood pressure. The slight edema can be because of water retention due to many reasons - read at -
If you want my opinion- At present, I don't think there is anything to worry about kidneys but you must get a renal function test done to eliminate the chance of kidney damage.
Go for regular blood sugar monitoring and also keep your blood pressure under control.
Consult with your nearest general practitioner to find out the reason for edema.
For blood pressure, you can start using Arjun tea - 1 cup twice daily
for edema - I would recommend - Punarnava Mandur tablets- 2 tablets thrice daily
These 2 natural remedies can be taken for about 2 months or so
dr my father is 75 years old he has ischemic cariac disease with left ventricula impairment and hyperteinsion.. His creatine level has risen to 2.1mg/dl. traces of protien in his urine, urea is 50mg and uric acid is 6.3. how do i reduce this safely?
Keep his blood pressure under control and this will help to reduce the urea and creatinine levels as his creatinine level is just 2.1 and not so high. You can use natural diuretics like Varunadi Vati ( planet Ayurveda-varunadi vati) and Rencure formula. These formulations contain pure herbs to reduce creatinine levels safely and without causing any problems. These will be useful for keeping the blood pressure in control. If you want to ask anything else - visit our website -
ReplyDeleteMy father is on acute renal failure stage 5 and doing dialysis once in a week.His s.creatinine =9.3 mg/dl,Blood urea=62 mg/dl,Sodium 131 mmol/l,pottassium 3.6,calcium=8.2,heamoglobin 8.1 .He is 77 years old.Please advice an ayurvedic medicine for this as early s possible.Thanks in advance
dear sir, my sister currently has a creatin count of 7.2.last time when visited doctors opted for a kidney trasplant.she is on medicine till it our last hope. is there anything else we could do for her.plaese be kind to reply via mail or here.
ReplyDeletethank you
ReplyDeleteI would suggest you to start using the herbs which are good for kidneys. in Ayurveda, there are some herbs which have been found to be very useful for kidney problems and increased urea and creatinine.
you can check them at -
I have also explained the diet there.
If you want to ask anything else, you can call us at - 0091-9915593604 (india)- or check and if you are in USA/ Canada - you can call us at our local USA phone no - 213-928-5434
I may not be replying to comments posted at my blog now (I will try though) as I get so many people commenting everyday. I know they all need good advice but I want to tell you all that - Yes, there is a hope. You should try the herbs to reduce creatinine levels and then only think about going on dialysis or renal transplant.
Dear Dr,
ReplyDeleteMy mother of first diagnosed of Chronic Kidney disease 3.4 years back. At that time her cretanine was 4.3 and Urea 109. With help of Aryuvedic, along with Yagao she reduced cretanine to 2.7 and Urea 70-80. But 3 months back when we had her test, cretanine was 4.7 and Urea 120. Now 4 days back it increased to 7.5 and 173 respectively. Doctors are advising for Dialsys. I want to know, can we have a treatment at this stage 5 of kidney disease with medications/Yoga/Excersise
Vaibhav Bhardwaj
Dear Mr. Vaibhav, Please read the comments above.. I think I have recommended the page - to most of such cases. Please go through it. to get these herbal remedies to reduce creatinine levels, you can contact Mr. Ashwani at - or 0091-9915593604
ReplyDeleteSince I get a lot of patients asking for how to reduce creatinine and urea , I want to tell them all to read at the above mentioned link.
my husband is 40 yrs aold. he has recently got a pacemaker for the weak heart but his kidneys also have a problem the creatinine levels are between 5 and 6 and urea is around 120-130. twice he has had dialysis. doctors advise transplant. do you think the herbal medicine which you have prescribed will help and will they affect the heart in any way.
ReplyDeleteSince there are too many comments on this page, I am not able to comment further. I have already explained the remedies above to lower down urea and creatinine using ayurvedic herbs. I would also recommend doing some breathing exercises like Pranayam along with the herbs. If anyone needs further Clarification, please write to use at or visit
ReplyDeleteI won't be reply to posts at my blog further.
If anyone needs further Clarification, please write to us at or visit
ReplyDeleteMy mother is 68 years of age . She is diabetic past twelve yrs now, n is under pills eversince. I lost my father this april because of renal failure, n now even my mother has been diagnosed with kidney failure and her latest blood reports show following details:Hb=7.1, B.Urea=323mg/dl, creatinine=12.6mg/dl,uric acid=12.1, total Bilirublin=5.10mg/dl,s.Sodium=132mg, pottassium=4.4, chlorides=108mg/dl.Due to which she was taken to hospital for first haemodialysis. She"s lost all her weight and she is now bedridden because of her week body. She lost all her apetite and lost all her eyesight too. Doctor.. please help us as we want to avoid dialysis for her further as she will not be able to take pain of undergoing this treatment twice a week. Need your HELP URGENTLY ??
ReplyDeleteHello ! please check all the comments above..
ReplyDeleteince there are too many comments on this page, I am not able to comment further. I have already explained the remedies above to lower down urea and creatinine using ayurvedic herbs. I would also recommend doing some breathing exercises like Pranayam along with the herbs. If anyone needs further Clarification, please write to use at
I won't be reply to posts at my blog further.
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father is having diabetic nephropathy from last one n half years..His BP is always 150/80 .His urea in almost 100 and creatinine in 7.5.he is having 6.5 grms blood ..Pls suggest wat neccesary steps can we take to cure his body..and will it gives god results...
Hello ! please check all the comments above..
ReplyDeleteince there are too many comments on this page, I am not able to comment further. I have already explained the remedies above to lower down urea and creatinine using ayurvedic herbs. I would also recommend doing some breathing exercises like Pranayam along with the herbs. If anyone needs further Clarification, please write to use at
I won't be reply to posts at my blog further.
I 'm aged 32 & Blood Creatine Level in 1.3 & my Glomerular Filteration rate is 44.34million, Also I have high Blood Pressure ranging from 170/110 -140/100, What medicines do you suggest to decrease the creatine levels & increase my GFR rate?
ReplyDeletePlease check my above post about how to lower down creatinine level in blood.
ReplyDeleteMy mother is suffering from kidneys disease from last 20 years (1991 to till date) and now her age is around 56 years. she is also having high blood pressure from last 20 years but her blood
pressure is under control by taking medicines on daily wages
Now her both kidneys are smaller in size and from last month her tests are as follows.
creatinine = between 7.0 and 9.6 (mg/dl).
potassium serum = 3.7 mEq/L.
BUN = 36mg/dl.
urea serum = 77mg/dl.
sodium serum = 131 mEq/L.
Her 24 hours urine output is around 1.5 Litre to 2.0 Litre
now the doctors are suggesting for dialysis.
her kidneys are smaller in size from the Ultrasound report that was taken in 1991.
We want to avoid the dialysis.
Please suggest some alternate way whether natural or by medicines.
I am writing to you with a very positive sign for hope and want to avoid dialysis.
Please reply me with a detailed answer
Thanks a lot for your cooperation.
please write to for more details and discussions.
ReplyDeletemy father suffering from kidney failure. his creatine content is 7.5. he is under dialysis twice a week. but the creatine is not coming down. is it possible to lower the creatine?
ReplyDeletei am waiting for ur positive replay
Check the posts and the information above and contact on the e mail ID provided -
ReplyDeletehi, i just got my medical result. my creatinine level is 1.4, is it normal or is it high? i am into weight training and i take creatine supplement at least 5g/day. does this affect my creatinine level as well? thanks
ReplyDeleteYes you should avoid consuming artificial creatinine i.e the supplement. It is better to consume Tribulus power or Weight Gain formula of Planet ayurveda company rather than consuming artificial creatinine powders. They are not good for overall health.
ReplyDeleteHow long does it take to reduce creatinine levels substantially? I am an athlete, a swimmer. But taking creatine as a supplement really slows me down. I would like to get rid of it from my organism as fast as possible. What can I actually do besides drinking a lot of water in order to reduce my creatinine levels?
ReplyDeleteHi Sir/Madam,
ReplyDeleteMy Mother is having Urea 150 and creatinine 7+. Doctor suggested to go for dialysis. Is there any other option available before taking up the dialysis.
Also, I heard that dialysis brings down the immunity level in the body.
Please suggest.
Hello Mr. Suresh, Please contact at or check the website - The kidney failure section. You will see all the details there.
ReplyDeleteDear sir,
ReplyDeletecan you tell me where can i get thers herbal medicines?
Hello ! You can get all these herbal remedies to reduce creatinine levels from
ReplyDeletedr. sahab mai shiv kumar mishra lucknow se . mai aapki medicines apni mother ko de raha hooo or usse unka creatinine level bhi down hua hai thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks Mishra ji, but I am glad to know that the creatinine level of your mother has come down. It would have been much better if you could post this in English. Other people can also benefit from these herbal remedies to reduce creatinine levels
ReplyDeleteHi, I myself m suffering from chronic renal failure and m taking ayurvedic punarnavadi kashaya twice a day 1 hr before meals , two spoonful with has helped me reduce my creatinine levels from 7.79 to 6 within a month...also m taking certain kadhas from a vaidya which has helped....i tried allopathy but it dint help in reducing creatinine levels...
ReplyDeleteThe Punarnava mandur tablets (mentioned at ) are very useful to reduce creatinine levels. Similarly Punarnavadi Kashaya also helps. Thanks for your feedback. We are getting excellent results from Varunadi Vati, Punarnava Mandur, Rencure Formula and Mutrakrichantak Churna in reducing creatinine levels.
ReplyDeleteDear Doctor,
ReplyDeleteThis is the firsf time I am visiting here and thank you verymuch for your services. I am suffering with high bp since last 15 years. My recent blood result as on 10.10.11: creatine 1.87, urea 33, uric acid 8.
i am taking the following medicines for last 3 years:i
selomax 50/5 - 1 0 0, arkamin 100 - 1 1 1, dyator10 - 1 0 0, zyloric100 - 1 0 0, shelcal 250 - 1-0-1 and sodamint 3-3-3. My bp checked yesterday 120-90.
Expecting your valuable advice.
Sakkir hussain
Instead of using Zyloric, I would suggest you to use some herbal alternatives. Zyloric has some side effects of affecting kidneys and the creatinine levels go high after regular use of this. I would suggest you to use Navkarshik Churna, Kishore Guggul tablets, Gorakhmundi Churna - all mentioned at in the gout section for uric acid. These remedies will also work for the elevated creatinine levels. To reduce creatinine levels, you can also read about Mutrakrichantak churna and add this in the anti-gout package
ReplyDeleteDear Vikram Chauhan,
ReplyDeleteMy baby boy (1.5 years old) has brain tumor. He is undergoing chemotherapy. His oncologist says that Carboplatin (one of the chemo meds) is kidney poison. His Bun/Cr is tested regularly. his bun is usually ok but his Cr sometimes goes up, to 1. (ranging from 0.3 to 1). his weight is 6.100 kg.
as his creatinine was up for his weight his Dr. postponed the chemo session.
how can I reduce it in such a baby?
I would suggest to give him the Mutrakrichantak churna decoction - Take 400 ml water, put 1 tablespoonful of Mutrakrichantak churna, keep it boiling untill it remains about 30 ml only. Filter it and then add sugar to taste. Give this syrup daily for 1 -2 months. You can also give Boswellia-Curcumin capsules ( 1 capsule) once daily for brain tumor also. Read about both of these products at - Write to me at
ReplyDeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI have Serum Creatinine level 1.5 mg/dl which was observed by March Month 2012. For that i am taking the following medicines (Morning-Fabulas 80 mg/Concar AM5/Nefrozon) (afternoon- Cresar 40 Mg) (Night- nefrozon/Tonact). Is there any remedies to control the BP/UricAcid/Serum Creatinine. Please advice and expecting valuable feedback.
Male 36 Year(s) Sample Collected 21/03/2012 09:08
Hello.. The creatinine level is higher than the normal limits. The best way is to keep the Blood pressure under control and the creatinine level will come down back to normal. Do not ignore high blood pressure as it puts a lot of pressure on kidneys. To keep the blood pressure in control, you need to keep control over your hormones / neurotransmitters like adrenaline and epinephrine. These 2 are generated because of thoughts of fear, anxiety, stress. The modern pills are not going to help much as there is no cure for blood pressure. The best is to take control of your thoughts which are going to help you take control of the situation. Ayurvedic herbs for blood pressure are still better. Herbs like Arjuna, Sarpgandha, Ashwagandha, Mukta pishti ( Pearl calcium) help to keep blood pressure under control naturally. If the BP is in control, the creatinine will come in control automatically. You can add Planet Ayurveda PUNARNAVA MANDUR tablets in your treatment regimen as they are good to reduce creatinine levels as well as blood pressure.
DeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 25 yrs old, and recently was diagonsed with high B.P (220/130). Doctors said since my high B.P went unnoticed, it has affected my kidney. Ultrasound and CT scan proved that kidneys are affected. i am undergoing treatment with the nephrologist. right nw under medication, my urine analysis showed protein content (200mg/dl). doc i am really scared, since experts said since my ceratatine is 2.2 mine both the kidneys are 50% damaged. i have been told about the food control on protein, to avoid pulses and non-veg. Doctor please sugeest me what can i eat? i mean i eat leafy veg, but i read in the aforesaid, about the pottassium increase. pls let me how can i maintain a good health condtion.
25 years is too young age for Blood pressure. You should keep it in control, using Ayurvedic medicines. The creatinine is 2.2 and I don't think so there is 50 % damage to the kidneys. You can however send the reports to - and I can see. Avoid high protein diet. Let us know the levels of potassium levels. Yes, leafy vegetables are rich in potassium but pulses and cereals are having more potassium than greens. Green vegetables you can boil and consume.We have a list of food items which can be given. You can write to and ask Mr. Ashwani - list of food items to be used in increased creatinine and high potassium levels.
DeleteKeep the BP under control using ayurvedic remedies like Amla, Sarpgandha, Ashwagandha, Vara Churna. You can write to ashwani to get all these at your doorstep.
Dear Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI just got my blood work back and my BUN level is at 22 and my BUN/Creatine ratio is at 24. What can I do to lower these levels? I believe it's due to the amount of protein I take in. I am an athlete and take in 160 grams of protein a day. Could I just use Corn silk to lower these levels and what about a detox?
Thank you so much for your time.
To reduce creatinine and urea levels in the blood,I would suggest you to use the herbal supplement called MUtrakrichantak churna. This will help you to reduce the levels within few days of using it. The protein intake should also be reduced to 100 gram everyday. Only Cornsilk can not help to reduce the levels, as it is good diuretic and helps in breaking the stones but to reduce creatinine levels you need to add up Mutrakrichantak Churna or Rencure formula along with it.
ReplyDeletehi problem is somewhat strange... i am having a dog (Shar-pei Breed)...suddenly his creatinine and urea serum has risen very high...Urea is 248 and creatinine is 15...but he is active...his vet has prescribed him Lasix, Enapril and he is given drip everyday...he has stopped eating his normal food and he is on a renal diet...he vomits when he wakes up in morning...urine is normal...what do you suggest...???? i want to save him at any cost...please tell me some ayurvedic medicines and also tell me from where are they available and please reply me soon...
ReplyDeleteHello Pushpinder, the various herbs like Mutrakrichantak Churna, Rencure formula, Varunadi vati and Punarnava mandur can be used together to reduce creatinine and urea levels. I have used them in the past even in dogs and now I have many veterinary doctors who are recommending me for the treatment of kidney failure of the dogs and even cats and the results are excellent. You can contact at ( mr. Ashwani) to know the cost and delivery information
DeleteHello sir,
ReplyDeletethis is chandan sinha from bihar... my mother is using your medicine for last 3 months ..her ceritnine level has come down from 9 to 6 but urea is still increasing earlier it was 144 and now its is 170...please let me know which medicine should she use to take control over her urea problem?
Dear Chandan - It is a good news that creatinine level has reduced from 9 to 6. Continue the same herbs - Advanced stages kidney failure package mentioned at and also add - Echinacea capsules - 2 thrice daily to reduce the urea levels also. To increase Hemoglobin, increase dosage of Punarnava mandur tablets ( Already there in kidney failure package) to 2 tablets thrice daily. Write to me at for further discussion
DeleteI'm 46 & taking ayurvedic medicines,my creatinine level is 7.5 from 17.5.The urea level came down from 260 to 175 last week but has gone upto 220 this week.I was advised a transplant when I first went to a nephrologist regarding this matter.I went for a second opinion to a nephrologist from Apollo.He gave me medicines to reduce creatinine & urea,advised a diet plan,& restricted water consumption to 1ltrs.But I went for ayurveda after a suggestion from a friend.Though the medicine has worked,but the increase in urea is a matter of concern.The reports have confirmed that I'm having grade 3 renal disease.My B.P. levels have come down & are normal at present.Please help.
Deletehello sir....... myself manish....30 yrs/male..
ReplyDeletei have stone in my right kidney.... 1.5 cm dislocate from kidney....... now in tube near to urine ballader. dr suggested me to have RFT is BLOOD UREA 31.8 mg/dl
S. CEATININE..1.4 mg/dl
S. URIC ACID.. 7.1 mg/dl
is this because of stone infection or something else
Hello Manish The current situation is because of stone and not because of any serious kidney disease., but don't ignore. For kidney stones ayurveda has effective medicines which can break kidney stones. I can see your Uric acid is also high. For that also Ayurvedic medicines like navkarshik churna are can read about them at
DeleteWrite to us at
Sir, Myself 33 yrs, female, diabetic (past 7 yrs), CKD past 4 yrs(diagonsed and confirmed during my pregnancy and developed secondary BP (ranges 130/80 to 140/90). My medications are novonorm 2mg; envas 2.5mg; alphadopa 250mg. my values are Hb10.2; urea 53; sr. Cr 2.8 and scan report says bulky uterus (not mensurating for the last 1.6 yrs with no symptoms, pain etc.)and bilateral medical renal parenchymal disease. My dr prescribed ketosteril tablets - three tablets daily but i could not afford it. I want to come out of allopathy because i fear of any side effects. pls advice. Thanks in advance
ReplyDeletehi - I would suggest you to start with the Revive kidneys package mentioned at
DeleteThese will help to support the kidney functions. The pricing for indians is cheaper as the shipping within India is reasonable than shipping overseas.
hello doctor i m 30 year old lady ihave slight sugar level high& BP, my creatinine is 1.9, bun--24.5, K- 6.5, hb- 9%, this is diagnose during prenancy.
ReplyDeleteand currently taking following tebs--
Nexiron-o --BD,shelcal 500 mg-BD, Amplopress-5mg-od,diamicron 30 mg--od,
as per doctors you have just start kidney problem.
please advice me
Hi- please keep sugar and BP in control using natural herbs. Read at The creatinine and urea are slightly elevated so there is nothing really serious but being cautious is important. Start monitoring the levels every 15 days in the beginning . You can start with mutrakrichantak churna and rencure formula. Contact Ashwani Ji at +91-9915593694
Please. He check the reply above and you can write to us at
DeleteDr. Vikram Chauhan, my father is now 75 yrs old. He is a man with simple living and never having habit of much eating. for last 8 months he lost his appetite. Last month he suddenly suffered in loose motion. He was checked up by a Medicine specialist and after blood test high creatinine level was found (2.3). He doesn't have high blood pressure, nor he is having Diabetic disorder. No symptom of swelling feet is seen. He becomes weak and loses a little appetite. As whole he is normal. He is not using any medicines other than a liver tonic (i.e. Sylibon) and Esomeprazole for gas trouble. But according to the advice of the doctor after detecting his creatine high leverl he used a medicine which is used to increase urine volume.
ReplyDeleteThe level 2.3 is not an end stage renal disease and this can respond very well to the revive kidneys package mentioned at - Or you can also call Mr. Ashwani at 09915593604 or
Deletehello doctor i m 31 year old house wife, ihave slight sugar level high& BP, my creatinine is 1.9, bun--24.5, K- 6.5, hb- 9%, this is diagnose and my left kidney size is - 9.5 cm Rt kidney is smaller 7.5cm.i have contactact with nephrologist he tells your kidnies are 75% damaged.i m too much feared. and hopless towards my life. please suggest me what i do.
ReplyDeletecurrently taking following medicines--
Nexiron-o BD,shelcal 500 mg-BD, Amplopress-5mg-od,diamicron 30 mg--od,
Dear dr. My father 67 got kidney from me since 11 year. Last week his creatinin 2.6 and his urea 100 he took cyclosporine. Cellcept. Amlodipin. Prednisolon. Concor. Lyrica. Plz advice this increament didnt happened during the 11 year post transplantation. Just last week. No diarrhea. No fever. Good appetite. Plz advice
To reduce creatinine and urea levels, I would suggest to add Mutrakrichantak churna as it is a wonderful remedy for kidney failure. Along with this, add Varunadi Vati, Rencure Formula and Punarnava mandur. Check all of them at - in the kidneys section.
Deletei m diebetic patien n also creatine is 2.5 bun is 35
ReplyDeletehave u a treatment for me.may u send me medicin. i m living in pakistan.plz rply me bhagwan will keep u in his blessing
Hello - To Reduce creatinine levels, you can place the order of Revive kidneys pacakge at or in the Kidney Care Section
DeleteThe herbal combinations are giving excellent results. Or you can contact Mr. Ashwani thakur at - to know more about how to get this package if you dont have a credit card
This is the testimonial I received today from one patient from USA. I get such mails almost everyday-
DeleteDr. Vikram Chauhan,
You will be pleased to know that my BUN is down to 14 and my Creatinine is down to 0.9 My filtration rate went from 41 to 62 which means all is now perfectly normal....I give credit to G0D first and to your Herbs second.....I recommend them both to everyone who needs help with their Kidney Failure.....I would never have found your web site if not for answered prayer....
Thank you so much
Karen- USA
Hello Dr Vikram
ReplyDeleteMy mother-in-law aged 64 has diabetes and had been complaining of loss of apetite and occassional weekness for past couple of months. Her BP was high and 2 days back found that creatinine was 6. She had been admitted for observation and the creatinine is now 8.2. She is being advised to undergo dialysis even before trying out any other options. Please help/advise if we can avoid dialysis and switch to your herbal medicine.
Yes, you can switch over to Ayurvedic medicines to reduce urea and creatinine levels. You can contact us at and send full reports and also talk with Mr. Ashwani at +91-9915593604 and provide him all the details and ask him how to get these medicines to keep the creatinine under control and reduce it to avoid dialysis
Deletemy father hai serum critinine 5.3 so plz help m how to control the critinine plz plz...
ReplyDeleteThe above mentioned ayurvedic herbs help to reduce creatinine. So please write to with detailed reports of your father and also read about us at - ( kidney section) - the product Mutrakrichantak Churna.. to know more about us and what we are doing in kidney failure
DeleteDr. My grandmothers creatine levels went up and is now at 3.5 she is currently taking your Matrakrichantak Churna, Rencure, & Punarnava Mandoor. Should she be also taking the Varunati?? Is this the pill that will target lowering creatine levels?? Please help!
ReplyDeleteHello Dr.
ReplyDeleteI am 45 years old and for last 6years having cretinen 2.ds24 and sudnly it becom 3.47 , pl advise on 9810163554 or
Manoj Madhu
ReplyDeleteMy father is undergoing chemo therapy for ano rectal cancer. And now his creatinine level has gone up to 1.78 from 1.2 . Doc said that they need to control the cretanine first and then they will start with further chemo. I want to knw that is there a way to bring back the creatinine level to normal ? And to make sure that is does not get increased further.
Pl .. I await a reply soon.
How to get your product in Indonesia ,I need Immediately, my doughter
ReplyDeletehas creatinine 11, Please reply Immediately
My mom is suffering from high creatine 6, calcium 16, urea 53, uric acid 13.5, sodium 131, chloride 97 etc. She got diabetes from last 18 years.
ReplyDeleteKindly suggest what should we do. Awaiting your quick reply.
My mother is 63 yrs old, suffers from hypertension, Diabetic. Her blood creatinine level is 4.2, urea is 120 and suffering from 85 % kidney failure. Can you pls suggest what to do in this level to lower her creatinine level and to avoid dialysis
ReplyDeletePlease contact ashwani at 09915593604 and read about revive kidneys package at
DeleteHello And Regards Dr.Vikram
ReplyDeleteMy Father's Creatinine is 1.3. He is a hypertensive and on antihypertensive Repace H since last 6 years. While randomly searching for some non allopathic treatment options . I came across your website. Please guide . Can my father be helped too with these medicines . Are there any side effects.
hello sir my name is avinash mother serum creatinine level is 1.86 and her blood urea level is 46,her HB level is 7...she is diabetic as well but her sugar is not high it is close to normal...we are reffering a nephrologist since last 2 years..her age is 42 and her weight is around 70-75 her situation critical?
ReplyDeletedear sir
ReplyDeletemy father is has diabetic(15yr).recently he had a heart can't suggest for angiogram because createnine is 3.6 & urea is 65.he take insulin(huminsulin) 3 times.dose is sugar level and bp is under control.he take clavis,cilacar,alfalog,metaguard cr 60,elotroxin 50,epsolin,please suggest me how we reduce creatinine and urea?
Dear Dr. Vikram Chauhan,
ReplyDeleteMy father is 76 years old and suffering from high blood pressure in his both eyes (I think it took now over 35 years). Now one eye has less sight and taken western medicine tables (I think from last 30 years) to control the blood pressure. As the tablets and eye drops cannot recover his eye sights, his eyes were operated and put small valves to reduce the high blood pressure, 6-7 years ago. Now, my father is suffering from diabetics also. Due to the tablets taking over 30 years (I assume), my father got kidney diseases also from 5-6 years ago. So he is taking western medicine for that too. Now his Dr. is saying that he needs to get support from a dialyzer as his serum level goes 8.5. Now he doesn’t have good feeling to eat, also having vomiting and itching symptoms. We are afraid to go for that and looking for some ayurvedic treatments to recover this.
Could you please suggest us to recover him and get his normal life... please..!
Dear Dr. Vikram Chauhan,
ReplyDeleteMy father is 76 years old and suffering from high blood pressure in his both eyes (I think it took now over 35 years). Now one eye has less sight and taken western medicine tables (I think from last 30 years) to control the blood pressure. As the tablets and eye drops cannot recover his eye sights, his eyes were operated and put small valves to reduce the high blood pressure, 6-7 years ago. Now, my father is suffering from diabetics also. Due to the tablets taking over 30 years (I assume), my father got kidney diseases also from 5-6 years ago. So he is taking western medicine for that too. Now his Dr. is saying that he needs to get support from a dialyzer as his serum level goes 8.5. Now he doesn’t have good feeling to eat, also having vomiting and itching symptoms. We are afraid to go for that and looking for some ayurvedic treatments to recover this.
Could you please suggest us to recover him and get his normal life... please..!
Dear Sir, I have Serum Creatnine level of 3.3 and GFR rate is 42.3 tested in 2nd week of Nov. Now under immune suppressive drugs. I want to know about the ayurvedic medicines, diets, restrictions to lower the creatinine level. My feet and face is getting swollen now a days. As before I use to drink 3-4 litres of water daily, now it has reduced to 2-3 litres/day including water in food etc. Suggest me how to reduce the levels. Thanking you.
ReplyDeleteDear Dr. Vikram, I am continueosly following your blog and your planetayurveda site. Its superb and bringind new hope in life of such patients.
ReplyDeleteMy 31 Year old sister is suffering from CKD stage 5. Her latest creatinine is 6.6.
Right Kidney Measure: 6.4 X 2.5 cms
Left Kidney Measure: 6.5 X 2.3 cms
Both Kidney size is small and reveal increased cortical reflectivity. No Diabetic and her BP levels ragnes between 130/80 - 140/90.
Nephrologiest says her both kidneys are working only 10% and suggested Kidney transplant which we really don't want to do. Presently she is on dialysis twice in a week. We want to stop dialysis.
I read about your herbal medicine "Kidney Support pack 2 For advanced stages of renal failure" and really felt relax that we can see hope to stop dialysis.
Would like to know, out of your medicine package 2 which medicine should she take to increase size/restore her kidney's functionality and sir how much more days she need to go for dialysis after starting your medicine, we really need to get rid of it? I read above all comment and having very hope please please advice us as she is very young.
Thanks in advance,
Dear doctor
ReplyDeleteI have read all the patients quries and your replies , it s quite pleasing and nice .The problem to me is mild renal impareinment , creatine value is 1.8 and the pressure is around 190/130. doctors have given many medicine and diets . Now why query is why i got this problem at the age of 19 itself now my current age is 24 , whats the correct treatment to cure this ? How to keep the mind calm ?
hello sir,
ReplyDeletemy brother is has diabetic(25 yr).the createnine is 8.5 & urea is 318 and hb is 7.4.he take insulin 2 times....please suggest me how we reduce creatinine and urea?
we dont want to do help me
dear sir
ReplyDeletemy brother is has diabetic(25yr).the createnine is 8.5 & urea is 318 & hb is 7.4.he take insulin 2 times.please suggest me how we reduce creatinine and urea?we dont want to do please help me
hello sir my father age is 59 and his s createnine is 3.9 so can he take this medicine including his tables
ReplyDeleteDear Dr Vikram, My KFT reports are - Urea:70.00, Creatinine:2.52, Uric Acid:4.20, Protein Total:7.70, Alumin:4.20, A:G Ratio:1.20, ALP:70.00, Calcium:9.40, Phosphorus: 4.00, Sodium: 135.00, Potassium: 5.13, and Chloride: 106.00. At present I am taking Punarnava Karaah (after boiling about 10gms in glass of water and reducing it to half, filter and take once a day with Giloe satwa and moti pishti). I am also taking Nebicard 5 and Eslo 5 once a day to keep BP under control, which is at 120/80 after these medicines. Looking at my reports, should I go for the above recomended herbs? I am not daibetic. Please advise what should be done.
ReplyDeleteI am a 70 year old male, 2 weeks ago I became very thirsty, tired quickly and had what I would call uretheritis (restricted flow).
I had blood and urine tests, all were ok, sugar, psa etc etc but creatinine was 271 umol/L.
I'm drinking more and the flow is improving, what more would you advise and will my kidneys return to normal ?
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteMy name is m.venkata rao, my age is 48 years, i am having serium cretinine of 2.5, how to reduce it sir..??
dear sir,
ReplyDeletemy name is m.venkata rao ,my age is 48 years, my serium cretinine is 2.5how can i reduce it..??
Use the revive kidneys package mentioned at - in the kidney section. This helps to reduce the creatinine levels naturally. Contact Mr. Ashwani thakur at - 09915593604 or to get it delivered at your doorstep
DeleteHello Doctor
ReplyDeleteMy name is Amrito Talapatra.My father is 58 years now.He is having kidney problem.His cretinine level fluctuating from last 7 months.His current cretinine level is 3.00.Last october it was 2.33.Before it was 2.66 and 1.20.His uric acid level currently 8.00.So which product you would suggest for him? My Email id is
Dear Sir
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Swaran Singh, my age is 63 years and my Serium Cretinine is 3.30, Blood Urea is 82.4 and S.Uric Acid is 4.2 Please let me know how I can cure it and what diet should I follow to cure it asap???
ReplyDeleteI am 69 years of age. I had MI in 1994 and also CABG was performed in 1994. I am a CHF patient with EF of 40%. I have a ICD implanted.
My Urea, Uric Acid, Potassium and Sodium are normal however my creatinin is 1.8 where the max normal is 1.4
I have given up eating animal protein and also some lentils recently.
I do take diuretic and my water consumption is limited to 1.2 liters per day.
Sir: Your advice will be highly appreciated
Hi My Mother is a patient of diabetics & hypertension since 20 years.
ReplyDelete& last year in jan-12. she diagnosed with Chronic renal failure.
her creatinine is 3.0 is current. and blood urea is 84.
doctors says that her creatinine will increased day by day nobody can stop that.
since 4 months back her creatinine was just 2.4. but after changing a medicines by the treated doctor her creatinine is increasing every month..
her sugar & bp is also not control. after given her 6 tablets in a day for bp.. and 10-10-8 insultin in mrng-Aftrnun-Night. & Lantus at bed time 20IU.
still her sugar level FBS is 179, & BP is 150/100.
please suggest that her creatinine can come down to normal or in a stable condition arund 2 MAX.
i have read all your comments. i am impressed with your treatment. and i believe that my mother will be safe under your treatment..
My name is Nagamani.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
My mother is 61 yrs old. She was diabetic and hypertension patient. Now her Hb was 5gm, creatinine 4.2 and urea was 86. Now she is having swelling in the foot and upper abdomen. 2 units of blood transfusion done.She was edicted by Inj. Tramadol. She is having kidney pain also. please suggest me the treatment. we are resided at Hyderabad. Please suggest any Ayurvedic specialist in Hyderabad for consultation.
dear sir
ReplyDeletemy father is having creatinine 7.4 as on today and due to that problem as per Dr sanjay mittal advice we go for dialysis and dr told me that he need`s 2 dialysis in a weak throughout life..plz help me that if there is any other option for reducing creatinine.plz give me some suggestion i really need it.........
my ID is
Amandep kaur
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHello Dr. Vikram,
ReplyDeleteMy mother is 45 yrs old, suffers from high blood pressure. Her blood creatinine level is around 2.8, urea around 102 and she has only one kidney by birth. Can you pls suggest what to take to lower her creatinine level and any risk due to rise in urea and creatinine level. Its urgent. Please suggest.
Hi sir,
ReplyDeleteMy 61 years aged Father have 3.9 creatinine level with 101 Blood urea, B.P. is around 140/60. Parathroid hormone is 362.
Doctor advice for cornory angiography after seeing ECG and ECHO Report, But due to high creatinine it has been postpond.
Kindly suggest us how to reduce creatining level.
Saurabh Kumar
sir i am 19 week pregnant, i have high bp ranging from 130/90 to 150/90, my urine tests are showing albumin traces since last 1 wbc counts are also elevated. i have swelling on ankels and fingers and sometimes on eyelids. i have headache.plz suggest.
ReplyDeleteMy age is 52years. My creatine is 5.45 and urea 99. I have 3+ protein. I am suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. How can I reduce my creatine level n how long ll it take to reduce it ?
ReplyDeletei want to know about my mother she is suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure from last 20 years.she cant take ayurvedic medicines as she is allergy of it.her present cretanine level is 4.2 and urea level is 145 and sugar level is 188 fasting.plz suggest what is required medicine and treatment.also her hb level is 5.8 and she is allergy of iron too.
Dear sir, my mother aged 50 with haemoglobin level 6.4 and creatinine level is 7.7 and urea level is 102. Please suggest us diet and medicene
ReplyDeleteHello sir my moyher is suffuring from diabetic from past 12years and having b.p also which both paramt. Are under control we are in touch with a nephro. Dr.Samir but just in this month the kft is not good cret. Went to 4.2 blood urea 127 other paras. Are we'll in control what should we do to get it down I don't want my maa to have dyl. Pls suggest food aswel to reduce it aswel thankful to you
ReplyDeleteA hopeful son.
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father is a diabetic patient for couple of months...and under treatment(he never taken insulin for it, means sugar level was not too high)...right now sugar level is under control...but from couple of months his createnine level is keep rising in duration of 2 or 3 his createnine level is 2.8, he is 58 years of age. can we go for the renal remedy mentioned in your website?? plz suggest..
Thanks and regards
Argha Roy
dear sir,
ReplyDeletemy father is suffering with kidney problem,creatinine 6.5 and blood urea 125.He is 55 yrs old with control b.p and diabetes.kindly suggest how to reduce these two?
My mother is admitted to Hospital and they are suggesting for immediate dialysis. Her creatinine is 9.2, urea is 121 and sodium, serum is 122, haemoglobin is 7.1 and 24 hr urinary - proteins - 1764. as USG renal doppler impression is 1/2 bilateral renal parenchymal disease with high resistive reno vascular flow. and as per sonography size of right kidney is 86 X 31 mm and 90 X 34 mm of left. Is dialysis required immeidately? Will it be permanent?
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteOur pet dog is surer ing from high Creatine levels ,it is 9. 1, he is also having a mass of 11 cm in the abdomen area,which doctor say is malignanton seeing the sonography,is there some way we can help him,he has become weak and due to the drips daily is having pain in his ,
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteMy mother is suffering from piles and constipation since many years. She is 72 yrs. Last year she suffered cardiac arrest and her heart is functioning at 30%. After the heart attack, her creatinine and urea levels have increased. Recent test results show creatinine - 2.6, blood urea - 109, uric acid - 8. Due to chronic constipation, she skips meals and her hemoglobin levels are low. She has been complaining of abdominal discomfort and fullness/bloating. Though doctors examining her suggest that there is no obstruction in abdomen and it is soft. Please advise some medicines for her constipation and reducing creatinine levels
ReplyDeleteMy father is around age of 80 years and a diabetic patient. His creatinine level is 2.62 & HB is 10. Please tell us how to control creatinine level.
hii.. dear doctor... my brother's recent creatinine level is 7.5 & hemoglobin 7.5 too. he had a post renal transplant in feb 2002.. but in last december his creatinine was 4.45 his doctor continued the medication.. but we checked blood and the report is that.. pls help us doctor pls.. :(
ReplyDeletei have urea 60 mg/dl and creatinine 2.7 mg/dl .how to reduce it?
ReplyDeletei have urea 60 mg/dl and creatinine 2.7 mg/dl .how to reduce it?
ReplyDeleteThis is my first opportunity to visit this website. I found some interesting things and I will apply to the development of my blog. Thanks for sharing useful information. Control high blood sugar
ReplyDeletehello doctor my father is 46 year old he has a creatine level 2.7 and urea 60 mg/dl.please suggest some ayurvedic medicine to decrease it. i request you to please help
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Anil and my father aged 72 years is having creatinine level of 9 and also he is a Diabetic and Blood pressure patient. Can the creatinine level be reduced and increase the normal kidney function by diet, he is pure vegetartian and non-alcohalic. what are your suggestions.
My E-mail Id is
Hi, My husband is already on a dialysis treatment,does your herbal medicine could still revive his kidney,and is it still advisable for him to take. Thanks and God bless!
ReplyDeleteMy mother is 62 year old. She is a diabetic , suffering from high blood pressure and hyper tension. Her creatinine level has always ranged between 1-3 but this month it has suddenly risen to 5.2, urea 70 and haemoglobin 9.4. Kindly suggest some medication so that the creatinine level can be lowered down faster.
ReplyDeleteHi ,I am 31 /female ..I am living in Kuwait...I have diagnosed with CKD stage 2 at the time of my second delivery.. That time my creatinine was 134 and was stable around 2 years but suddenly it start raising high in just 4 to its 397 I need any medicine which can help to reduce my creatinine..... I heard about some ayurvedic medicine in Delhi also ...and I arranged it for me its coming here in Kuwait in Two I am confused also...when I heard about you....please tell me how can u help me...thanks
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy age is 57 yrs, i'm diabetics from last 20 yrs & my creatnine has gradually increased from 1.6 ( fro 8 yrs) to 2.4 (8 months) & today it is at 2.5( in 4 months). BP 130/70, pulse 80, ALBUMIN CREATINE RATIO(URINE)=862.9 mg/g
urine albumin=560 mg/dl
urine creatnine=82 mg/l
urea=57 mg/dl
uric acid=5.4 mg/dl
alkaline posphate(alp)=127 u/l
total protein=7.44 g/dl
a:g ratio= 1.55
calcium total=9.45
phosphorous=3.73 mg/dl
sodium= 133 mEq/l
potasium=6.03 mEq/l
chloride=101 mEq/l
I'm on insuline 30/70, doze 30 units both times (of 40 units/cc ). Doctor has prescribed following medicines:
1. Alphaketalog -2 tabs tds
2. Nodosis ds 1 BD
3. TELMA 80mg 1od
4. Tab silodal (8mg) at night
5. Kalicept 15mg sachet 1 tds for 7 days
Need your guidance whether this can be controlled & can be reduced to normal.
My email address is
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father aged 86 years, is suffering from Prostate Cancer & Tb Chronic Lungs infection, 2 years back he had undergone stenting of kidneys & at that time his creatine level had gone till 9, but after the operations the level had reduced to 3, now after 2 years his creatine level has risen to 7.5 & doctors have recommended dialysis, and they say possibilities are that he may survive 2/ 6 months, as was advised by friends that dialysis at this age with multiple diseases will be very painful, hence lets give him peaceful end, please suggest, Regds Ajit, my mail id
Hi sir,
ReplyDeletePlease let me know if there could be "side effects" due to intake of ayurvedic/herbal medicines for chronic kidney failures. Also if it can be consumed parallely with allopathy medicine.
I wish to continue with this for my dad whose one kidney is not functioning and has got partial nephroctomy in another kidney. currently his creatine level is 5.7 and urea is 95.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir ,
ReplyDeleteMy Dad is 62 year old and he is diabetic and take insuline 30/70, doze 30 units both times (of 40 units/cc ). His creatnine level is 2.2 .Please suggest medicine .Thanks in advance.Please reply me on
Sir my mother is 55years old there is stone in her kidny near about 30 mm nd because of this creatinine is increasing day by day
ReplyDeleteHi there how r u ? Sir my name is amjad my age is 37 years old i live in karachi pakistan my creatine is too high doctor advise me dailysis but i don't want dailysis because my one younger sister is on dailysis last 14 years and my younger brother death in this problem i m only one family supporter so i can't dailysis do u have any solution can u help recover my kidney
ReplyDeleteThis is my blood report Date:11 May 2014
Creatine 12.14
Calcium 7.91
Phosphorus 8.61
Potassium 4.7
Bicarbonate 21
Sodium 136
Albumin 4.2
Haemoglobin 9.0
Red Blood Cells 3.74X10^12/L
Platelets Count 212000
Hi sir , my husband is suffering from serum creatine problem since 9 years. It was increasing slowely and he is taking homeopathy medicine for the same. Now creatine has increased to 12.6 and homeopathy doc is referring for dialysis. Please let me know if it can be reduced by ayurveda or he has to start dialysis. Please help as we have not started with dialysis yet. My husband is 41 yrs old.
ReplyDeletesir, my sister(22yrs) has just a single kidney from her birth and the rest one kidney is smaller than normal size. because of abnormal size of kidney it is not working well. she has always an increased level of urea and creatinine in her blood. her present urea is 113 and creatinine in 8.2. doctors are advising us either for kidney transplantation or for dialysis.. but since we are very poor we can't do transplantation and since dialysis is a lifelong treatment we can't do this also.. sir, i want to ask you if there is any treatment in AYURVEDA then please advise me ???
ReplyDeletesir i have transplanted may kidney that donate by my elder brother, he is about 30 years old an i am as about 22 ,the transplantation has been done at 31 may after all my cretin that not be maintained is given ratio that is 1.94 and BUN that is 42 today how can i maintain these things as given %age or ratio.
ReplyDeleteI am Holmes from USA, I want to use this medium to testify of how i got cured from HIV AIDS. I contacted HIV from my husband, my husband died 2 years ago from this disease, my life was gradually coming to an end living with this deadly disease daily, i did all i could to get cured from this disease but all to no avail, until i saw a post on health forum about a spell caster called Dr Osemen ( who cured all kind of diseases including HIV AIDS, when i contact this healing spell doctor he helped me cast a healing spell and i got cured within 48hours (2days), I am back on my feet again. Contact this spell caster for any kind of disease via this email
ReplyDeleteMy father is affected by more creatinine and low heamoglobin. Already he is sugar patient. his age is 63. how to control the uera and hoe to increase the heamoglobin.
ReplyDeleteMy creatinine level is 1.3 mg/100 to lower it amnd what does it mean .my all blood report are normal as Urea - 23 mg/100 ml, Uric Acid - 4.4 mg/100 ml, Cholesterol - 186 mg/100 ml, HDL Cholesterol - 58 MG/100 ml, LDL Cholesterol - 98 mg/100 ml, SUGAR ( FASTING - 60mg/100 ml & PP - 90 mg/100 ml) , SGOT - 24 U/L , SGPT - 32 U/L,BILIBRIUM TOTAL - 0.6 mg/100 mL , Hb- 14.2 & WBC Count - 7900 /cumm.
your opinion please.
ReplyDeletei am in 55 years i have PKD since 20 years ago from 7 years only start to effect on my kidny
ceriatenin 3.5 presser blood under control by medicin Amlor 10 mg daily my doctor tel me bad news that after 2 years i have ready to wash kednys pls, can i use yuor medicin and how i can get if yes
My father @63, diabetic nephropathy. Went under angioplasty and on dialysis since sep 14. his creating was 1.4 on nov 22 and its 6.3 on Dec 23.
ReplyDeletehow to take it further
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father(age 60) has kidney stone of size 13mm at left side urinary tract...Hence he has been developed with creatinine 1.7 and Numerous PUS cells in urine...he is taking berberis vulgaris(homeopathy medicine-12 drops) for 3 months...But no improvement...Kindly help me to remove the stone...Thanks in advance sir...
ReplyDeletemy father is around 62 age and his creatinine label is 1.4. He is a high blood pressure and high diabetes patients. please tell me that this creatinine label is normal or not. If not then please suggest me.
hello docter, my father's serum creatinine is reached 4.2 docter advised for dialysis but we don't want it is it possible that creatinine can normal if yes then please tell me and my father's age is 44
ReplyDeleteSir,my mom is 64 years old..she is daibitic since 32 years.she got BP problem..her cretinine level is 2.1.she has swallon feet.face.arm..she is feeling too low .but her cretinine level is stable at 2.1.she is hospitalised and having human albumin 20% injection. I would like to know diat as she is pure vegitarian.plz guid me..thanks
ReplyDeleteI am 34 years old diabetic since 4 years, serum creatinine 1.4 mg/dl blood urea 30.76 mg/dl. Is it threatening situation? Please advise.
Dr I have ordered some products for which I have received the order on (9aa0cc00883c) but i am not able to track the order kindly let me know by when I will receive the product..... I have ordered the product in alwayayurveda website.......
ReplyDeleteHi vikramji I have a question. As my mother is also having this kidney problem and is under medication. Can she also take these ayurvedic medicine along with them? Will there be any side effect?
ReplyDeleteMy brother is 29 yrs having CKD stage 5 with moderate mitral regurgitation and creatinine 12 please advise me soon
ReplyDeleteYou can send his reports on and I'll guide accordingly!
DeleteHi Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy dad is 68 years old and undergoing dialysis since March 2015. Can he still benefit to use your product?
# Yes he can.
DeleteI am 62 years old. Cholesterol level is 208.9 and critinine level is 1.5. Please suggest me precautions and exercise
ReplyDelete# You can start with some herbal formulation along with home remedies on regular basis to improve with heart and kidney functions. Write me at
DeleteWhat precautions, exercises, veg. diet we shall take to improve hb 7.0 and lover creatinine 1.62. There is swelling on face, right leg, abdomen etc..
My father 59/M is a diabetic since last 20 years and recently has been diagnosed with hypertension, his S. Creatinine is 4.66 and BUN is 80 something and hemoglobin is 7.6 as on 15th September 2015. Electrolytes are in normal range. We are taking Punarnava herb decoction, but his S. Creatinine has increased from 3.7 to 4.6. Can you suggest some remedies? Thank you.
ReplyDeletehi sir,
ReplyDeletemy father is having creatinine 5.4 please suggest me what food is necessary to take now and how to maintain the level
my husband serum creatinine 1.61 and bun 15.26 heamoglobin is 15 .He has high b.p. taking medicine .Please tell your opinion.
ReplyDeleterespected sir/madam
ReplyDeletemy father is suffering for kidney problems ..his creatinine is 5.1..eGFR is 11 ...plasma potassium is 5.0..TCA screen is 3(+) ..urine protein conc .is 272.2 ..urine creatinine 60.7 and urine protein is 4484.3 ..he is 67 years old suggested him for dialysis .but i dont want to do that .he is having blood plessure and diabitees also .and gone through bypass 4 years ago ..can herbal medecine help him ..and is it suitable to take herbal medecine with BP and diabitees tablet ..and where do i get these tablet in india .please suggest me .
thank you
chirag sharma .
good morning sir so pleasure to talk to you my father has gone up three times dialysis his creatinine was first 6.8 he started using medicine but there is no effect it still rises and now it is 14.6 it is rising day by day his urea is 92 and bun 72 doctor said for transplant but we are having family issue please suggest what to do we are in trouble please show the correct way to get rid of transplant
ReplyDeletesir, i have faint trace albumin in urine
ReplyDeleteis it treatable
what i should it will be cured
plzzzz guide me sir...plzzzz
Sir,my dad is having 4.66 creatine in his body how to reduce it??? Whether it will reduce??? Age 47 weight 57.6 BP 150/90
ReplyDeleteSir,my dad is having 4.66 creatine in his body how to reduce it??? Whether it will reduce??? Age 47 weight 57.6 BP 150/90
ReplyDeleteHello sir
ReplyDeleteI am 33 year old and i just shown that my s creatinin in blood is 1.66.and i am fear that what i do i have no idea
Hello sir
ReplyDeleteI am 33 year old and I just shown that my s creatinin is 1.66 and I fear that what i do my weight is 87kg
Hello sir
ReplyDeleteI am 33 year old I just shown that my s creatinin is 1.66 what i do to reduce it i have fear about it
Hi Doctor
ReplyDeletemy father in law is going under dialysis 2 dialysis per week.Doctor ask us for kidney transplant .his urea is 160 nd creatinine is 8.3 in first dialysis .After 2 dialysis its 70 and 5.4. and 5 dialysis its urea is 136 nd creatinine is 9.4. we are following the diet chart .Let me know ur contact number so dat we can start the treatment
Hi Doctor
ReplyDeletemy father in law is going under dialysis 2 dialysis per week.Doctor ask us for kidney transplant .his urea is 160 nd creatinine is 8.3 in first dialysis .After 2 dialysis its 70 and 5.4. and 5 dialysis its urea is 136 nd creatinine is 9.4. we are following the diet chart .Let me know ur contact number so dat we can strat the treatment
Sir my cretinine level 11.2 Uria 184
ReplyDeletemai nagpur mai hu .doc. Ne kha recovary
nhi ho sakti. Bina dyalisis ke.aur mere 4 Dyalisis ho chuka.jisse 4,7 Cretinine ho gya aur uaria 32 Hua h .per mai bina dyalisis ke rehna chahta if any posibility so please help me
my mother is 78 yrs and is having creatinine level of 3.4 and urea lever is 85. her sugar level goes down from 280 to even 50 over night (between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.) is there any correlation between these two (high urea and creatinine and fluctuation in sugar level) and also there is swelling in her left leg. please suggest the course of treatment for the same. regards bhuvana swaminathan
ReplyDeleteHello Dr. My father(age-57) is suffering with CDK-4. Their blood suger and bp is high and creatinine level is 6.9. Dr. Suggesting them dialysis. He is admitted in hospital. So kindly guide us properly.
ReplyDeletehello sir,
ReplyDeletemy name is jarees.before 1 year my father dignosed with kidney disease.he is 64 year old..when we dignosed first..s creatin level was 2.3 and doc discribed to take was raising all the.month and it has reached at 7.1.that time he has had chickenpox and hospitalised.they recomented for immediate dylalisis..but his unin output was high..s creatin was 12.5 that time...then doc said us that immediate dyalis is not neded and gave time of one he is having 11.9 s creatine.and he only taking 600ml water per day and producing 900-1000ml of swelling..he is a bp and diabetic patient .but its on control..please sugest us a way to avoid dylalis..
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy Father is aged at 63 and diabetic since 30 years. He has undergone open heart surgery in 2004 and below knee amputee for both legs in 2011. now that he is diagnosed with CKD with creatinine 6 he has been advised of Dialysis very shortly. can you help me here as I dont want him to undergo this painful process and he is already demotivated.
mera name raj h mera serum creatinine 2.8 and blood urea98.3 h blood pressure 150-90 h age22h albumin- present
ReplyDeleteplz perfect advice
mera name raj h mera serum creatinine 2.8 and blood urea98.3 h blood pressure 150-90 h age22h albumin- present
ReplyDeleteplz perfect advice
Hi sir iam raju from Tenali Ap. Sir my father suffering diabetic since 26years and high blood pressure and creatin 9 plz suggestion sir and blood urea 123
ReplyDeleteHi sir iam raju from Tenali Ap. Sir my father suffering diabetic since 26years and high blood pressure and creatin 9 plz suggestion sir and blood urea 123
ReplyDeleteSir my father has creatinine 5.2 and urea 105. He is also diabetic heart and cholestrol patient with high blood pressure problem. We have started taking precuation lyk controll on his diet alot and started taking vikkdoshhar kwath of patanjali and he is also going to a doctor who is helping to open his nerves which are jàam because of sugar level by pressing the nerves externally on body. Can our efforts help to lower my father creatinine level? Plz reply asap
ReplyDeletehello dr
ReplyDeleteHello Dr. My mother has a creatinine level of 8.2 and potassium 4.8 she is diabetic too and she's very weak. Is there anyway to lower down her levels?
ReplyDeleteHello Doctor ,
ReplyDeleteMy sibling is 35 year old , having diabetes since 10 yrs now . Creatinine levels were 2.7 last month during normal checkup , he was looking for a doctor to go for check up and becaz of other issues he delayed going to Doctor .Now after 4 weeks they r creatinine levels are 8.doctors are suggesting dialysis . Does Dialysis need to be continued for
Life time or any other solution like tablets etc ?
hi , i am 31 years old, recently identified i have a problem with IgA NEPHROPATHY issue, having creatin value 3.1 and proteins are passing through urin, having high BP as well. is my problem will be resolved by this medicine and how much time will take.
ReplyDeleteHi Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father, age 63 years is diabetic since age 35. Over the last year the creatinine levels have gradually increased and currently at 6.8 mg/DL and urea levels 60 mg/DL. The doctors have started to push for dialysis, but we wanted to know if this is the alternate medication that we can start with. Can we use your medications as mentioned above in your article? Also, while taking the above prescribed medications, should we completely stop the regular medicines which we are following? would it have any effect if we followed both the medications.
thanks in advance.
Hello doctor I am Tanya 34 years old.i have recently done serum creatinine it's result is 1.0 mg/dl.medicines taking for hypertension Concor 5mg morning and for cholesterol Rosavel f 5mg at night.i am non diabetic.bp and cholesterol is in normal range.i have done abdomen scan and cue results are normal.need to take any medicines for lowering creatinine levels or can I control with diet.1.0 mg/dl creatinine level means is it high level or is it normal.please clarify I am worried.
ReplyDeleteMy father have creatinine level 8.4.please advise me some natural emedies and medications.My Email address is
ReplyDeleteSir, I live in Bangladesh. my mother (53) creatine 7.7 last month was 6.7 . how can I buy this.if I unable to buy. how Can I decerease this.
ReplyDeleteSir, I live in Bangladesh. my mother (53) creatine 7.7 last month was 6.7 . how can I buy this.if I unable to buy. how Can I decerease this.
ReplyDeleteSir I live in Pakistan.I am patient of polycystic kidney.My creatinine is 4.2 and urea is 67.both kidneys are of size 160mm,width is 82mm right and 80mm reply as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteSir I am Patient of polycystic kidney disease and my creatinine level is 4.3 plz recommend me suitable medicine for this as the doctors in allopathy have said that I have to move towards dialysis.
ReplyDeletesir please reply as soon as possible about the medicine which my father should take to reduce his creatinine and kidney size(due to polycystic disease)
ReplyDeleteMy father age is 61, serum creatinine value in his blood is 2.52,
how to reduce serum creatinine levels in blood in Natural remedies and medicine???
Please give us advice.
ReplyDeleteMy father age is 61, serum creatinine value in his blood is 2.52,
how to reduce serum creatinine levels in blood in Natural remedies and medicine???
Please give us advice.
DeleteYou can start with Revive kidneys pack for your patient. This will help to repair damage kidneys. Visit -
hello sir
ReplyDeleteI am 39 years old , well built . for last 4 to 5 months i fell on my face gets swell . specially i puffy eyes. i used to have liquor, is it because of having liquor?
please suggest and if there is some medicine please refer.
rk suri
ReplyDeleteLimit your alcohol in take and start with Punarnava cap (2/ twice daily after meal with water). Visit -
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteMy father is of 65 yrs. he is having BP and diabetes since 20 yrs and under medication. ( fasting sugar144 and medication adjusted to control further.)
Presently he has high creatinine 1.74 mg/dl and in kidney, a cortical cyst (23x23) mm detected at mid pole of left kidney.Bilateral cortical scarring is seen. Chronic renal parenchymal disease is diagnosed.
I have seen the comments and reply of your blog and understood that high creatinine with bp and diabetes having the mentioned Ayurvedic solution.
For cortical cyst in kidney, what is the solution.? How much Time it may take to cure with your suggested medicine?
Thanking you...
Dear Dr. Vikram,
ReplyDeleteNamaskar !
My mother aged 69 is having Diabetes and BP since last 20 yrs, recently she had swelling in both the feet which doctor diagnosed as Cellulitis legs. She also has osteoporis and had undergone multiple bone surgeries. Her latest KFT report has Urea-114, Creatinine-3.47, Phosphorus-6, Total Protein-8.3, Protein-Creatinine Ratio-1.69. Her HbA1C % is 6.2%. She has been advised for allopathic medicines; Ketodel, Q-Tine, Renophilus by the doctor. I don't know how serious is this, but doctor is saying, she's in stage 4 of CKD.
As per you, how serious is this condition and besides the above medicines, can you pls advise ayurvedic medicines which can cure her kidney ailment?
Rohit Bajaj