There are many patients who suffer from interstitial lung disease. This is what I would like to recommend to such patients. This is a formula is made after discussion with many experienced Ayurvedic doctors and my own practical experience in my clinical practice.

Interstitial Lung Disease Herbal Remedies - Ayurvedic Treatment of ILD
- Godanti Bhasma - 10 gm
- Abhrak Bhasma - 2 gm ( Shata puti)
- Punarnava Mandur - 5 gm
- Kaf Kuthar Ras - 5 gm
- Kas Shwas Chintamani Ras 2 gm
- Swran Sameer Pannag Ras - 1 gm
- Swarn Basant Malti Ras - 2 gm
- Praval Bhasma - 10 gm
- Kamdudha Ras - 10 gm
- Praval Panchamrit Ras - 10 gm
- Praval Pishti - 5 gm
- Mukta Pishti - 3 gm
- Kamdudha Ras - 5 gm
- Swarn Makshik Bhasma - 5 gm
- Somyog or Somlata Churna - 20 gm
Make 60 sachets of equal quantity and consume twice daily, with honey - Will last for 1 month.
Vassa Avaleha (Herbal Jam) - 1 tablespoonful twice daily, after meals - (3 Pcs. x 1 month).
Kantkari Avaleha - 1 tablespoonful twice daily, after meals (3 Pc x 1 month).
Aller-G Care Capsules - 2 capsules twice daily (2 Pc. x 1 month).
Amyron Tablet - 2 twice daily.
Boswellia-Curcumin - 2 twice daily.
Praanrakshak Churna - 1 teaspoonful twice daily or consume after boiling in water - take 1 tablespoonful of powder, boil in 400 ml water, untill it remains 50 ml. Filter it and consume lukewarm twice daily. Make fresh daily.
These are pure ayurvedic medicines for interstitial lung disease. The treatment is purely natural without causing any side effects. This Ayurvedic treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) can be continued along with any ongoing treatment. The herbal remedies for interstitial lung disease give results within few days of usage and should be continued for few months.
You can write at for feedback and information about how you can get these remedies delivered at your home or fix a telephonic or physical appointment with Dr. Vikram Chauhan - Visit the website - WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM OR WWW.ALWAYSAYURVEDA.COM
Respected Dr.Vikram,
Sir my father is diagnosed with ILD recently at Patel Chest Inst. Delhi. Kindly let me know if you have treated any patient with this disease as there is no treatment available in allopathy.My mail id is
eagerly waiting for your reply.
with kind regards
vineet sharma
Business Training manager
Consumer care Products
Piramal Health Care
respected Dr. vikram,
sir on my redness is there i have tried everything but it is still there...and my pores are also seen it looks really bad plz help me out.
Repected Dr. Vikram,
ReplyDeleteMy family member has collapsed lungs with 50% functionality and are recommended to stay on oxygen as long as possible. Is there any ayurvedic treatment for the situation.
Please suggest.
Saurabh Sood
Dear Vineet,
ReplyDeleteYes, I have treated some patients with ILD and found very good results. You can write to me at for more information. I can give you some e mail ID's of the patients who were suffering from ILD and benefited.
Priya - please read you message , please explain where is the redness ?
Dear Sir
DeleteMy wife is suffering from ILD and pulmonary Hypertention and is on supplement oxygen24/7 can you give testimonials of people benefitted my mail id is
Deepak Luthra
Dear Dr. Vikram,
ReplyDeleteMy Father is suffering from I.L.D and feeling problem in taking breath. I have tried even in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital but there is nothing better result found.
also want to tell that someone suggested to use ayurvedic treatment with allopathy but I'm confused that I should go or not.
Kindly suggest.
hi this monu. how is your father now? my father also diagnose with ILD i read your mail to Dr Vikram Chauhan on his blog about ayurvedic treatment for ild have you got any positive results from ayurvedic treatment please reply
DeleteHello. How is your father now. Please email me if you found any medication that works. My mother has ILD.
DeleteHello Deepu, I think you should go ahead using Ayurvedic treatment with Allopathic medicines. The Allopathic treatment is mainly aimed at providing relief by using medicines to keep the airways open to help in breathing. There are ayurvedic medicines which give better results.. and there are no harm in using them with allopathic medicines. Many are simple herbs like Turmeric ( Curcumin) which I use and also Tulsi ( holybasil).
ReplyDeleteYou can also write to me at and call me at my office phone
Posted by Patti Marshall- A patient in USA who was advised Lung transplant and suffered from ILD - This is his e mail to me - dated - Sunday, February 14, 2010 4:36 AM
ReplyDeleteDear Dr. Vikram Chauhan
I am quite willing to give you my permission to give my email address to any of your patients that would like to know my medical history and the use of your Ayurveda herbs.
My email address is:
Thank you so much for your concern and your herbs.
Patti Marshall
Dear Dr. vikram,
ReplyDeletesir, my mother is stongly suffering from this disease.her father also died with this she is using oxygen for 24 hours at home.when she go to bathroom or try to walk she cant breath and will say:i will die now.sir now she is using steroids.we are living in kerala so she cant travel such a distance sir.please help me sir.i am waiting for your please give me reply
Hello Dr.
ReplyDeleteLast week my mother is diagnosed with ILD, she is 63 and having difficulties in breathing. We havent' yet started the allopathic medicines( in this case there are only Corticosteriods)because they may result severe side-effects.Now we're going to consult another Lungs Specialist. Can your remedy really help me out?...KAJARI
Interstitial lung disease is a complicated problem in which there is damage to the lung tissues because of fibrosis. Still Ayurvedic treatment offers hope for many patients as there are some herbs which have been very effective for treatment of interstitial lung disease. We do not claim to clear the fibrosis but there are definite improvements in the clinical condition of the patients suffering from ILD after using Ayurvedic medicines. For more information contact
ReplyDeleteHello sir, my name is nikhil my mother is suffering from ild and recently she had splenctomy surgery after and done biopsy of spleen and diagnosed with spleen tb ,is there any treatment for both ?
ReplyDeletePlease contact mr. Ashwani at or 09915593604
ReplyDeleteHere are the questions which usually patients ask me -
ReplyDelete1. What is the time period - I have to take the medicine:: 1 month, 2 months, 6 months or life long?
Initially the same amount of medicine to be consumed for about 3-6 months but later on it can be reduced to almost half the quantity or even less. The medicines consumption can last from 1 year to life long depending upon the condition of the disease.
2. In what time frame one could expect to feel better? Would cough and throat irritation be eliminated?
The difference between the condition can be felt within a few days... the basic symptoms like cough, throat irritation and even breathlessness respond within about 2 weeks or so. I also recommend Pranayam ( if you are not able to do all the pranayam's just do bhastrika slowly for 10 minutes daily)
3. The medicine I suppose reduces / eliminates inflammation; does lung capacity increase? Will it help in longer walking so as to reduce / eliminate ' breathlessness '. ?
Yes, it will help to improve the lung capacity also. Pranayam also helps a lot to improve lung capacity. The herbs also help a lot. So overall breathlessness will improve.
4. Pl advise of your results on some patients who have benefitted?
There are many patients who benefited from ILD combination package of the above mentioned ayurvedic medicines. Interstitial lung disease is a cumbersome disease but still we are able to help many patients live a better lifestyle and many are even cured.
I am keen to progress , I request you to please enlighten me on points above to make up my mind.
hello sir, my name is hemant sharma, my mother is suffering from ILD
ReplyDeletefrom last four month
she is now on oxygen doctor said her both lungs are damaged
is there any hope in treatment of Ayurveda
can she take both Ayurveda and allopathic medicines
Dear Vikram sir,
ReplyDeleteThis is mahesh from chennai my father was suffered with lung disease ,shortness of breath,and if he try to sleep within 10 minutes he will get veesing, i taken sugestion from md chest specialist says that my father disease is not currable his two lungs damaged like ulsur and he not given proper solution to save my father sir,Right now he was using the tablets ( medrol 400 , synasma ,rablet 20, lasilactone) Please help me to save my father plz plz ,am working for small pvt company 10k salary so i cant spend more ,but i need to save my father, plz tell me which tablet can postphone my father problem
by Mahesh 9003037158
Dear Vikram sir,
ReplyDeleteThis is mahesh from chennai my father was diabetic patient and suffered with lung disease ,shortness of breath,and if he try to sleep within 10 minutes he will get veesing, i taken sugestion from md chest specialist says that my father disease is not currable his two lungs damaged like ulsur and he not given proper solution to save my father sir,Right now he was using the tablets ( medrol 400 , synasma ,rablet 20, lasilactone) Please help me to save my father plz plz ,am working for small pvt company 10k salary so i cant spend more ,but i need to save my father, plz tell me which tablet can postphone my father problem
by Mahesh 9003037158
Hello sir,
ReplyDeletesir, my mother is stongly suffering from this disease. she is 57 and having difficulties in breathing and having so much weakness.we are living in Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh so she cant travel such a distance sir.please help me sir.i am waiting for your please give me reply
Respected Dr.Vikram,
ReplyDeleteSir my father is diagnosed with ILD(uip)pattern recently at AIIMS Delhi, but there is nothing better result found. He is 57 and having difficulties in breathing and having so much weakness.
someone suggested to me use ayurvedic treatment with allopathy but I'm confused.Kindly suggest me,
Im sending you CT SCAN REPORT on your email id, plz read this and suggest me,which medicines i have to buy?
PLZ suggest me.
hello sir my mother is suffring from I.L.D past 3 years she is taking ayurvadic treatment and having shwas chintamani ras1 ,shwas kuthar ras 2prabhakar vati2,tankan bhasma ,chausath prehri pipal bhasma,godanti bhasma, with swamla chawnprash , honey and milk twice a day , but she is not getting any relif can i get any treatment from your medicine , kindly help me my email id is
ReplyDeleteHi Dr,
ReplyDeleteI am Pankaj. My father is suffering from chronic interstitial lung disease. 2 months before they had problem while taking breath. at that time took them to Whorkard Hospital. Now they feel okay but Dr told me that it's serious disease, please take care. Then i search on net i found that it's not curable from Normal medicines. and finally come to Ayurveda.
Please Dr help me with this, I know it's not cure completely, but I have ready that it can be controlled by Ayurveda
So please reply me is it really works ???
hello doctor,
ReplyDeletemy mother is suffering from ILD and she is also arthritis patient. plz suggest what to do.
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteMy Father in-law is suffering with ILD and giving minimal response to Allopathic medicines. One of our well wisher asked us to take help of Ayurveda. We are based in Mumbai, so could you suggest a Good Ayurveda Hospital in Mumbai where we can start his treatment.
Dinesh Shetti
Hello All,
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen positive results in treating ILD? My dad is suffering from ILD and has become very thin. Currently, he is on steroids and does;t look they are helping him out. Please could you advise on best treatment.
Best Wishes,
one of my friend aged 40 years is suffering from ILD and the doctor has told that the lungs have been 90% damaged. We are based in bangalore. Could you please suggest the if any treatment can work. Please do reply to
ReplyDeleteAwaiting for a ray of hope.
Dear sir,
ReplyDeletelast week the specialist diagnosed Pulmonary Fibrosis. Which form is not clear. Research is going on. Till now I have no any symptoms. What kind of nutriënt I have to avoid. Can you give me some suggestions and advise?
Dear Dr Vikram,
ReplyDeleteI am writing to you from Hyderabad. I am very glad to have found your website. My mother has been diagnosed with ILD. She is 64 years. She has been having persistent cough with phlegm . She is also having RA. We have opted not to use corticosteroids due to the side effects. We have been using homeopathic medicine but haven't seen great relief. Sir, could you kindly guide us with your advice and medicines. I hope sincerely to hear from you .
Thanks and best regards,
Dear Vikram Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Rohit and i am from bangalore... My father is currently in hospital and struggling with copd... As per doctors his 75 to 80 percent lungs are damaged because of smoking in the past... Although he quit smoking 4 yrs back.... Do we have any treatment for the same in ayurveda... Can you suggest me something asap... Please help me if you can... I am worried a lot. Regards, Rohit.. 9886892484
dr vikram my mother is diagnosed with ild and dr advised her to stay with oxygen concentrator for 16 hrs and also gave medicin - PIRFE TAB. her condition is not picking up or staying where it was instead it is detorrating. can u advise some medicins for her . her age is 53 and we reside in delhi - my no is +91-9810052586. it would be of great help. it is getting very difficualt for her to do any physical activity as her oxygen levels drop to 45-50 even if she walks 10-15 steps on plain surface
ReplyDeleteDear Dr.Vikram,
ReplyDeleteMy wife is having scars on lung i.e. fibrosis in lingual, calcified nodule and calcified nodes in sub-carinal region. Because of this, she could not get medical fit certificate which is required for family visa to Gulf countries. Please let me know if there is any treatment for this.
- Rajesh
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Gopi Mahesh. I am suffering from ILD, "SILICOSIS" since from last two years. I went many hospitals. And the doctors which I consult in every hospital told me that there is no medicine for Silicosis, ILD. They are all told me that there is the only way is Lung Transplantation. Is there any medicines for Silicosis, ILD. Please help me to find medicine for cure of SILICOSIS, ILD.
7 remedies are listed - which one should be used ?
ReplyDeleteAll medicines have to be taken for an effective cure.